
28-03-2025 Vol 19

Summer Breeze #BoTB cover artists showdown shares #4M time slot Songs from TV series

I’m taking life easy. I hope to share recreations of April’s A2Z pinup girl sketches using my Procreate app. Today’s illustration is from my ‘M’ post, She’s Got Mail.

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! 

It’s the first of the month. Yep, while we weren’t looking the calendar did its flipping thing again. I think for the rest of summer I’ll stay on hiatus with the exception of Mondays.  It makes purrfect sense and great timing with Internet traffic low this time of year.  How’s quarantine life treating you? Have your returned to the ‘public’ work force yet? DH’s employer hopefully will make a discuss this week regarding bringing everyone back into the office.  They shut the doors back in March allowing the employees to do their work from home.   


Comedy-Plus (Sandee) hosts Aww Mondays & Happy Tuesdays and this meme fits both.

You probably remember my mentioning we signed up for Showtime’s 30-day free trial back in April. I imagine this is an on-going program and a darn clever way for these premium channels to get people hooked even if it’s for a short time.  Two of series Showtime has in their lineup is Twin Peaks: The Return (one season) and Ray Donovan (six seasons).  For this week’s “your choice song picks“, I put together some of the sons from these TV shows that were not only new-to-me but I liked.

TV series tunes playlist song tracks:

  1. HEARTBREAKING (Twin Peaks: The Return) ~Angelo Badalamenti
  2. NO STARS (Twin Peaks: The Return) ~Rebekah Del Rio
  3. WILD WILD WEST (Twin Peaks: The Return) ~ Lissie
  4. SEVEN SWANS (Ray Donovan) ~ Sufjan Stevens
  5. THE VAMPYRE OF TIME AND MEMORY (Ray Donovan) ~Queens Of The Stone Age
  6. DOWN IN THE WILLOW GARDEN (Ray Donovan) ~The Chieftains ft. Bon Iver


This month’s honorary co-hostess is… Musings & Merriment with Michelle!


DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

I wasn’t sure if I was doing a BoTB this time around or waiting until mid-month but I figured with Mondays being my most active day to blog then it made since to run a showdown in this time slot when it matches up.  It seems June is the only one this will work out purrfectly, so for the remaining summer months I do my best to present bi-weekly showdowns in the nearest time slot of days I schedule posts.  I hope this doesn’t cause too much confusion.

You can’t think about summer without thinking of the Seals and Croft 1972 hit, Summer Breeze (reference only for your entertainment).


For seasoned BoTBers you know what to do, but newcomers all ya need to do is give me your opinion by leaving the name of your favorite artist in comments. You don’t have to know the song or artist. You’re welcome to explain why  your pick got your vote, too.   

You’ll find more showdowns from these fellow mewsic enthusiasts:


Voting ends noon (EST) June 6th! Next week’s 4M post I’ll share the results of today’s battle, so don’t forget to cast your vote for MAIN INGREDIENT or GEORGE BENSON & AL JARREAU now!

I mentioned taking it easy in Blogosphere for the summer but after failing to realize that my linky code subscription ended then I think it’s time to really step away for awhile.  Thankfully Marie caught everything in time to keep this party rolling. My posts are scheduled. You’ll find all the themes listed on my 4M Mewsic Prompt page above my blog logo at the top. I think I’m leaving everything in a good place but you’re always welcome to reach out to me.  With that, have a boogietastic week! X💋X💋, Cathy

Sparks of Monday encouragment


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47 thoughts on “Summer Breeze #BoTB cover artists showdown shares #4M time slot Songs from TV series

  1. I don’t know why I never watched the original Twin Peaks, especially since it was set in a (fictional) town in my home state. 🙂 Great song choices! And even though I’m waaaaaaaay late to the party, my vote would have gone to George and Al. 😉 I signed up for a test drive of Showtime through my Hulu subscription for Ray Donovan, Homeland and Billions (the latter two the hubby and I had been watching before we got too busy to continue, so I’d canceled my SHO add-on at that point…but when they offered a reduced amount for 3 months, had to sign up! Of course we haven’t found time to sit and watch any of the shows yet…LOL!) Hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy – thanks for the dance! 🙂

  2. Hey Cathy, thanks for reaching out to me with my playlist post last week. Sorry that I didn’t answer back. Work began again on May 25 and it has been busy with the new students. Lots of tears and energy with the 3 years old. I try to join 4M once more when everything gets settled.

