
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Summer’s End BOTB showdown with some Tickle Me Tuesdays giggles

I really wish I could say that I spent my summer Cathy napping but I can’t. Despite my semi blogging hiatus, the truth is I wasn’t really away from Blogosphere entirely.  I had my nose stuck deep in composing some posts for the rest of the year while keeping up with the Monday’s dance party posts, visits, comments, and replies.

Although, that was plenty to keep me busy, I found time to do things of interest and importance like the overdue old photo scan project. That was a lot of fun to stroll through time reflecting on memories that each picture brought back to mind.  I also enjoyed cooking/baking, doodling, and photo-art creations.  Speaking of which if you missed yesterday’s post, I shared September calendar page I created for my peeps. Feel free to download your copy, below! 😉

I’m really ready for the whole Corona virus to dwindle away so life can go back to normal.  We have been home bodies since the end of March with the exception of doctor appointments and unless there’s a dire need to mix with the masses then we aren’t doing it. I am at risk with my stomach disorders but even if not I really don’t like being sick.

This is my first day to ease back into normal blog life. I’m sure there will be some hiccups but that’ll settle down soon. It’s the beginning of a brand month, so I’m ready to kick things off with my first Battle of the Bands using John Prine’s Summer’s End

I found two unknown artists to me with different recording settings but worth the gamble for a sing-off. First up, a studio recording with an odd still shot.  Focus on the voice, the mewsic, and the way Phoebe Bridgers makes you feel!


Next, no distracting video, just a fella in his garage playing guitar and singing. Judging by his YT channel he’s a John Prine fan.  Here’s Silvio Bartolomucci.


You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.

Polls close noon (EST) on Sept. 7th!

Who gets your vote Phoebe or Silvio?

Next week, same time slot I’ll be back to announce the winner in this round, so be sure to mark your calendar to see if your favorite artist wins in this showdown. Although summer’s end officially doesn’t happen for another three weeks with Labor Day approaching everyone’s mind is on the change in seasons.

It’s time to grab a cup of coffee and follow along with me as I head off to visit Sandee for some Happy Tuesdays giggles at Comedy-Plus, then I’ll check out Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked, and finishing things up by checking out this week’s word prompt found at Eugi’s Causerie for the wannabe poet buried inside.   That’s a wrap for now but come back tomorrow for Wild Wednesdays where just about anything goes! 😉

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33 thoughts on “Summer’s End BOTB showdown with some Tickle Me Tuesdays giggles

  1. It’s funny, aside from not being able to go out and buy stuff, get my hair cut or eat out, not much changed for me. Why? I get my hair cut but not every month and I don’t go out much to buy stuff or eat out. I guess my hubby and I are quite boring. The year still seemed to go by fast but yetit does seem endless. I think it is more all the negativity out there right now and it is hard to tune it out. Despite the r restrictions that are needed, I am aok with everything.As for the battle, the girl sounds like she sang this song in her pink bedroom with stuffed animals everywhere. I have no idea why the image popped up like that but it did and I didn’t feel it from her. I don’t think she truly understood the lyrics and the meaning. I give my vote to Silvio who just sounded better and understood what he was truly singing.

  2. Stephen, now I’m trying to remember why I would have said “the summer flew by” in my earlier comment. It was early in the morning cause I couldn’t sleep and I might have been only half thinking when I responded. Maybe I was thinking about only having slept a few hours and it felt like the night flew by because it didn’t feel like I’d slept at all. But it might just be some brain dysfunction kicking in–or distraction perhaps. Guess I could analyze all sorts of things, but I agree that this summer and this year have plodded on.

    Like Joe Biden said in a speech today–something like, “COVID has lasted a hundred years.” Yeah, that sounds about right.


    1. Arlee, I felt as though I was reading what I had written. It’s been a time lapse very similar to yours at my end too. :)) Sigh! Yes it feels like 100 years. But hope is the beginning. This too shall pass and we shall celebrate.

      Take care. Good to see you after eons.

    2. Hey Lee,

      I have mixed feeling about the passing of this year. On one hand it’s slower than molasses and the other it’s zipped by. I’ve kept so busy around the house…well being home all the time is my norm anyhow so I don’t think it’s affected me quite like it has others and that’s why I time zings by for me. But, I couldn’t agree more Biden, I never thought I’d say that, “COVID has lasted a hundred years.” THAT is the way I feel about this whole mess!

