
18-03-2025 Vol 19

Spring Cleaning – Thursday 2Q

As February draws to an end I dare say each one of us is looking forward to the return of spring.  Perhaps some of us more than others, especially for our neighbors who live in extremely cold conditions during the winter.


My Thursday Two Questions revolving around  spring cleaning.

1)  Do you do spring cleaning?  If so, how long does it typically take to get your spring cleaning out-of-the-way? I do spring & fall cleaning.  I can’t get either cleaning jobs done in those seasons.  It seems once the weather breaks I begin my deep cleaning. Usually, by summer I have my spring cleaning done and then again by late fall I have that round of cleaning completed.

2)  What’s the biggest spring cleaning job you don’t look forward to getting done?  The worse job I dread tackling is washing the winter bedding.  There is a mound the size of Mt. Everest every spring to wash and place into storage.


Thanks for joining me today. Please visit Amanda to link up with the Thursday 2 Q fun and don’t forget to leave your answers in my comments to my questions.


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11 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning – Thursday 2Q

  1. Ooh, yeah, sometimes there’s just not enough time for spring cleaning, and it becomes pretty gloomy when there’s so much work to be done for days. Haha, well, sometimes it’s best to just do it one at a time; a bit of cleaning here and there throughout the year. You could start with the bathroom first, then maybe the carpet sometime later.

  2. HI Cathy- Thanks for stopping by today!

    I don’t normally do a spring cleaning- but I do keep up on things on a daily basis. I also tackle large projects as time permits.

  3. @Chic Homeschool Mama…Oh I certainly do understand about time restrictions. Do what you can, one day at a time, right?

    @Icy BC…windows are no fun. Speaking of which, I need to do that as soon as the weather breaks.

    @Donnie…a small place has its benefits at times like this, huh? LOL

  4. I don’t really have a spring cleaning session. I just put away blankets and hope to clean the fans and windows etc.

    2. I’d say cleaning the fans. It’s harder than the rest of it.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. @Chic Homeschool Mama…Oh I certainly do understand about time restrictions. Do what you can, one day at a time, right?

    @Icy BC…windows are no fun. Speaking of which, I need to do that as soon as the weather breaks.

    @Donnie…a small place has its benefits at times like this, huh? LOL

  6. @Self Sagacity…yeah, I do deep cleaning every few months, too. Organizing and cleaning is really a constant battle around here. I totally agree going through the closet is a nightmare. Too bad we aren’t rich enough to just have someone else to do it all, right? We can then live pampered lives sitting in front of our keyboards all day just pecking away.

  7. I don’t do spring cleaning, I do quarterly cleaning. Every three months.
    My closet is something I just dread going through. It’s only because I could never throw away anything without going back to get it…this happens quite often. Thanks for joining this week. Have a good weekend.

  8. We only live in 300 sq ft here in Florida and the same in NC. I clean when we go back after being gone 6 months but then it’s over and done with. The biggest job I do is cleaning the blinds. Don is a big help.

  9. 1) It usually took me two days to clean out the debris in my front yard and back yard!2) The biggest cleaning job for me is the windows around our house, and I never look forward to doing them.

  10. HI Cathy- Thanks for stopping by today!

    I don’t normally do a spring cleaning- but I do keep up on things on a daily basis. I also tackle large projects as time permits.

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