
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Thanksgiving #music & #BOTB results

Good morning, kittens & dawgs! The 3rd week of what once was a new month is drawing to a close and echoes of She’ll be comin’ around the mountain when she comes is playing in my head as Thanksgiving approaches. Just like every year before, I wonder where did the year go and wasn’t it only yesterday we celebrated THIS time of you? Alas, we are here yet again.

Ramblin’ Tommy Scott She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain

Before we cozy up to this morning’s music selections, let me just give a big shout out to all those who voted in the mid-month round of #BOTB.  First off let me say, it shocked me to see how heavily the outcome leaned in favor of Diane Krall’s cover of Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep.  I was certain Barry would have gathered more votes than he did, which totaled all of 1 count. Of course, I liked Krall better than Manilow, too. So…maybe that should not be so surprised after all. Okay…let’s settle in for some nice tunes to set the Thanksgiving mood!


Try as I may I can not think of the holidays period without thinking of Charlie Brown. Can you? I mean, Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without hearing this recognizable holiday tune…

Vince Guaraldi Trio Thanksgiving Theme


And then there’s the quiet thoughtful music of Mary Chapin Carpenter which pulls me back to reality allowing me to focus on my many blessings.

Mary Chapin Carpenter Thanksgiving Song


I am filled with gratitude for the things God has given me ~ a loving, supportive, husband, good children, the best family & friends (like you) ever, excellent health, DH’s job, our  home, and more. I have no complaints or none worth mentioning, especially knowing there are others less fortunate than me. My lips are zipped because it’s hard to feel anything else other than blessed. How about  you, what are you thankful for?

I hope you enjoyed your visit. Have a songsational Saturday!

anime cats

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