
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Songs About Remembering or Forgetting #music

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! The craziest thing happened on Saturday.   We got home after knocking around town for a bit.  DH got out of the car to walk to the other side to help me out.  He’s such a gentleman.   While I was walking toward the back end of the car I heard a thud.  I looked at DH saying, “What was that sound? Did you hear it?”  He said, “Yep, a bird flew into my car door window.”   He’s left it opened a zillion times before without incident, other than bug flying into the car.  I looked at the driver’s side. There were feathers still clinging to the window and on the ground laid the creature.   I felt so awful for the poor thing, “Maybe he’s just addled, ” I said hopeful.   “Nope, I’m pretty sure he’s not.” replied DH.  “Poor little birdie!” I wanted to check on him but DH turned me away from the fallen bird.  I had hoped it would wake up and fly away but that didn’t happen.   DH said it probably died instantly on impact.  I hope it didn’t suffer any.  That was was just the craziest thing.  Okay, onto more fun things like….mewsic!  Are you ready to groove? 

This month’s honorary co-host, John from The Sound of One Hand Typing submitted today’s theme, Songs about remembering or forgetting”.  The song title does not have to include remember or forget but there has to be something about remembering or forgetting in the song (e.g. “Papa Was A Rollin’ Stone”/”It was the 3rd of Sept./The day I’ll always remember…”)   

1. Through The Years ~Kenny Rogers 2. Crocodile Rock ~Elton John 3. I Will Remember You ~Sarah Mclachlan 4. Don’t You (Forget About Me)~Simple Minds 5. Can’t Forget You ~ Gloria Estefan 6. Don’t Forget to Dance ~The Kinks

Check out Songs about Memories and Songs about Forgetting for more song titles for today’s theme.

Now, please join fellow co-hosts: XmasDolly (Party Coordinator), Stacy, and our newest fulltime co-host, Alana on the dance floor.   Colette continues with a leave of absence from 4M and we ask that you keep her prayer.  Now, step out on the dance floor, link ONLY your mewsic post (direct URL) below.

‘SPARKS’ hostess, Annie (McGuffy’s Reader) is taking a blog hiatus but that doesn’t stop me from sharing some positive vibes with ya.  Have a sparkletastic day! 😉

Keep those tunes playing and your body swaying, I’ll see ya around the cyber block! X💋X💋, Cathy

My memory is bad but it’s not THIS bad…yet!





















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36 thoughts on “Songs About Remembering or Forgetting #music

  1. Oh, the poor bird. That would have broken my heart. So…great minds, we did pick a couple of the same songs (as you already pointed out to me) but – how could I have forgotten the Little River Band song? Thank you for the dance!!

  2. CATHY ~
    That memory meme with the two old ladies made me literally laugh-out-loud!

    And I absolutely LOVE the song ‘Reminiscing’ by The Little River Band. I had no idea what those guys looked like until I watched the video you posted. I would like to have that lead singer’s hair!

    I own a compilation CD of 1970s songs. It includes ‘Reminiscing’, and another song about looking back which I also love: ‘Holding On To Yesterday’ by Ambrosia.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…

    1. Stephen,

      Yeah, that meme made me laugh, too. My memory hasn’t gotten to that stage yet but there are days that I struggle. lol I don’t know which is worse losing the mind or your mobility. Aging just stinks altogether and the alternative is worse (well…not really if you know where you’ll spend eternity). But anywho, I couldn’t place the Ambrosia song you mentioned, so I checked it out on YouTube. It’s definitely an introduction. I enjoyed listening to it very much. I’d like to find a better recording of it, though. Ambrosia has a great sound and I’m going to check out more of their songs. Thanks for the share and the visiti, my friend!

  3. Lol! I loved the funny: “My memory is so bad.” “How bad is it?” “How bad is what?” — haha. I can totally relate!

    Hi there Cathy!
    Wow, the beginning of your post was so sad! I love birds and how awful that one had to end his/her life on your car window. 🙁 Sometimes they are just stunned so hopefully your hubby didn’t bury it in the ground while he/she was still alive!
    Well, all we can do is pray for their little souls. I always say a prayer when I pass dead animals on the sides of the roads. Everything fights so hard for life…

    Onto better topics: how about John’s fun theme this week? I had fun putting the playlist together. We obviously have similar tastes because we had several of the same songs. I used Crocodile Rock and Reminiscing too. I’ve seen Elton John a few times in concert: he puts on an amazing show. I was about to say that Crocodile Rock is one of my favorite EJ songs but goodness, soooo many of his songs are favorites of mine!
    Re: the Little River Band: I saw them at a fabulous outdoor venue here in Austin several years ago. So long ago I can’t even remember what year … or who I was with for that matter! I remember being with two friends and us sitting on a wall, listening and as the evening wore on, some of the crowd moved on and we ended up sitting close up front. They put on a magnificent show. When they were interacting with the audience is when I first learned they were from Australia. I had no idea!

