
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Right Back Where We Started From, Mony Mony, Crocodile Rock, & We’re An American Band on 4M


Welcome to 130th edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me.  This week’s theme is “Any song(s) which bring back good memories – music, commercial jingles, etc“.


I’m not sure why “Right Back Where We Started From” stands out in my mind, but when I hear this song it makes me happy. I assume it has something to do with a good experience, but I can’t swear to it. With that in mind, I do have some flashback songs  with good vibes in my soul. Dance with me down memory lane!

In the early 70s, I spent a week with my uncle and his wife. That was the highlight of my summer vacation. They didn’t have children at the time, so they indulged me just a bit. There wasn’t much to do in rural West Virginia, but there was always a steady supply of music. Whenever I think of such sweet times, Tommy James and the Shondells always come to mind.


As a kid, roller skating was one of the few things I got to do. It was a favorite pastime for many. Although, we didn’t get to go a lot, but when we were lucky enough to go to the rink then it was a blast. One of my favorite songs to roller skate to was Crocodile Rock.


During my 9th grade year, we had a Christmas prom. This was really exciting, but we were not allowed to have dates outside of those who attended my school. That meant, DH who was then BF could not go. What a bummer!

He was or I should say is tricky. He found away around the school’s no date clause. He asked the local band (who he use to play with regularly), if he could sub as their drummer. I had no clue until this song played!

Memories and songs seem universally synonymous. It’s hard to not put a song with a particular experience – good or bad. Hopefully, you have more good memories than bad this Monday as you think on yesteryear for today’s theme. 

Are you ready to get dancing? Admission to this awesome party is totally doable. Here’s what you do….

  • Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice
  • Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button 
  • Follow all 4 hosts, including the honorary co-host
  • Link your 4M below

Hostess of this virtual dance party is Marie of XmasDolly along with her co-hostesses:  Callie of JAmericanSpiceStacy of Stacy Uncorked,Cathy Kennedy’s Blog (my old blog), And, this month’s honorary co-host is Becca from Every Day Life!

Our spotlight dancer tops the linky line up in the number one spot – Congratulations, my friend!


Go ahead, shake your bootie with any of the fellow rockin’ bloggers below and if you wanna make put a smile on some one’s face today then be sure to leave them a comment!

Next stop… your place!  What songs bring back good memories for you?

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