
23-03-2025 Vol 19

Skywatch Friday, Sillies, and Fill-in Fun

After such a cold week at the end of January, this particular Thursday (Jan.30th) the sunset promised to be gorgeous as we were loading the groceries into the car.

An East Tennessee sunset in West Knoxville

By the time we hit the interstate headed for home, the evening sunlight glow had settled in the horizon, as I looked in my side mirror. I couldn’t let the opportunity slip past me. Steadying my hands wasn’t easy with DH traveling at highway speed in a pack of rush hour commuters were the slightest movement of the wheel can wreck a photo-op in a blink but I did my best snapping this photo.

An East Tennessee rearview sunset.

Photo contributions linking with other fellow photo enthusiasts from around the world in Skywatch Friday.

It’s not the sharpest or best picture, but I loved how my creativity kicked in with this capture. Of course, I had a little help with Fotor adjusting the exposure and applying the Tilt-Shift feature to improve my photo.

While you’re basking in my East Tennessee sunset, why not treat yourself to a few laughs this morning with a dose of Friday Sillies!

What things put a smile on your face or made you laugh recently?

I have come to expect, Joyce from Catch My Words to share a funny YouTube videos on Monday mornings. Here is a little ditty that made me grin of things to not say to your wife.

It’s Valentine’s Day! A Facebook friend shared this…

Ohhh, I like mine name! I’m Shy Hot-Stuff. Yep, that sounds about right. lol

Leave your cupid name in comments to bring a smile to my face and others. 😉

Cupid’s mishap…


and payback…

Rounding things up with Hilary’s Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun.

  1. Valentines is the sweetest day of the year for me because DH is especially tenderly loving in giving me a single rose & small box of chocolates. So simple, yet it means so much to me.
  2. Since Valentines is a sign of love  I have special plans to be extra romantic tonight.
  3. Dark chocolates with a cup of latte is a great way to kick off an evening of sensuality! Or, at least this works for me. 🙂
  4. Sometimes I just want to snuggle on the sofa with DH when I am in a tender mood.
Keep smiling and a have laughtastic weekend!



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13 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday, Sillies, and Fill-in Fun

  1. Yes, some of the best pictures we find are when we are on the road – like this one! The opportunities that pass so quickly. Wonderful we have a place to put them – viva the blog. !

  2. Whoo-hoot! I’m a Sassy Heart-Throb!! LOL

    I do believe there will be quite a bit of snuggling and cuddling on the couch tonight. Left Brain worked night shift all week, so he will be a bit tired — and a nice evening by the fire and maybe a romantic movie sounds perfect.
    I already ate all the chocolate. 🙂
    Happy Valentine’s!

    1. We don’t have a fire to cozy up to, but we can snuggle on the sofa and watch some sappy romantic movies. It’ll be a great way to spend the evening.

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