    I enjoyed hearing Kenny Rogers — I think I remember that song. It sounds familiar. Maybe that’s my old age and bad memory kicking in. 🙂
    And Gloria Estafan: I haven’t heard her name in ages and I forgot what a great voice she has!

    Hope you’re having a great week Cathy.

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele,

      DH didn’t bury the bird. He just moved it away from the car so if it was alive it could fly away. Your funny made me smile. I feel like that somedays. I didn’t know TLRB was from Australia. That’s interesting. EJ has a lot of excellent hits and is a big part of my childhood. I loved roller skating to Benny and the Jets and Crocodile Rock. What fun it must be to see him in concert! I’m sure you know Kenny Rogers’song but when you don’t hear something all the time it’s kinda hard to say for sure. I loved Gloria Estefan when she was a part of Miami Sound Machine but she had some good hits away from the group, too. I love her style. I even have one of her latin CDs. I hope you have a good week, as well, my friend!

    1. Mary,

      I had to have my memory jogged. Reminiscing didn’t come to me on its own but thanks to Google I pulled together a nice list of songs for this week’s theme.

  4. Poor birdie, but sometimes these things can’t be helped. A few years ago I hit a chipmunk – he ran right under my car – I was devastated. I brought the little guy home and buried him.

    1. Melissa,

      Chipmunks usually fly across the road without a second thought whereas squirrels panic not knowing which direction to go. These critters usually freak me out but luckily I’m always in the passenger seat so I just close my eyes and say a prayer that it gets clear from our wheels. Ahh, you have such a tender heart bringing that little chipmunk home to bury it. Thanks for popping in for a visit and dance!

  5. So many great songs! And sorry about the bird, Sweetie used to have them fly into the plate glass at work, and he would go out and put them on top of a column where they would be safe until they recovered. Most of them were just stunned, thank goodness.

    1. Mimi,

      I had hoped the little birdie was stunned but that wasn’t the case. I think it was going to fast the impact probably broke its neck instantly. That little birdie had wings in this life and will have new wings in the next. 🙂

  6. WOW! That’s some famous list you got there my friend! Some repeats that I’ve already seen today, but the others are a first… like Bon Jovi’s song in making a memory… that one always touches my heart. You are such a natural at this girlfriend! YOU HAVE TOTALLY ROCKED THE HOUSE!!! BIG HUGS AND have a ROCKIN’ week!

    1. Marie,

      I couldn’t do near what I do if it weren’t for Google. Sometimes I feel like I’m flying by the seat of my pants to come up with songs. Thanks for your kind words and for sharing this dance with me, my friend!

  7. I completely forgot about Kenny Rogers’s “Through The Years,” and it’s such a great song. Nice choices ya got here, Cathy! Great set!

    1. John,

      I did, too. That’s the beauty of Google just put in a few keywords and wah-lah, you get a ton of hits! Great theme suggestion, my friend. 🙂

  8. I love that song, Reminiscing! Not too many songs these days have interesting stories to tell like back in the day.

    That’s weird about the bird. Even if the windows are not tinted, I don’t understand how the bird could not see the window, especially on a car.

    1. Kimberly,

      Maybe the bird was near-sighted. Who knows but I wondered the same thing. You know a big red door in the path of flight should signal to stir clear. Thanks for visiting.

  9. Eons ago 3 birds hit my windshield while I was on an interstate in FL. I don’t know how but they lived and so did I. Miracles happen, you know. 🙂 Forgetful, me? 🤔

    1. Eugenia,

      WOW, that is amazing! That would give me a heart attack. I remember one time a pebble flew off the window a big truck. DH was driving. I saw it coming and when it impacted the windshield it smacked really hard, throwing my arms in front of my face sure it would shatter the glass but it didn’t. It didn’t even make a ding. Instead, I was left clutching my heart. Oh, goodness did that ever scare me to death! I’m glad you survived the attack of the birds. Was Alfred Hitchcock nearby? 😉

    1. Cathy,

      I know The Little River Band brought back some fun memories. I can’t believe it’s been eons since I heard them until now. I don’t know how this group slipped my memory. Unfortunately, there are many such bands that I’ve forgotten over the years. Thanks for hopping by to dance with me.

