
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Scribble Picnic New Year Party art challenge with ABC/Wordless Wednesday A is for Automobile photo

Purrrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs! How is your new year going?  Mine is going so-so.   I’m not a party person but for this week’s Scribble Picnic art challenge is ‘New Year’s Party‘,  I found inspiration when I sent our kids the image above and then looked for Snoopy illustrations to spark my imagination. 

iPad Procreate sketch

Obviously, it needs work but I’m not worried about that because I’ll try my hand at it again.  I just want to have fun and happily accept what I do for the moment.  Creating should be relaxing and enjoyable, right?

Michael MacVean, host

You may recall in last week’s episode I mentioned the atrocities associated with the death of our primary AUTOMOBILE. I thought it was only appropriate that I share a picture of her replacement. Allow me to introduce you to Ava.

Wind Chill Pearl with Cognac leather interior

The Toyota Avalon limited edition is one sweet ride and isn’t our Ava a beauty?

Today’s post is in part sponsored by the letter ‘A’ and the ABC Wednesday community.

My linky party is open to all regardless of what kind of post you have as long as you’re a personal blogger.  All commercial websites, advertisers, or other spammy, non-fun links are subjected to immediate termination by the linky hostess!

I hope to have a new post tomorrow as I’d like to join a few nice Thursday hops but if not be sure to catch my Friday Fun Stuff edition. Have a blessed day! 😉

X💋X💋, Cathy

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65 thoughts on “Scribble Picnic New Year Party art challenge with ABC/Wordless Wednesday A is for Automobile photo

    1. Kislaya,

      Thank you for the warm wishes this new year. I’m delighted you like enjoyed my Snoopy & Friends sketch. A new friend is always welcomed here. Have a blessed day!

    1. Betty,

      Welcome to my place! I’m happy you decided to drop by for a visit. You’re welcome to join my WW linky party anytime. Have a glorious day!

  1. BTW, the new theme is referring to one’s own town, place, etc. 🙂

    P.S. Yes, the car is a beaut for sure. Congratulations, Cathy!

    1. Michael,

      Thanks for the clarification. I think I know what I want to sketch. Now, let’s see if I can put it on paper. Yep, I think I’ll do it old-school for this prompt. 🙂

  2. Cathy, I’m so glad someone did a Peanuts party! The best. Thank you! Love it. And yes, you are spot on: “..just want to have fun and happily accept what [you] for the moment. Creating should be relaxing and enjoyable….” Absolutely. I wish we could all just do that more here and that’s why I called our art co-op, SCRIBBLE picnic. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

    1. Michael,

      You can’t have a party without Snoopy and friends, can you? I’m glad you liked my illustration for your art prompt. It was fun to doodle. When I began sketching a couple of years ago, I went at it with the attitude to have fun. I knew my limitations and I really didn’t expect a whole lot but then I was surprised. I’m nowhere near those who studied art or those who create beautiful works for hire but that’s okay. As I said, I happily accept where I am and just go with the flow. Thank you for your encouragement and for allowing me to join in the fun. I’m so inspired by the talent of those who link up. 🙂

  3. I’m SO happy that I’m not usually dependent on a car. Although we DO have one, I get to work on the bus or, if it’s decent out, the bike.

  4. Ava is lovely. She looks like she would enjoy a class of the bubbly. And, the color of her seats, ooh-la-la. Very cool sketch, by the way, Cathy. 🙂

    1. Susieee,

      Thanks for dropping by. The cognac leather interior is gorgeous. I like it more and more everytime I look at it. I figure this combination is going to be a big seller but we haven’t seen any others on the road yet.

  5. Wow, Cathy! You did a great job with your sketch. Snoopy and Woodstock rock! Luv the new car! Ava is a real beauty. Wishing you speedy mending with your leg. 🙂

  6. Fun fun fun!!! I love your Snoopy and Woodstocks!!! :)))) Oooh nice new car…I love how delicious the interior sounds lol…I’m a big fan of cognac! Hee hee. Alex and I decided that as SOON as we can, we are trading in our SUV for an old gas guzzlin’ truck that’ll last another 50 years lol…

    1. Rain,

      I don’t know a single person who doesn’t love Snoopy & Woodstock(s). They are a happy pair of friends who always make ya smile. SUVs are hot tamales! People are buying those things left and right. Some vehicle manufacturers have cut production on their sedans because of this reason. I’d love to have a truck for hauling big stuff. Right now anytime we need something delivered then we have the store to bring it to us which often requires a delivery fee. But, that’s not often so we can dish out the $50 every once in a while instead of having an additional vehicle loan and added insurance. I don’t drink, so I have no idea what cognac is like. I’m really glad I never developed a taste for alcoholic beverages because they are horribly high in calories. I’ll stick to my ice cream and candy bars for that! 🙂

