
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Songs that celebrate things we are thankful for

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!  Have you picked your favorite month to be honorary co-host in 2022 yet?  The 4M gang would love to have you, please send an email now to secure a good time slot.  Alright, we’re in our third week of November.  Driller’s Place’s theme naturally falls square in line with Thanksgiving and he wants us to pick, songs that celebrate things we are thankful for.  

Thankful songs playlist: 1. A Token of Gratitude ~The Radio Dept.  2. Days ~The Kinks  3. All Things ~Citizen Way  4. Stowaway in Your Heart ~Lucinda Williams  5. Gratitude ~Nichole Nordeman


This month’s honorary co-host is Driller’s Place


This is a music linky party. Every other week we have a suggested mewsic theme (see side menu) to build your song set around and all participants share YouTube or Vimeo videos for our mewsic enthusiasts.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is almost here.  Life has been a bit mundane for the past 18+ months with the pandemic but I’m thankful we’ve managed to stay on the upside of good health minus a few hiccups causing inconveniences for us and that in itself is another reason to be thankful.  In the end, everything has worked out okay.   DH didn’t take this past Friday off, so that he could instead opt to use his off day this Wednesday to give us an extended Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  👏  Enjoy the holiday cooking and baking this week and don’t stress about online activity.  That can wait.  That’s what I plan to do.   Alrighty, that’s it for today.  😉  Up next on CAAC join me for Top Ten Tuesday. Have a boogietastic week!  X💋X💋, Cathy


Failure is not in the falling down but in the decision to not get up again.




















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15 thoughts on “Songs that celebrate things we are thankful for

  1. Great playlist, CK, we so love the Kinks and this song is one of Granny’s favourites💗💗We also want to Thank you for your Birthday wishes for Me and My Granny, they warmed our heart and brightened up our day💗 Extra Pawkisses just for you and for Thanksgiving too🐾😽💞

  2. These songs are all new to me, but seem perfect for the theme. I’m glad you and DH have overcome your various health issues and that things are going well. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving holiday! 🦃

  3. A Token of Gratitude I have never heard before, but how nice for sure. The Kinks I haven’t heard that tune in like forever thanks for reminding me about that one. Hmmm All things I don’t think I ever heard that song, but the story is so true. Hmmm Stowaway in your heart I don’t think I ever heard this one before. It’s kinda cute. Thanks for the introduction for sure, and last, but not least Gratitude, nope never heard this one before either, but it’s so very pretty! Thanks for the introduction for all these pretties and thank you so much for being the friend that you are my pretty. I don’t know what I would do without you. I truly wish one day we could meet because I’d surely throw my arms around you and give you the biggest hug, and then I would thank the Lord for giving me you as such a good friend. God bless you and yours baby girl and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Have a great holiday. We’ll be alone this year. HUGS…

  4. Awww, those two are most adorable.

    Love the playlist. There are so many things to be thankful for.

    Love the quote. Spot on.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  5. While the individual songs were all new to me, the artists Kinks, Lucinda Williams, and Nichole Norderman have all appeared on my playlists at some point. I really like the country bluesy sound of Lucinda. Nichole’s lyrics remind me of the words of the apostle Paul in Philipians 4:11, “…I have learned that in whatever state I am, to be content.” Very nicely selected tunes. Have a blessed Thanksgiving celebration.

  6. This entire set was new to me, so I thank you for introducing me to this music. All good in their own ways, but, if I had to pick a favorite, it would be the Kinks, followed closely by Lucinda Williams. You are right, we all have a lot to be thankful for, and I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

  7. My oh my – has this year flown by. Thanksgiving is on its way and will be gone before we know it. Sigh. Thanks for the adorable dog and fawn pic – animals understand life better than humans, IMO. Most of the songs are your playlist are new to me and thanks for sharing. Have a fab day! 😘

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Pawww-some 4M Monday on Sunday, dear friend! I hope you and DH are having a nice weekend.

    Awww- I just wanna smooch that dog and his fawn friend. They are proof that being different does not need to keep us divided. We can choose to accept, love, listen to and learn from each other.

    It amazes me how many exciting mewsical sounds have come out of Sweden since ABBA, the group you featured yesterday, paved the way. Today you introduced Radio Dept., a Swedish band that performs dream pop and “shoegaze,” an indie style characterized by obscured vocals, guitar distortion and effects. It was fun listening to their mind expanding “Token Of Gratitude” song. The thankful song by The Kinks is new to my ears this morning, and I like it Also new to me this morning is Citizen Way, a contemporary Christian/Christian rock band based in the Chicago area performing “All Things.” It’s one of my favorites in the set. Another fave is “Stowaway” by Loo-siana country, folk and Americana artist Lucinda Williams. I like everything about that song including the lyrics, her earthy vocals and the southern style rock band. I’d have to say that Lucinda’s song is my top favorite of the batch. I must also say that I enjoyed the tender song “Gratitude” by Nichole Nordeman, a contemporary Christian singer and songwriter from Dallas. Nichole has the kind of voice you and I appreciate in a female singer.

    So, every single song was an introduction this morning, and four out of the five artists were new to me. I received an education along with entertainment. That’s blogging at its best. Thank you, dear friend Cathy. Have a blessed Sunday and I’ll see you here at CAAC for TTT. I’ll have a new post that day myself and hope you can take a look at it at some point. Take care, dear friend!

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