
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Blueridge Parkway view of silvery tip pines and Glassmine Falls

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs, earlier in the month I share a photo I called Sea of Clouds. Here are a few more pictures I took the same day. We were standing on the ramp of the Mt. Mitchell Observation Tower looking toward the parking lot with the sun coming across our shoulders striking the evergreens in the forest below.  This isn’t necessarily an outstanding photograph, but I loved the sun refracted the water drops creating this cool silvery tip effect on the pine needles. Don’t you just love it?

The clouds hung over us all day. As we made our descent down the parkway toward Asheville this view caught our eye and I had to snap a picture of Glassmine Falls.

Here is your chance to share your photos with Blogosphere. Just link your photo post, tweet the news, and join in the fun. It's that simple!
1. Ink Interrupted  8. Landscapes of Mazovia  
2. Tots and Me w/linky  9. Jarek  
3. Adventures in Weseland  10. Suz @ McClendon Villa  
4. bethere2day LINKFEST  11. David @ Random Thoughts and Observations  
5. Comedy Plus  12. image-in-ing: weekly photo linky  
6. Indah nuria  13. Bill  
7. Falling Leaves are Here! WW  

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I’m making headway on repairing broken links and videos, but it’s not getting done fast enough to suit me. Next week, I’m thinking about stepping away for just a bit to try to get this job done. Today’s photo contribution for (not-so) Wordless Wednesday I plan to share with photo enthusiasts from around the globe participating in Skywatch Friday.

I am taking a blog hiatus beginning October 1st -17th but I do have my routine weekly posts scheduled. I will link with a few regulars, do return visits, and respond to comments. It’ll be sorta like I’m not away from Blogosphere. Next up, Friday Sillies and more Friday fun stuff!


Have a fototastic day!






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12 thoughts on “Blueridge Parkway view of silvery tip pines and Glassmine Falls

  1. You are so blessed to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth, Cathy, and we are blessed to see your captures of Heavenly Father’s artwork. Those trees are beautiful. You don’t see those where we live now. I absolutely love the misty shot there at Glassmine Falls. I probably would be ripping out David’s chest hairs again at the elevation, but it is a beautiful place. 🙂

    Have a blessed day!

    1. Suzanne, you’re too funny. I hope David knows by now to stand a few feet away from you, Wild Woman! 🙂 And, yes I consider myself indeed blessed to live in this place. This is why we’re reluctant to look outside of East Tennessee for employment prematurely. We’re trusting God to provide DH with the right job here. Thanks for stopping in. I’ll be by to see you soon. 😉

      1. Thanks. 🙂 He knows, but he doesn’t do it. haha

        We haven’t been to the mountains in well over 11 years. Not because of the chest hair pulling that he got when we went to Black Rock Mtn,, but because there aren’t any mountains in our immediate area now. The mountains here in Texas are about 9 hours or so from our house, so not in our immediate future plans. I would like to go someday, though.

        I’m praying for Heavenly Father to provide your DH with a job right there, too. His will be done, of course, but it sure is great when we’re both wanting the same thing, isn’t it?

        Have a blessed night. 🙂

      2. Nope, David knows it is best to hold her close and enjoy the scenery, as it were, with her. We would love to be back there to see the lovely fall leaves, have a mountain apple, and enjoy the view.

  2. I wish my husband liked nature more. All he’s into is rock & roll, but there is more to life such as these wonderful places you’ve show us. Thanks for sharing. hugs

  3. Lovely photos Cathy nice and serene 🙂

    Have a scenictastic week 🙂

    PS: Have you tried Broken Link Checker Plugin? I have used it for years it’s a godsend and very quick once it’s scanned your links and it will monitor them from then on, if you haven’t already tried it it’s worth a try and will save you a lot of time 🙂

    1. Steve-thanks for the tip. I will definitely look into it. The biggest problem happened when I migrated from Blogger to WP. My internal links pointing to my own posts still have the old URL. Will this plugin work on those type of issues?

  4. Looks like we both had technical difficulties this photography session — mine are less than ideal shots too. But sometimes even though a shot isn’t perfect, there is something still worth about it: like rain drops on silvery pine needles!! Love the misty mountain shot too. I guess the “feeling” of the shot is somehow still conveyed; even when our abilities are tested.

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    You are becoming quite an expert on the Blue Ridge Mountains. I can see you working as a docent and conducting tours. 🙂 Those silvery tip pines you spotted look like Christmas trees! Glassmine Falls is an interesting spot. I read that it got its name from the mica mine at the base of the falls. The miners referred to the mica as glass.

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy, and have a happy (not-so) Wordless Wednesday!

    1. Tom, Drats, I’ve been found out! lol I thought the silvery tipped pine looked a Christmas tree, too. It brought to mind the silver tinsel trees from the 60s, do you remember those? My parents had one and the rotating color wheel that shined on it. I remember that factoid about Glassmine but forgot about it until you mentioned it. There’s just so much beauty surrounding us and it’s great getting out to enjoy it all!

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