    For BotB, I vote for the Benson/Jarreau cover. It is much better and I enjoy their vocals more. If you have time, check out my newest battle too.

  3. Wow, this is a really good battle, Cathy! I love this song and both versions are great. Each give their own spin on it but neither is a disappointment. Well played, friend; well played.

    I love Seals & Croft. When I was young, my next door neighbor’s grandkids came in from California every summer. As a little rube, I was so impressed that the granddaughter was actually a babysitter for Jimmy Seals. Apparently, they were in the same church (Bahá’í Faith).

    Dash Crofts played sax with my cousin’s band for a bit before he was “Seals and Croft.” That’s the end of my trivia!

    I’m giving my vote to Benson and Jarreau! But truthfully, I love them both. Thanks, Cathy!

    1. Cherdo,

      I loved your personal nibblets about Seals & Croft – super cool stuff! Thanks for finding time to stop by to vote for BENSON & JARREAU. Have a good Saturday afternoon, my dear!

  4. You know, I never watched Twin Peaks and I don’t know why. It could have been because of my partying days. I have to say I am going with Main Ingredient which created a much better version, to me, than the other 2. I didn’t like the guys singing style at all even if he is famous and I am not one for that sound on the guitar. I shall send some very positive thoughts to your friend and I pray I do not harm any kitten with my grammar

    1. Hey Birgit,

      How are ya doin’, pal? I think the kittens can sleep well tonight. Your grammar looks good to me. I rarely police others in this department because I’m guilty of making mistakes. That meme was just too cute and funny to not share. 😀 If you have Netflix, then the original Twin Peaks is available. There were only two short seasons. It’s a weird but interesting series. Thanks for playing along in the BoTB showdown with another tally for MAIN INGREDIENT who’s looking like they’ll claim victory if the current total stands, 10 to 6. Anything is possible and I’ve seen things flip. 🙂

  5. Al and George get my vote. I knew two of the artists, but none of the songs, for the TV Show set. I have little variety in my TV watching. So, my favorite of that set was “The Vampyre of Time and Memory”.

    1. Alana,

      Variety is the spice of life! 😉 ‘The Vampyre of Time and Memory’ is a nice pick on this playlist. Thanks for voting for GEORGE & AL, my dear!

  6. Don’t hurt the kitty!

    “Summer Breeze” has a lot of R&B covers, it seems. My personal favorite is the one by The Isley Brothers, but these are both good. Naturally, I’m voting for George and Al, which I figure you’d probably already guessed.

    I probably won’t see either of the TV series you featured unless they come to over-the-air TV or one of the free streaming services Pluto, Roku etc.) but the music was good.

  7. George Benson or Al Jarreau and their jazzy version of the song gets my vote,But I gotta say i still love the Seals and Croffs version the best!!

    1. Mike,

      It’s hard to beat Seals & Croft but GEORGE & AL do a great job with their cover. Thanks for voting and joining me on the 4M dance floor, my friend.

  8. Happy June, Cathy! Wow, great mewsic and a difficult choice but I’m going with Main Ingredient. I like what they did with this song. Stay safe and well, girlfriend! 🌼 🌻 🌞

    1. Mimi,

      Thanks for the kind words concerning my art and I really love that you voted in this round. Gotcha down for MAIN INGREDIENT, my dear.

