
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Round 6 #BoTB ‘Lullaby​ of Spring’ showdown results

Although, it is officially spring the weather hasn’t felt a lot like it.   However, these signs of spring are evident.  Winters in general tear the highway up horribly but the heavy rains we had this month destroyed the roads even more.  I don’t know which is worse the potholes or the repair job? 

Last Friday,  I put three different cover artists on center stage asking you to name your favorite.  It was a hard choice, I know with the haunting female vocals,  the Celtic-like instrumental, and a ukelele playing male singer but isn’t that the point of these battles to challenge your ear? *smack forehead* Sure it is! Before I go on, let’s take peek at how you know it’s spring.

I don’t care how warm it gets, you won’t find me getting the paper in my underwear unless that is I subscribe to the daily mews online. The way I see it there is only so much sexiness my neighbors can take and one look at me is like an overload! 🤣


Now it’s time to find out how the cover artists in BoTB Round 6 ‘Lullaby of Spring’ showdown (you’ll also find linkbacks to other participators who are also sharing results today) did and to see if your pick is the winner.  

I felt each performance merited a spot in this battle and found reasons to enjoy each. Most liked the haunting quality of the female Dali artist, most didn’t like Sina’s instrumental cover because it was too long, and while some said Brian’s vocals weren’t the best they preferred the ukulele version. 

I have to ask, do I really need to do the breakdown? Yep, you know it, one singer took quite a few of the votes showing an obvious forecast of the winner nearly from the start.  Things didn’t change, either.  In these participants’ opinions — Sandee, Lee, Stephen, Birgit, Debbie, Mary, Cherdo, Anne Marie, Myke, & McJadeli DALI (an anonymous singer) is the best giving her 10 votes. Whereas Tom & John voted for the instrumental cover of Sina and the others — Brian, Sandy, Mike Spain, & Mimi went with the ukulele player, Brian.  

I was a bit surprised how heavy the vote went for the Dali gal and how few liked the instrumental arrangement.  I wasn’t expecting this outcome but I appreciate your time in picking the winner. 

Congrats go to the unknow Dali singer securing 10 votes and making her the winner in BoTB Round 6!



At this point, I generally like sharing another song by the victor but this chick made things difficult for me to do since I wasn’t sure what to put up and so I thought why not feature one of Donovan’s most popular songs?  ‘Mellow Yellow’ released in 1966 rising to the #2 spot on the US Billboard Hot 100 charts; peaking #8 in the UK charts the following year. 


Wish me luck in finding my mind this year!

I’m helping a friend to promote her newest book, Survival of the Fittest, and before you hop away please check out yesterday’s post. Thanks for stopping in today for a few laughs and to learn the stats in my last battle.  That’s a wrap for now but the mewsic continues and consider yourself invited to hit the dance floor with your choice mewsic picks on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!

X💋X💋, Cathy

More Friday linkups…

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27 thoughts on “Round 6 #BoTB ‘Lullaby​ of Spring’ showdown results

  1. I missed the BOTB. I miss a lot these days. Just can’t keep doing everything I’m trying to do – I blame menopause. LOL!
    Living in tropics, the main thing I notice about spring is… well actually, not much. Most of this month has been in the 80s, and it’s been really dry. Finally, today, we got a decent shower in the afternoon. I’m telling you, the palm trees have been looking scorched! I wish it would rain more, but it’s not the season. But enough about me.

    Trying to get back into blogging and blog-reading, in preparation for April. Will check out your book review post.

    1. Red,

      No worries here, my friend. My blog door is always open to you anytime. 😉 Oh hear you on menopause. Thankfully, I have most of the symptoms under control. My quarterly hormone replacement pellets seem to do the trick with keeping things in line. It took a while for my body to adjust but the pay off is worth it. I can’t imagine living in the tropics especially since I’m not a fan of the extremes and I’d think, I might be wrong, it would be too warm all the time. Is that the case there? Thanks for making time and the best of luck to getting back into the blogging saddle again. 😉

  2. Congrats on Dali! I am so sorry for not participating in your BOTB this time. I have been busy with work (it’s the end of the school year and we had graduation yesterday). And also, a play I am involved with will open next week, so practicing a lot!