  3. CAThy! It’s that you?!

    Lee wrote, “This summer flew by”, to which I respond: “Stick an empty Wild Turkey 101 bottle in it, Lee! This summer has dragged and dragged and dragged by – unless you enjoy going nowhere and wearing a mask over your snout when you don’t go there. Sheesh! Join the real world, my friend!”

    2020 is the endless year, and anyone who thinks it has been speeding past must be a seriously weird duck who enjoys misery!! (Lee, if the Summer of 2020 just “flew by” for you, then the previous, normal Summers must have passed like the speed of gnat’s blink!)

    Having said that… ONTO THE BATTLE!…

    I did not dig the Phoebe Bridgers rendition. I felt like I was listening in on a 13-year-old girl telling her troubles to her favorite teddy bear at midnight while the rest of her family was sleeping. Far too coy and affectatious. Not buyin’ it.

    An easy BOTB bote for Silvio Bartolomucci.

    ~ Stephen T. McCarthy

    1. Stephen,

      I guess I misread your post. I do this frequently because my mind speeds like a bullet but it sounds like I missed my target of comprehension. I’m sorry for not picking up the dialogue between you two fellas. Better still I have no worries about bottles being hurdled my way. 😀 You can chalk this all up to Cathy’s brain not working right. I own it…not my finest moments when this happens but still it’s mine, all mine! I have you down for SILVIO with things now even-Stepehen!

  4. Ugh! How i hate having to pick this time. Both of them are excellent, although so different. Okay, if i have to choose, it’s Silvio — soothing over plaintive, although as i said, i enjoyed both.

  5. I am also so done with this covid disaster…..we are not sick nor are any family or friends…thank goodness. Take care eventually we’ll be living the usual way …probably right after the elections.

    1. Kathe,

      I suspect you’re right about life resuming to normal after the election. Time will tell if we’re right. Oh drats, you didn’t vote! The more the merrier. 😉

  6. CK, we hope that too, but I’m afraid we have to live with it, like with all virusses, but we don’t have to live with everything that’s going behind it that keeps us from having a normal life, don’t you agree? Well, better concentrate on the mewsic now, because it makes us real sad when we’re getting into that stuff….We chose Phoebe’s Summer’s end. It’s very beautiful and we didn’t know her yet😸Pawkisses for a wonderful Tuesday🐾😽💞

  7. First, the Battle of the Bands: About a minute into Silvio’s performance I realized that he wasn’t actually playing. His left hand looked like he was playing, but his right hand wasn’t moving much, certainly not so’s the picking pattern we were hearing would emanate from him. Not that I’m letting what I saw influence my vote, which is for Phoebe because she has a lovely voice.

    Did you see the other day where the CDC has determined that, of the close to 200,000 people who have died because of Covid-19, only 6% were people who didn’t have any comorbidities (being obese, over 65, diabetic, or other health problems)? Not that the deaths of close to 10,000 people is anything to be happy about, but I get the sense that we’ve gone WAAAAAAY overboard to try and prevent it.

    1. John,

      I saw something the other day about the numbers aren’t as high as they first stated but didn’t look at the details of the article. I always believed this virus like any other illness, those who are high risk are going to be the first most effected and anyone else would be an anomaly. It just goes to show if your time to go, then it’s your time. Makes no difference if you have preexisting conditions or not. That being said, I’m not saying tempt fate because God isn’t to be tempted. He wants us to use that grey mass between our ears that He gave us. I’m certain of one thing if a normal healthy individual is feeling off key then that makes them more susceptible as I’ve learned first hand when my allergies are kicking up and I’m in the company of someone who’s sick then my allergies can turn into a horrible upper respiratory problem. It’s strange how your body reacts when it’s not at top speed. We’re all different and should listen to what ours is saying instead of rushing out to mingle with potential sickos.

      I didn’t notice Silvio’s playing pattern. Someone such as yourself would,though. You’re a guitar enthusiast. I liked his down-to-earth presentation. Another vote goes to PHOEBE!

    1. Hi, Cathy!

      Before I vote, let me echo your sentiment: God’s got this. End of story.

      I gotta vote for Phoebe! Lovely voice.

      If you have time, check out the Ft. City Art Center’s latest show (Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.). The first place winner may be familiar to you. 😁😁😁

      1. Cherdo,

        You’re so right, God definitely has this and all things. That’s the only thing that keeps me sane in an insane world! 🙂

        Congrats on taking first place in the Fountain City Art Center show, my friend! I’d really like to check it but honestly we are keeping in pretty much for everyone’s safety. I have pursonal space issues which folks never minded before the pandemic to crawl over ya and that really hasn’t changed so to keep from strangling the life out of some idiot, it’s best if I stay home for those individuals safety. 😀 Are ya gonna to put your painting up on your blog for all da world to see? I hope that you do. 😉

        Thanks for stopping by to vote for PHOEBE.