  7. I love your sketch and you captured Snoopy and the birdie (forgot its name) so well and it is just fun to look at! Your car is great! I am thinking of Ricardo Montalban saying …”Rich Corinthian leather”…hahahaaa

    1. Birgit,

      Snoopy’s little friend(s) is Woodstock. I Richardo Montalban in Fantasy Island. Did he use the words ‘Rich Corinthian’? That I don’t remember. 🙂

  8. Girl, you should put all your drawings in a book – every year! This one is really awesome and I know your grandkids will love them! Can you just imagine them showing their books off & saying my grammy wrote these! Really girlfriend think about it!!! Love it…. heck I’ll definitely buy that book myself. Hugs

  9. WOW, You just ain’t whistlin’ Dixie there girlfriend! Now that’s a for real “Ride”, as my grandson would say! ~hehehe~ You’d be stylin’ now mon!!! My son says that… dang, I could’ve sworn I taught my kids the correct pronunciation of English words! bwahahahaha Well, may leg has been swelling up like a balloon so I haven’t really been doing anything at all. Tomorrow is another story… no wait, today we went for a doctor’s visit for Dave and they said his test shows he’s diabetic and to lay off the beer. Oh Lordie! It just didn’t sound right they don’t tell you your diabetic and just lay off the beer… hmmmm Anyway they took a back x-ray too! So we’re putting Dave back together this time, but he’s says no matter what he’s NOT having any surgery!!! bwahahaha wonder why??? Anyway, sweetie you reminded me when is that A to Z FUN??? Are they going to do it this year. HUGS & HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND & AS USUAL I LOVE YOUR POST.& LOVE YOUR RIDE! Saaaaa wheatttttttttttttttt!!!

    1. Marie,

      I’m sorry to hear your leg still swells. Do the doctors know why this is happening? I hate to hear Dave was diagnosed with Diabetes. I guess the doctor wants him to not drink beer because it’s so high in carbs. My mom & dad are type II. Mom has a bigger problem than Daddy. She told me it’s the carbs she has to really watch as it’ll shoot her sugar level up. Oh, dear Dave has back issues, too? Man, oh man! That’s not good. I hope no surgery is needed. My neck is doing better. I only take the muscle relaxers at night but I have to wonder what happens after I stop, you know? The A to Z Challenge is in April. I’m undecided what I’ll do just yet. It’s a huge commitment as you know and it’s usually pretty much drains me by the time the month ends. That being said, I’m sorta thinking ahead just in case I take the plunge. 🙂

      Thank you for your sweet comments on my Snoopy sketch and for the encouragement to do more with my art but right now I’m not ready and maybe I’ll never will. The thing is don’t ever want it to feel like a job. I like doing it just for the fun of it. Also, so glad you like Ava. She is really a sweet car. God has blessed us beyond measure!

  10. Congrats on the new car. Just remember never to drive faster than your guardian angel can fly! Great sketch for the Picnic – Snoopy sure knows how to celebrate.

    1. Lorraine,

      No worries there as I’m not the one usually driving and DH is better these days about keeping within the speed limit. I’m pretty sure our guardian angels have no problem doing what’s posted. 🙂

  11. Great sketch, Cathy! Snoopy looks to be enjoying himself at the party.

    Congratulations on the new car….may Ava prove to be a safe, comfortable, and reliable ride for many years to come. I started naming all my cars when I first bought a Volkswagen Kombi van….she just called out to be named….so Roxy she was. Roxy was followed by Tilly and now the name of my current car is Lily. Funnily enough, I never named my first car which came before the Kombi van. Although…she was a yellow Holden Kingswood station-wagon and my work colleagues at the time nicknamed her – the Yellow Flash….so I guess she did have a name after all.

    All the best to you for 2019!

    1. Serena,

      Snoopy & his little buddies always know how to fun. 😉 Ahh, it’s good to see someone else names their vehicles! I never really thought about it until DD#1 named hers but I thought that stemmed from her childhood of naming all of her stuffed toys sort of thing but I reckon it’s more than that, huh? 🙂 Ava so far is a lot of fun. She’s a smooth, comfortable ride and so cozy. I never thought I’d like the leather interior but the leather in our limited edition version is really nice – so soft! Plus, the seats are heated!! That’s really great on cold days. 🙂 We got more bells and whistles on this car than intended since the dealership had this one already on their lot. They made us an excellent offer which we couldn’t refuse. We believe it was God’s good favor toward us. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by to share in my SP contribution. Have a wonderful day!