    1. Stephen,

      Do I look like a Debbie to you? To err is human to forgive is divine. LOL Thanks for visiting regardless of what you call me. I know your heart is in the right place and that’s all that matters. 😉

  3. You turned us on to something new, Cathy. For this, we are appreciative…
    Hey, these BYOB sessions have to be trying, for you hosts.
    Have a fantastic weekend…

  4. Donovan was one of my favourite artistes of the 60s. I think he still does the occasional gig.
    I have been known to often go outdoors in my undies, usually to hang the washing on the line early in the morning, but as we live on a farm and also have an enclosed garden, no-one would ever know…thank goodness!

  5. This outcome is no big surprise to me. I think perhaps the biggest problem with the instrumental was the length. It was good for a while and then I started getting antsy to move on. On the other hand, if I were wanting nice innocuous music playing behind me while working, relaxing, or whatever, I’d prefer a long instrumental.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  6. Hi Cathy 🙂 I love it…honestly, I go out in my bathrobe to let the dogs out…all the time! 🙂 NOT in my undies though ha ha ha! Oh the potholes. Actually one spring I drove into one and the result was a flat tire, so for me the potholes are the worst. It’s like an obstacle course these days on the roads around here when they aren’t snow-covered. My only memory of “Mellow Yellow” is that they used it for a Mountain Dew commercial lol! 🙂

  7. Plenty of potholes around here, too, but at least spring is just around the corner, (we hope)! 🙂 Nice to be on the winning side here. And I love Donovan. Thanks for the video today. Have a Mellow Yellow weekend!

    1. Jacqui,

      According to Wiki, Donovan reports the lyrics about being cool and laid back but also the electrical bananas (lady’s vibrator) that appeared about that time. The latter might be more info than you care to know, huh? lol

  8. Sorry I missed the voting. I go out for the paper in my pjs and robe, but that is it. There really is a Daily Mews online, I write articles for it. Have a nice weekend! XO

    1. Ellen,

      Don’t sweat it! Maybe, you can catch the next round on the 1st. 🙂 PJs & robe I’d do as long as it’s not intimate apparel. lol You write for the Daily Mews? Oh, that’s so cool! I just threw that out there as a random thing thingy but I should’ve figured it really exists online. That’s too cute and clever to not be in use, you know? Thanks for dropping by!

  9. I love your music challenges. Fun.

    Your funnies made me laugh and I’m not going outside in my underwear for anything. Yikes.

    Love the dancing kitties.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Big hug and lots of love. ♥

  10. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Friday to you, dear friend!

    When I worked in TV news at a station in Pennsylvania, we kept a “tickler file” in the newsroom that reminded us to do a report on potholes during the month of March every year. Winter in PA always produced a bumper crop giving us plenty of good film footage for our reports. I enjoyed your Friday Sillies. The brother-in-law in Florida would not need to wait for spring to play 18 holes of golf. There is golfing down here all year round. I agree that it would be a mistake for you to go out for the newspaper in your undies. You might give your male neighbors heart attacks. 🙂

    Thanks for posting the results of your latest band battle. It doesn’t surprise me that the I voted in the minority again this time. I don’t understand the argument that the instrumental piece is too long. If I am enjoying something, I want it to last. I didn’t need to catch a bus or anything, and therefore I had no problem listening to a longer track. All three artists were good, and I’m glad I helped prevent a Sina shutout.

    I always enjoy listening to Donovan’s distinctive voice. “Mellow Yellow” was a big “Dell song.” My buddies and I learned the lyrics and sang along whenever the song played on the jukebox.

    Have a wonderful Friday and a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I don’t mind a long-running song if I’m able to enjoy it. I think it’s hard for some to devote their attention to three artists much less if one has a song that’s more than a couple of minutes in length and I truly get that because sometimes I’m pushed. The way I generally handle things like that is if the song is too long but I like it then I’ll listen to just enough to decide if I prefer it over the contender(s). I usually save the link to go back for another listen when I have more time to give my fullest attention to the track.

      I don’t know about giving my male neighbors heart attacks but it certainly would be a shock. A pleasant one? I’m not sure but I appreciate your vote of confidence. 🙂 I can almost imagine DH egging me on to go get the paper in mine. Let’s just hope he never gives me a D-Double Dog Dare. lol

      1. If DH eggs you on and you take him up on that dare, make sure you post pictures or a video as proof. 🙂

        1. Tom,

          LOL, oh that’s funny! I’ve been known to take some dares but this is one I’ll happily accept being called a ‘Chicken’ on. 🤣

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