May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks,
May your heart be as light as a song,
May each day bring you bright, happy hours,
That stay with you all the year long.
~Irish Blessing

“May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.” ~Irish Blessing
“May your troubles be less, And your blessing be more.
And nothing but happiness, Come through your door.”
~Irish Blessing
“Why should you never iron a 4-leaf clover? You don’t want to press your luck.” ~Daryl Stout

Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue
But never forget to remember
Those that have stuck by you.
~Irish Proverb
“For each petal on the shamrock
This brings a wish your way
Good health, good luck, and happiness
For today and every day.
~Irish Blessing

Rainbow Cupcakes

May the strength of God pilot us.
May the wisdom of God instruct us.
May the hand of God protect us.
May the word of God direct us.
Be always ours this day and for evermore.
~St. Patrick
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