  9. Girlfriend, yep we do have each other’s back for sure, but you were so kind to me to take over stuff for a while, and of course I’ve got your back girlfriend. Did you have any doubt? ~hehehehe~ Soooooooooooooo what’s new? So baby girl, how are you doing? Fine I hope and enjoying your Spring break! I’M SO EXCITED NOTHING COULD GET ME DOWN FOR THE LAST COUPLE OF DAYS BECAUSE…………… TOMORROW IS THEE DAY! Going to see Dr. Kelly for my leg. Prayers for me PLEASE??? Pray he finds out what’s wrong and has a fix for it… please??? I’ve been putting up with this crap for 2 yrs. & just lately it’s starting to get worse, but I have faith and I’ve been really praying for the last few days. I’m sure the Lord heard me this time. The Lord will be with me tomorrow & guide this man to the right answer… I just know it! All your tunes are awesome my friend. Have a great evening. HUGS


    First and foremost, know that I just prayed to our Savior on behalf of Annette, and I will do so again. She is in – LITERALLY – The Best of Hands!!

    Secondly, I’m so glad to see you aren’t going to be quitting BOTB. We have lost quite a few participants, and if we lose any more before we gain any new ones, it will become questionable whether or not it’s even worthwhile to continue with it.

    Switching to a Once-A-Month BOTB Schedule is a very good option. As you know, it’s what I also did some time back and I feel it works better – and very well – for me. It gives me time to really think about what BOTB match-up I want to present next, and I don’t feel pressured or overwhelmed by the whole affair. After all, “BOTB” is supposed to be synonymous with “FUN”, and at one-Battle-per-month, that’s exactly what it is for me.

    I may occasionally toss in an extra Battle (whenever the 15th of the month falls on a blue moon), but that’s at my discretion. Meanwhile, I still really enjoy doing a BOTB installment on the first of each month.

    And speaking of a “blue moon” (any ‘Moonlighting’ fans here?), that brings us to Al Jarreau and George Benson (Al sang the ‘Moonlighting’ theme song, for them what doesn’t know it!)

    Cathy, this was a TERRIFIC Battle match-up! Very nicely done; very well-played!!

    I enjoyed both versions of this great song. But I gotta say… how could a song titled ‘Summer BREEZE’ not be perfectly in the wheelhouse and knocked out of the park by Mister George [Link> “Breezin” Benson? And when he’s accompanied by a singer as smooth as Al Jarreau? C’mon!! Only Seals & Crofts could possibly do it better. (And not by much, either!)

    Loved the Battle, and you can call me AL… or GEORGE… or GEORGE ALLEN. (OK, I’m pushing it now, I know 😉

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Stephen,

      I really appreciate you praying for Annette. My heart is so heavy for her family but you’re right, she is literally in the best hands – God’s! That will carry her and her family through the hours and days to come. Also many thanks for remembering my mom. She’s such a hard worker and I can’t get her slow down for herself but I think she’s getting the picture.

      I think it’s good to keep BoTB going however everyone wants to work into their schedules. Blogging gets difficult sometimes but like you said if it becomes a chore then the fun is gone, so let’s not stress it and take it one day at a time. Honestly, sometimes just when I give myself permission to not do something is when I want to do it all the more. That’s crazy, isn’t it? I’m super happy that you enjoyed this battle. I appreciated the introduction of George’s song ‘Breezin’. I really enjoyed it. His guitar playing is so relaxing! I have you down for GEORGE & AL. Thanks for your vote and your humor. I think I’ll stick with callin’ ya Stephen if that’s okay least any of your enemies are stalking my page to find out who you really are. 😀 Have a great afternoon and stay well, my friend!

      Oh yeah, I loved ‘MOONLIGHTING’! I had forgotten that Al sang the theme song. Thanks for reminding me. That was such a fun tv series. Mr. Serious, John McClain aka Bruce Willis did comedy fantastic! It amazed me to see him go from goofy to die-hard deadly.

