#AprilA2Z Art Sketching through the Alphabet “Q”

Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, I believe when leaked the mews early that I was going to do the April A-Z challenge I shared a snippet of one of my drawings of the evil Queen from Snow White and since that time I re-drew her right hand and added some details my sketch for the letter prompt, “Q”.


Hopefully, what I share with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you just don’t think you can. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was! 🙂

I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along.  I’ll see you on tomorrow for the next installment of Art Sketching through the Alphabet!


A2Z Art Sketching Through the  Alphabet post recap:

  1. “A” for Angels
  2. “B” for Boys, little
  3. “C” is for Cows, Chicken & Chicks, and Big Cats
  4. “D” for Dog
  5. “E” is for Elephant, Eagle, & Elk
  6. “F” is for Fence, Fox, & Frog
  7. “G” is for Girls
  8. “H” is for Horses
  9. “I” is for Iris
  10. “J” is for Jack & Jill
  11. “K” is for Kanga & Roo
  12. “L” is for Lighthouse
  13. “M” is for Mermaids
  14. “N” is for Nightingale
  15. “O” is for Owl
  16. “P” is for Princess & Prince
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