  12. Sketching is about having fun, and that sketch is fun! So is your new ride, wow.

    You asked about potted meat on my blog, and my mom was not into that, we got bologna. Now it’s all about the pimiento cheese!

    1. Mimi,

      All hobbies should be enjoyed. I find the less serious I am about my passions the more fun they are and often times the better work I do. Isn’t that crazy? We got our share of bologna sandwiches growing up, too. I still enjoy bologna on occasions. I love pimento cheese and have even made it myself which is better than anything on store shelves!!

  13. Hi Cathy – nice blog! I will come back and visit. I like your sketch . I keep thinking I’ll join in Scribble Picnic and never seem to do it. Maybe one of these days.

    1. Sandy,

      It took me a bit to finally get started with SP but I finally just did it. The good thing is, it’s a bi-weekly hop which allows someone like me time to come up with a something. Those more talented, like yourself, probably have no trouble throwing together a beautiful sketch. Thank you for visiting. You’re always welcome anytime, my friend, anytime! 😉

    1. Mary,

      Thanks! We’re still ga-ga over Ava’s beauty. I know this is part of the new car experience but I think we’ll be in awe of her for some time to come. 🙂

  14. Great party piece for Scribble Picnic Cathy.
    Know you will enjoy your new car – my Avalon is 8 years old and has been the perfect chariot for me. I still love it but may consider trading soon as I now need a smaller car (Avalon was big when I bought)
    with more updated safety features for backing up etc. My hubby has a newer Camry XLE which is such fun to drive – may get one of those as we’ve had Toyotas for years and wouldn’t purchase anything else!
    Drive safely and enjoy your new wheeels.

    Happy new year to you and your family.
    Mary –

    1. Mary,

      We own two older Camrys. The ’03 still runs but our ’87 needs work. Given the age and miles on that one, we’ll be sending it to the big junkyard in the sky soon. We would’ve gone with the Camry this time but found the Avalon’s cabin quieter for conversing. I have hearing issues so this kept DH from having to raise his voice. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I LOVE your Snoopy party sketch, Cathy! It’s a keeper, for sure. 😀 Your new car looks great too. I’ll try and do something for WW and link up here, today. Cheers!

  16. You name your cars. How cool. Ava is a beauty. Love the color.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Love you. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      This is the first time I’ve named our car ever! DD#1 gives her cars names, so I thought why not give the new one a name? Ava fits her purrfectly. I wish you could see her in person, the color is thousand times purrtier. If you get a chance to go by a Toyota dealership, look for it on the lot. I think the same color is used also on the Camry.

    1. Jacqui,

      The ’03 was…is a good, reliable car. I hope she hangs with us for many years to come and I hope Ava proves to be every bit if not more dependable.

  17. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Not-So-Wordless Wednesday to you, dear friend! There’s one word to describe Ava, your new Toyota Avalon – “WOW!” That is indeed a cool looking ride. Congratulations on finding her! Painted “Wind Chill Pearl” and with “Cognac leather interior,” Ava sounds like the kind of car James Bond would drive. 🙂 Please take good care of Ava on the highways and byways (and driveways). 🙂 I can hear you and DH shouting the Toyota ad slogan, “Let’s Go Places!” as you start her up and head toward the mountains.

    I thought you did a fine job on your Scribble Picnic challenge. The Snoopy new year scene contains elements that will come into play in the coming year here at CAAC – a festive party atmosphere, good mewsic and, of course, creative artwork.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      We’ve only taken her to the mountains once so far. It’s just been too hectic for us, especially while I am giving my leg time to heal. I’m nearly 4-week post-injury but I still have a hard flat knot on the back side of my calf. Most of the bruising is gone with some patchy discoloration. I won’t be surprised if it stays for another couple of weeks or longer. My body is slow to absorb bleeding beneath the skin. Ava is really quite gorgeous. Her elegance is something the likes of 007 might step out of with a drop-dead woman on his arm but instead, you get us. 🙂 Thanks for your kind remarks on my latest art sketch. Snoopy is my all-time favorite cartoon character. He’s loveable and fun!

    1. Red,

      Yep, that was confusing alright! Thanks for pointing out that I failed to use that one simple word of clarification ‘replacement’. So…I inserted it so to not make someone say, “What?” lol 😀

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