
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Wiseman’s View with CTST and BOTB Results

Good morning, kittens & dawgs! Thanks for popping over. I’m sure some of you are here to learn the outcome of my May 1st BoTB. I will share that with you a little later in this post, but first thing is I want to let y’all know  I haven’t gotten back on track with blogging and am still playing catch up with all of my lovely A2Zers who left comments.  Please continue to be patient with me. I’m working on it and I promise, I will visit your posts soon! 😉

Although, I was super busy last month with the challenge, I did pick up my camera a time or two. On one of our explorations, we found some place new and here’s a peak of Wiseman’s View that over looks Linville Gorge in western North Carolina just off the Blue Ridge Parkway.

I’m sharing this short of a panorama of Wiseman’s View (IPhone5s capture) with the SWF photo enthusiasts. Click image for a better look.

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

Now, I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate the small things.

I’m celebrating…

  • God keeping His hand up on DD#2’s husband this week. He had an auto accident. The car got cracked up pretty good, but he’s ok and that’s the most important thing.
  • Completing the 2016 A2Z challenge!
  • Good friends such as Lexa and Lori MacLaughlin from Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams for their continued visits while I participated in the A2Z challenge.
  • My baby boy’s 22nd birthday earlier in the week.

What are you celebrating?

Now for the moment you’ve been waiting for, my pets. The winner of It’s Magic #BoTB showdown is….

DORIS DAY with a 10 (including my vote) to 5 count!
DORIS DAY with a 10 (including my vote) to 5 count!

Let’s begin celebrating with Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!

That’s a wrap for now, but if you like music then I invite you to come back Monday for a two-for-one special 2016 A2Z Reflections and Mewsic Moves Me. This is Curious as a Cathy signing off with have a fototastic weekend!

You’re not having déjà vu, I featured Moonglow in my April 15th BoTB with two different artists. 😉

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19 thoughts on “Wiseman’s View with CTST and BOTB Results

  1. What a gorgeous shot!! So glad you found the time to capture that. Today I am celebrating just having a peaceful easy day at home where I can play catch up on blog reading too. Because I have power and email at the same time!!! Yeah.

  2. Expressing your gratitude for these things is wonderful let alone heartwarming! Happy Mother’s Day!…:)JP

    1. Thank you for the Mother’s Day warm wishes! Every day is a blessing and telling everyone just a few of my reasons to grateful is a small gesture to the One who makes all things possible. 🙂

  3. Lovely photo with amazing detail! What a view! So glad DD#2’s husband was okay after the accident. Congrats on finishing A to Z! You did a great job with your interesting posts. Happy belated birthday to your son!

  4. Beautiful shot, I’ve always wanted to visit North Carolina and your photo reinforces my desire to go.

    1. Alan, the mountains of western North Carolina are beautiful and don’t forget the Great Smoky Mountains run along the Tennessee/North Carolina state line. There’s lots to see and do in my neck of the woods!

  5. So glad to hear that DD#2’s husband is okay!
    Happy birthday to your son.
    Doris is an amazing woman…and such lovely pictures!

    1. Tonja, It’s rare, but I was able to make DS a birthday cake this year. He appreciated the attention and I enjoyed doing it for him. Doris Day is a lovely lady. I always enjoy hearing her sing. Thanks for dropping in for a visit.

    1. Lori, no worries about being behind on A2Z stuff; I am, too. I’m not going to stress about it, but just stay on top of things until I’m all caught up. 🙂

  6. I adore Doris Day! She always had such a whispery, feminine voice, and she was hilarious in her movies (and her TV show). Your pic of Wiseman’s View is awesome! You have such great scenery where you live. Happy Birthday to your son, and thank goodness your SIL is okay. Congrats to you for finishing the A-Z. I really enjoyed your posts! Have a lovely weekend and a Happy Mother’s Day! 🙂

    1. Lexa, I haven’t watched too many of Doris Day’s pictures, but those that I’ve seen are good. The most recent one is That Touch of Mink. What I remember Doris Day mostly from is her TV show, but it must not have come on at a good time for me to watch because I don’t recall watching it all the time. Thank you for the Mother’s Day wishes. I hope you have a good weekend, too.

  7. Oh wow what a beautiful view….wish I saw that type of view…..right now I hear the garbage truck:) sorry to hear about the car accident but I hope he is ok and not hurting too badly. I figured Doris would take it and she is still going strong at 92.

    1. Birgit, nothing can compare with escaping the city in favor of scenic grandeur. You can always count me in for day spent in the mountains with my camera. That’s amazing Doris Day is still with us. She’s just a year younger than my father-in-law. I wonder how her health is, do you know? I hope she’s doing well for her years. It would be nice to meet her, but I’m sure that won’t happen. Thanks for checking back on the outcome of my May 1st BoTB!

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    You really do own a “big girl camera.” I hope everybody takes time to enlarge the pic and appreciate the beauty of that spot. Mrs. Shady recently asked me to plan a vacay by car that would take us from Florida to Washington D.C. and back. She told me the trip could last up to three weeks total and urged me to make it interesting. Based on what I have learned from you here on CAAC, I got busy and plotted a giant loop that would take us north to D.C., west to Front Royal, entry point to The Skyline Drive, down that Scenic Byway to its end at Rockfish Gap, down 81 past Roanoke, turning at Rt 26 and down to Asheville, NC, then proceeding to Savannah or the nearby islands before returning home to Florida. I just looked on a map and saw that Linville Gap isn’t far from the Rt. 26 Johnson City-Ashville leg of our proposed journey, and you have me enthused about seeing Wiseman’s View up close and personal.

    I admire you for being able to think about your son-in-law’s auto accident and frame it as something for which to be thankful, because he came through it AOK. Happy b-day to your son! I’d love to be 22 again… or 32… or 42… or 52 or even 62! 🙂

    I saw it coming… the victory for team Doris Day in your BOTB. Thank you for going way way back and giving people of all ages, even boomers like me, a much needed break from the droning sound of electronic drum machines and a refreshing taste of the kind of music our parents and grandparents listened to when they were young.

    Have a wonderful weekend and a happy Mother’s Day, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom, I used my iPhone for taking the panorama shot. My big girl camera will do it, but I haven’t used it for that. I really need to try doing it, though. WOW, sounds like y’all are going to have an excellent vacation. Last summer, if you recall we decided to travel from the beginning of the Blue Ridge Parkway (BRP) in Virginia, so drove to the entrance of Skyline Drive just so we can say that we were there before going south of the BRP. One day, we hope to drive all of Skyline Drive. One thing you may want to do, since you mentioned Asheville is to get on the BRP and go to Mt. Mitchell. I’d say it’s about 45 minutes to an hour north on the parkway, but it’s really, really nice. Should you and Mrs. Shady decide to see Wiseman’s View, let me say the road leading to the overlook parking there is graveled and rough, really rough in spots and is approximately 4-5 miles off the main highway. If your car sits low then it may drag in places. The walk to Wiseman’s View overlook is short, easy, and paved (for wheelchair access). I’d say it’s about a 5-minute walk. So, the big concern is getting to the parking lot on an unpaved road. I just wanted you to know this before hand. It’s not meant as a discouragement, but for your preparedness. If you need any suggestions of things to see or do, feel free to ask. Either DH or I are happy to help. Thanks for visiting. Have an excellent weekend!

    1. McGuffy Ann, A party? That’s a good thing, isn’t it? Is there cake? lol I get you, though. You’ll find yourself writing again soon. So relax and go with the partying. lol

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