
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Another year, another birthday. What?!

Good-morning, my lovelies! How are  y’all doing? Let me start off by saying…today we are celebrating 19,345 days (you can do the math) of the amazing me. Who’s that laughing? I heard laughter. I’m a year older, but I’m not deaf…yet!
Lucky me!
The alternative to NOT growing another year older is…well, we know what that is and I’m happy to celebrate another the anniversary of my birth. The way I see it is,  I’m 20 with 33 years of experience. Laughter is the world’s best medicine,  if one can’t laugh at her/himself then life isn’t worth living, right? I’m ready to get my dose of giggles. Let’s LOL with more birthday humor.









 Some birthday wishes that would be fun to get from friends….
  • Old enough to know better…Young enough to still do it. (This is the good thing about being middle aged. lol)
  • My friend got me a fossil. It reminded me of someone who has a birthday today. Three guesses who! (Me? Nah, can’t be!)
  • Smile, it could be worse…think about what you’ll look like in ten years. Happy Birthday! (Awesome?!)
  • Another year older, none the wiser. (None the wiser that age is actually catching up till I look in the mirror.)
  • So many candles such a small cake. Next year, may your birthday wish be a bigger cake. (Sounds like a good excuse for more cake, eh?)


'Think about it, Marvin... If it's the cat's birthday, why is he giving US a cake???'
Guess what happens when you take all the right vitamins, eat a lot of fiber, work out all the time, and lay off the sauce?
Yep, you wind up in the same place anyway. So enjoy your birthday!
– Anonymous
image borrowed: credit
Keep smiling and a have laughtastic week!
 Speaking of birthdays…if you’d like to join my Birthday Club each month, shoot me an email requesting to be added. Just send your name, birthdate (at least the month and day) and your blog address.


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7 thoughts on “Another year, another birthday. What?!

  1. A very Happy Birthday Cathy from me too I hope you had a birthdaytastic day 🙂

    These had me laughing especially the first one, it’s true though isn’t it LOL

  2. A very Happy Birthday once again. I saw this here, and I couldn’t go without saying I hope that your B-Day was the best one ever and it’s not the age that we feel, but all the memories of all the years and wonderful times and we just want more and more! HUGSSSSSS You’re not getting older my friend, just better and wiser! 🙂

  3. Happy, happy birthday my dear friend Cathy! It’s wonderful that you’re not like everyone else out there and you actually embrace growing older. That’s the way it should be done-with celebrations! 🙂

    1. Celebrating growing another year older is better than the alternative, right? lol Honestly, I have no problems with my age. I think it’s all relative any how. If you feel young, you look young and the opposite is true. I prefer the positive choice and while I know I won’t see a 20-year old version of me looking back at me in the mirror, I certainly don’t see someone of my years staring at me, either and that’s a good feeling. Thanks for bday wishes, Kayla!

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