
27-03-2025 Vol 19

Rock the house down AprilA2Z Music

I interrupt the regular program post to bring you this special announcement…. I preëmpt all routine posts to bring you my contributions to this month’s largest blogging event. Don’t worry, normal posting will resume next month like clockwork (I hope). Meanwhile, I invite you to stick around to enjoy the #AprilA2Z fun!

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April 2015 Tulips decorating the front lawn of a home along one of Knoxville Dogwood Trails

Good morning, kittens & dawgs! We went from winter straight to summer. Our spring blooms peaked before I got the chance to snap them at their prime, but I didn’t let that stop me from enjoying my recent photo shoot.

What’s the first thing when you think of the letter “R”? No, wait…what are the first songs that come to mind? This morning, I’m gonna share my R-inspired songs for today’s alpha prompt.  Let’s  rock the house down with these rip-hop tunes!


RED EYE Andy Grammer
CRY ME A RIVER Diana Krall
RED RAIN Peter Gabriel

I’m gonna leave you with this fun song. This little ditty popped into my head when I thought red and you’ll get the connection after you watch it, too.

CUPS Anna Kendrick


Follow me while I visit some rad bloggers taking part in this ridiculously fun challenge!



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15 thoughts on “Rock the house down AprilA2Z Music

  1. I grew up in Michigan and the Tulip Festival in Holland still brings back great memories.

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Co-host
    R is for Reincarnation

  2. I enjoy your post! I love music and posted about it myself. Great song choices. Stopping by from 1 to z challenge.

    1. Thanks! I would love to return the favor by hopping over to your place, but you didn’t leave your URL and your gravatar info doesn’t provide it. 🙁

  3. I love that Sheryl Crow song! And Red Rain is a great Peter Gabriel song. I included him in my P post but didn’t include Red Rain. I should have: great song! Thanks for this nice music break. I needed it…
    Michele at Angels Bark

  4. Roundabout (Yes), Rosanna (Toto), Rites of Tamburo (Robert W. Smith), and Rainbow Seeker (Joe Sample) are some of my favorite “R” songs.

  5. Here’s a variety of Rs from my collection – Return to Innocence (Enigma), Rain Rain Beautiful Rain (Ladysmith Black Mambazo), and Reward (Teardrop Explodes). All Really different from each other.

    1. I think I’ve heard Return to Innocence. Engima reminds me a bit of Enya. In fact, I think they did a song together. I couldn’t get Rain Rain Beautiful Rain video to play, but I doubt I’ve heard it before. Reward was another new-to-me tune. You’re right, each are different (or at least the two I listened to) and nice songs to added to ones music library.

  6. I’ve seen a lot of “Cups” videos on YouTube. So I guess this is where it all started?
    My daughters even put a video up and I didn’t really get it. I’m so out of sync with pop culture. Now I feel almost enlightened. About “Cups” at least.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee taking part in Monday’s Music Moves Me really opened my mind to a lot of new music across many genres and while I may not have the technical savvy as those on BoTB I still love joining in on the challenge of coming up with one song done by two different artists. These two memes give me an excellent music education! But, how cool is this that your daughter put up her own cups video?! That rocks!!!

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