  8. Silvio takes the gold for me. Nice and smooth.

    Love the funny. Thanks for the laugh.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Excellent, another vote for SILVIO! He has a way to go to catch up but anything is possible in these battles. Thanks for joining me today, my friend!

  9. I actually like the gentleman in his garage better that Phoebe Bridges here. I like that someone can set up in their garage and perform for the world. There must be a great sense of satisfaction when he gets positive feedback from all over this planet. He just has to imagine the applause.

    1. Driller,

      Thank you, thank you for not letting this showdown a shut-out with your vote for SILVIO! I think you’re right. He’s purrforming from his quiet little world not for show but satisfaction. I hope he can hear the applause, too. Thanks for voting, my friend!

  10. This summer flew by and I don’t feel like I got much of anything accomplished. It sounds like you did pretty well.

    I wasn’t familiar with this song, but it’s a nice one. Silvio does a nice job with his version, but Phoebe’s version resonates better with me on this early morning as I listen to it. There is a feeling of mystery and wistfulness that I get as I listen to it. It reminds me of some of the music from Twin Peaks.

    So my vote goes to Phoebe.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  11. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy September and BOTB Day, dear friend! It’s good to see you ramping up for the fall blogging season. While I don’t officially return from my hiatus until tomorrow, I wanted to ease back into the game this morning by voting in your battle.

    How appropriate that you chose to observe the start of this transitional month with “Summer’s End,” a song released in 2018 on country folk singer/songwriter John Prine’s final album The Tree of Forgiveness. Sadly Prine died a few months ago, a victim of COVID – 19. “Summer’s End” is an evocative song with lyrics that can apply to all stages of life and varying circumstances. As a boy I dreaded summer’s end because with it came the start of another long year of being cooped up in classrooms at school. As a teen in 1966 the surfing film Endless Summer captured my imagination. It got me thinking that I could adopt a mindset whereby I would never grow up, never grow old and never let “summer” end. To this day I am living that dream, my Endless Summer. “Summer’s End” speaks to the ache of loneliness that comes from being separated by distance from a lover or family member for an extended period of time, perhaps a straying spouse who thought he or she would find happiness with another but has discovered that the grass isn’t always greener, or an adult child who left the nest in pursuit of a life of adventure and independence and has hit the wall of disillusionment. It is a parent’s (or spouse’s) open-armed plea to “come on home.” In your battle, I was all set to rule out entry #1, the version recorded shortly after Prine’s death by LA based indie folk-rock artist Phoebe Bridges, because sometimes I get tired of hearing soft, intimate female vocals of this type. However, the longer I listened, the more I liked the arrangement. It reminds me of the Twin Peaks soundtrack. Silvio Bartolomucci does a fine job on his version of Prine’s song with an arrangement and vocal style much like the original. In this case, I am won over by the sincere vocals and refreshingly different arrangement on the Phoebe Bridges version and Phoebe gets my vote.

    I enjoyed the meme of the dog telling jokes to his baby human brother. 🙂

    Thank you for the fun and entertainment, dear friend Cathy! (Please BOLO for an important email that I will be sending you later today.)

    1. Tom,

      I’m delighted you decided to join me a day earlier than expected to return to Blogosphere. I hope all went well with Mrs. Shady’s eye surgeries.

      I didn’t know John Prine until his death a few months ago. I got curious to learn more when I found this song and knew that I wanted to use it for the first of September. It’s the purrfect tie in with summer ending (unofficially) and fall’s arrival approaching. I hadn’t thought about until you mentioned it but I guess one of the reasons I used Phoebe’s cover is that it reminds me of Twin Peaks mewsic. That’s interesting. Maybe it clicked subconsciously. Thanks for the enlightenment and vote for PHOEBE BRIDGE. Have a bandtastic day, my friend!

  12. Mom wishes she could just take a week off from work to catch up on things and get away from all the work demands, but that isn’t going to happen. Welcome back. Now we just need that stupid virus to go on vacation permanently. People are not made to live this way!

    1. I hope Covid goes on a permanent vacation, too. You’re so right, people aren’t meant to live in seclusion. While the virus remains a threat, I think it’s lost it’s punch. The death toll is down drastically as most folks are recovering from the illness. Let’s get back to normal America!

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