    1. Brian,

      Whew, it’s on Tuesday and it feels like it should be much later in the week. I hate it when I get that much stuff on my mind, don’t you? Thanks for saving kitties by writing properly and for voting for MAIN INGREDIENT, my furriend. Have a meowvalous day!

  11. Hi Cathy!

    Excellent battle you have going here! I can hear good qualities in each of the performances, but I think I’m going to give my vote to The Main Ingredient.


    1. Hey Mary,

      Are you feeling contrary these days? I’m sure you wish you did after all you’ve been through the last several months. I still have you in my prayers, dearie. Thanks for popping over to vote for MAIN INGREDIENTS in this battle. I’m happy that you enjoyed both artists.

  12. Those were all new songs for us, CK. We don’t know Twin Peaks, but it’s a serie isn’t it? It’s really great mewsic! George Benson is great favourite here too 😀 Grandpaw is still home from work, although everything is getting back to ‘normal’ again. Granny and Grandpaw were out to a Pancake Restaurant as all the pups and restaurants opened up again today, so Granny thought, we have to celebrate it with a pancake and her first capuccino after two months…MOL…We appreciate it so much more now. Tell the kitty we’re sorry if we makes many mistakes with our English, but I think we have a good excuse as we’re the aliens in this story 😉 Pawkisses for a Happy Monday and Week ahead, let’s swing it on now🐾😽💞

    1. Binky,

      Yes, Twin Peaks is a TV series. It was originally on broadcast TV in the 90. The series only last like four seasons and then 25 years later the David Lynch reboot the series on Showtime. I was glad that we were able to give the stand-alone, no cable (Internet streaming) service a try. In fact, we decided to subscribe for a year because we were able to save 25% and there are a few other shows we want to check out. Ooo, yum, pancakes! I love making whole wheat pancakes and serving them with maple syrup. How popular is maple syrup in England? It’s so delicious! Enjoy easing back into normal life again and thanks for joining me on the dance floor, little furriend!

  13. Awww on that kitty and I hope people write properly. Got to protect that cutie.

    Good for you for only posting on Mondays. It’s a good thing.

    Love both renditions, but my vote goes to MAIN INGREDIENT.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Thankfully, my blog buds are the bomb and generally do quite well with the written language. So I think all kitties are safe today. I have your vote recorded for MAIN INGREDIENT, my dear. Rock on!

    1. Hey, Athena & Marie!

      Thanks for boogieing by to catch my tunes spinning on my ole digital turntable. It’s always great to see my furriends! 🙂

  14. First off, I loved all the selections for 4M. I have yet to watch either of those series, but have heard great things about both. As for Twin Peaks, I’ll have to start that series at the beginning when I can find it. The description makes it sound like a series that would be right up my alley, and I’m surprised I didn’t catch it when it was actually on tv in the 90s. I guess since that was when I was raising my babies, it just wasn’t a priority, and I didn’t feel like recording on the vcr.

    Your battle is super tough for me this week. Both are great, but I like the sound of the first best, so please give my vote to MAIN INGREDIENT. Even though the guitar solo in the second version is to die for!

    You have a great week – I’ll be doing my best to be back next Monday!


    1. Kim,

      It wasn’t until after the house was empty for us to watch both series but we could’ve caught Twin Peaks on broadcast TV. Neither of us had the time. In the past year, we began streaming popular cable channels with SlingTV and in recent months began streaming Showtime through their stand-alone, no cable app service. Using the internet for these programs has worked beautiful for us without any additional fuss. I’m happy to see this gain such popularity. BTW, I do believe you can watch the original Twin Peaks on Netflix if you have that service.

      Thanks for making time to vote for MAIN INGREDIENT, my dear. Have a boogietastic week!

    1. Robin,

      I’m happy you not only joined me on the dance floor but took time to vote for MAIN INGREDIENT in my June 1st BoTB. Way to go, girl!!

