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#NoTheme Week on #MondaysMusicMovesMe with #PhoneNumber Song Titles/Lyrics

Hop over to see Sandee for more Awww Mondays fun-spiration!

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! I’m starting off this week wrong already.  I will be a way to tend to some appointments but I’ll be boogieing with you tomorrow.  Although, I’m not here it’s still fabulous that you dropped by today! Are you ready to groove to some mewsic? Michelle’s July “number song titles” theme inspired me to create a playlist containing phone number song titles/lyrics.

 FYI:  playlist inspiration derived from popculturemadness, vulture, and steveharveyfm.

When I was a kid in the mid-60s, my parents had a telephone on a party line which meant more than one family shared the same line.  The way you knew to answer was by your assigned number of long/short rings but that didn’t keep people from listening in on your conversation.  If you had a good ear, you could hear the click when someone picked up. 🙂  It seems when making long distance calls, I recall the adults always using the operator for assistance. 

They would give the city and state with the four or five digit phone number.  The first two songs on my playlist are some examples with Pennsylvania 6-5000 by Glenn Miller and Beechwood 4-5789 covered by The Carpenters.  The original was done in 1965 by The Marvelettes.  It was the discovery of 867-5309/Jenny (Tommy Tutone) that inspired my theme spin-off.  There aren’t a lot of song titles or lyrics that use phone numbers but I was happily introduced to several new title with 853-5937 Squeeze, 634-5789 Wilson Pickett, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap AC/DC, Diary Alicia Keys, Kiss Me Thru the Phone Soulja Boy, 6060-842 B-52, & 842-3089 (Call My Name) Etta James.

It’s funny, I cannot remember the phone number my parents had when I was a kid but I do remember my best friend’s parents’ phone number which is still in service.  Do you remember your childhood phone number? How about your best friend’s phone number?  Have you called a phone number mentioned in a song or in a movie?

This is a ‘NO THEME’ week, so anything goes and you’re invited to boogie with my fellow co-hosts: XmasDolly (Party Coordinator) whose still recuperating from back surgery but should be out of the hospital soon and Stacy had day surgery last Thursday and might be too sore to dance and Alana who I don’t think has fallen apart yet but is experiencing issues with her elderly MIL and Colette I presume is still taking it easy from her eye surgery and then there’s me – a little hard of hearing but ready to shake my tail feathers! Kindly say a little prayer for my gals before you step onto the dance floor!

[tweetthis]Hit the dance floor for #notheme #music week on #MondaysMusicMovesMe.  Boogie to my picks “phonenumber song titles/lyrics”! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon.

X💋X 💋,  Cathy
McGuffy’s Reader is the brain-child behind “SPARKS” inspiration. Have a sparkletastic day! 😉


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