Welcome to 133rd edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me. This week’s theme is “your choice“!
The winter blues have my mind on one thing and one thing only. Sun. Fun. Water. Sand. Okay, four things. Let our minds drift to some Hot Fun in the Summertime as we take this party to the beach!
Did you feel the sun’s warmth crease your body or the giddiness of vacation fun rise within or the surf spray on your skin?
If you’re like me then perhaps you felt a little temptation to lay bareback in the sun or splash in the waves without any clothes before winter’s chill snapped me back to reality. *sigh* Think happy thoughts – spring will be here this week with the promise of the warmer days to come. Now, that’s better!
Are you ready to get dancing? Admission to this awesome dance party is totally doable. Here’s what you do.
- Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice
- Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button
- Follow all 4 hosts, including the honorary co-host.
- Link your 4M below
Hostess of this dance party is Marie of XmasDolly along side with her lovely co-hosts:
Callie of JAmericanSpice
Stacy of Stacy Uncorked
Curious as a Cathy (formerly Cathy Kennedy’s Blog)
And, this month’s honorary co-host is Naila Moon from Just the stuff you know!
Our spotlight dancer tops the linky line up in the number one spot – Congratulations, my friend!

Go ahead, shake your bootie with any of the fellow rockin’ bloggers below and if you wanna make put a smile on someone’s face today then be sure to leave them a comment!
Please visit XmasDolly to link up this week. I’m taking a siesta this week from blogging to spend time with DH. I will hop over to your place next Monday to do a double dance with you! What music is moving you?
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