    1. Jacqui,

      I’m surprised to learn of others with similar experiences. It initially bothered me but I accepted that was something out of my control and didn’t dwell on it for long. I hope you don’t let it get to you. Thanks for visiting!

  10. Last year after we came back from vacation I noticed one of our bedroom windows had a shattered place almost like it had been shot, but since the impact did not completely shatter or go through the glass I figured it definitely was not a bullet. Maybe someone had thrown something or shot a BB that didn’t go through, but my real suspicion was that a bird might have hit the glass. Guess I’ll never know.

    So many great songs about memories. The first one that came to mind was one of my favorite songs: “Taxi” by Harry Chapin. The memories start with the great line: “Through the too many miles And the too little smiles I still remember you”

    A lot of good songs fit this theme.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      You’re probably right that a bird flew into your window. Sometimes, we hear what we think is a bird bumping into a window but so far none have hit any of them hard enough to do any damage. Usually, the little ones like to light on the screened portion for a few seconds before flying away. I couldn’t recall if I’ve heard Taxi before so I checked it out on YouTube and it didn’t register with my ears, so I appreciate the introduction. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I’ll be over to visit you in a few! 😉

  11. Sorry about that poor little bird. Makes one very upset.

    Love this video. I’ve not heard it in years.

    Have a fabulous day filled with beautiful music. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      It was upsetting. I felt so terrible for that little thing but those things as weird as they are happens. Thanks for the spin on the dance floor!

  12. Very sad about the bird. Nice music choice, I had forgotten about this song. My memory is so bad that I knew I wanted to comment on something else, but had to scroll back up to the post to see what it was 🙂

    1. Ellen,

      My memory isn’t what it used to be, either. I often make reference to a post I’m reading when I comment. Thanks for the dance!

  13. Hi, Cathy!

    I am terribly sorry to read the story about that poor birdie hitting your car window. That’s bizarre! It sounds like the beginning of a Hitchcock film. What happened to you and DH reminds me of the pet zebra finch Mrs. Shady and I owned in the 1990s. It became so tame that we let it out of the cage to fly around the condo. Unfortunately one day the bird flew full speed into a mirror, broke its neck and died instantly. I will never forget the horrible thud as it hit the glass.

    I enjoyed your Monday mewsic. (It moved me.:) Little River Band is one of my favorite groups and “Reminiscing” one of my favorite songs. “Croc Rock” is a smart choice for this hop, too. I was very happy to hear Simple Minds doing their big hit from The Breakfast Club “Don’t You (Forget About Me).” Coincidentally I was just reading an article yesterday in which the movie critic listed Breakfast Club as one of the film classics you can go ahead and skip because, in his opinion, it wasn’t very good. I tend to agree because I like some of the other Brat Pack movies better, such as Sixteen Candles, St. Elmos Fire and Pretty In Pink. That video for the Kinks’ 1983 single “Don’t Forget To Dance” played often on my MTV-style station.

    That first meme offers very good advice, and the second meme….. shucks, now I forget what I was gonna write about it. 🙂

    Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Oh, that’s terrible your pet finch met its fate flying headlong into a mirror. You’d think it would see its reflection before actually hitting it but then maybe it’s like trying to stop when you run downhill. We watched “The Breakfast Club” years ago but wasn’t too impressed with it, so we didn’t see the others you mentioned because of our first impression. In recent years, we caught TBC on Netflix and watched it again. It was as bad as we first thought but then maybe we were feeling nostalgic. I did catch “St. Elmos Fire” on one of our streaming services last fall. I enjoyed the film. The mewsic was great in it. Thanks for popping by for a spin on the dance floor, my friend. Have a good week!

  14. LOVE your song choices, Cathy! I *almost* posted Sarah Mclachlan and Tears for Fears – so glad *you* did! 🙂

    And that poor birdie! Your hubby is a sweetie steering you away from seeing the poor thing on the ground – what a gentleman!

    Thanks for the dance to awesome music, as usual! Have a great week, my friend! 🙂

    1. Stacy,

      Yeah, that poor little birdie. That was the craziest thing. Now that I think about it I wonder why it doesn’t happen more often. Thanks for stopping by to boogie with me!

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