  15. I’ve always liked Al Jarreau and George Benson, but in this case I’m going to go with Main Ingredient, something which I didn’t think I’d do before listening. There was something more interesting to me in their approach–better arrangement, nice effects, and over all a more enthusiastic approach. I liked what they did with the song.

    Main Ingredient!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Sometimes one gets surprised on how he/she is swayed by a particular artist. I have you down for MAIN INGREDIENT, my friend. Thanks for taking time to vote. 🙂

  16. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M Monday, merry month of June and BOTB Day, dear friend!

    Thanks for bringing back your April “She’s Got Mail” sketch In Living Color. Her colorful outfit and hair pop against the pretty green backdrop. Based on her beauty, I’ll bet most of the pieces of mail spilling out of her packed box are love letters from admirers.

    i enjoyed your set of songs from TV series you are watching on Showtime. Composer Angelo Badalamenti is a familiar name to me because he has done soundtracks for some of my favorite films and TV series including the Twin Peaks saga, other David Lynch projects including Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Lost Highway and Mulholland Dr, plus A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors and the James Spader – Maggie Gyllenhaal erotic drama Secretary which I thoroughly enjoyed. I love the song “No Stars” by SoCal singer Rebekah Del Rio. David Lynch was so impressed with Rebekah the first time he heard her sing that he was inspired to build a scene around her in Mulholland Dr. After watching Lissie perform “Wild Wild West” it’s plain to see that Twin Peaks: The Return has a lot to offer in terms of great mewsic, making me want to see the resurrected series all the more. I read that the decision makers pulled the plug on Ray Donovan without notice. I’d like to see that series, too. Queens of the Stone Age is a great name for a band and I liked the intimate vocals on their “Vampyre” song. It gets right inside your head.

    Turning to your Band Battle, Mrs. Shady #1 loved the 1972 Seals & Crofts hit “Summer Breeze.” At the time my ears and sensibilities were leaning toward Alice Cooper and I wasn’t as fond of their soft sound. In your battle, The Main Ingredient, best known for their hit “Everybody Plays the Fool,” does an Earth, Wind & Fire thing on their version of “Summer Breeze,” a song from their 1974 album Euphrates River. I dig it! I have never been a big fan of George Benson or Al Jarreau and their jazzy version of the song did not please my ears nearly as much as the recording by Main Ingredient. i believe the Main Ingredient version would sound even better if a YouTuber bothered to remix and remaster the recording. I did that work in my mind and that’s why I give my vote to The Main Ingredient!

    As always thank you for the art, humor, mewsic and inspiring meme, dear friend Cathy. Take good care of yourself and have a good week, if not a great one!

    1. Tom,

      It’s a joy to see you check out my ‘in living color’ version of SHE’S GOT MAIL A2Z illustration. I was thinking the same thing about all of the letters she’s collecting are probably love letters. 🙂 Thanks for joining me yesterday on the dance floor and in my newest BoTB. It wasn’t until after watching the Twin Peaks reboot series that I began sampling and learning more about Angelo’s mewsic, as well as how many David Lynch films were available. A short time before we began watching the show, someone on the dance floor shared a Queens of the Stone Age and I thought we have I heard of them, then it clicked. They don’t have a lot of tunes that really grab me like ‘The Vampyre of Time and Memory’. I think we all have a vampyre in our lives where these elements go, I know I do. Yes, the sudden death of RAY DONOVAN wasn’t something I expected. The series is well written and the characters purrfectly cast for the show. It would awesome if they reconsidered after the pandemic blows over and start production up again. That is if they don’t change a thing.

      I figured Seals & Croft was too easy going to suit your ears back in the day. Would you say you enjoy this mewsic style more nowadays? Thanks for weighing in this round in casting your vote for the new-to-me band, MAIN INGREDIENT. It’s always a pleasure to have your visits, dear friend. 😉

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