Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me!
I have a few things I want to share before the party. In my pursuit to tighten security and privacy, I am doing away with unnecessary online accounts. I closed my Zazzle store. The bottom line, I wasn’t making any money with it so why keep it. I deleted two Blogger blogs with similar 4M URLs because of its buggie behavior, not wanting to work with my VPN and you have to have a gmail account to use Blooger which I’m trying to move completely away from them. The last thing is, I changed my contact email. I’ve fixed some places on my site but I’m sure there are posts that have my gmail one. Please update my address to cathyrkennedy@protonmail.com .
Now for some fun! This week’s music prompt is…imagine you are putting together a four day music festival. For each day you need a headliner, so who would it be (4 needed)? You can include a couple of other artists if you want who would also perform. Any genre; more than one genre if you want. Living or dead. Solo, duo, band. Your festival, your choices!
💫This month’s spotlight dancer is Ramblin’ with AM!💫
I’ve only been to a few concerts in my life. I’m not too sure how successful my music festival would be with the the idea I used to build my playlist but I liked it and am featuring Lindsey Stirling. What spurred my decision was the last video in my set featuring Evanescence’s lead singer, Amy Lee, and I thought why not use Lindsey as the primary headline act and let other artists be special performers?
I hope you enjoyed the tunes. A few of Lindsey’s accompanying musicians I hadn’t heard of before now. I’m assuming they’re established artists that I’m unfamiliar with. Can you imagine that, me not knowing who a band is? I know, right? LOL
My fellow co-hostess can be found in my side bar below the 4M banner. I invite you to join the linky party below. Every other week, we have a suggested music theme to build your song set around. Usually, participants share YouTube videos for our music enthusiasts’ enjoyment. However, theme picked music isn’t mandatory to hit the dance floor but failure to meet the basic guideline (post must contain music) puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.
I’ll be back to report the outcome of my March 1st BOTB on Wednesday. I hope you’ll check out the results. This is CAAC signing off, have a boogietastic week! X💋X💋, Cathy
A weekly Sparks for you….
Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will. ~Zig Ziglar