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DS lost his phone yesterday and we bought another Verizon pay-as-you-go phones last night. We we did the same thing in 2010 after he busted his first phone and successfully added it to our family plan like any other phone with no problem.
Unfortunately, our luck didn’t hold up this time around. We couldn’t get it activated on our plan. I guess Verizon figured out what people were doing. I don’t see anything wrong with this and think it would serve Verizon well to allow it. We just don’t want to upgrade DS’s phone at this point. All we want is a dirt cheap, basic phone for him to place calls and text with. That’s it!
We wound up having to activate it as a pay-as-you-go. He’ll have to use it only in dire emergencies. Supposedly, after he’s had the phone active for 6-months, then we can roll it to our family plan. We aren’t too happy with this but we aren’t going to buy an upgrade just yet.
This morning, I tried tweeting an earlier post: PR & Giveaway: A Little Bird Told Me Stamp Set to discover my password wouldn’t work. Has anyone else been having this sort of problem? This is the first time in months this has happened, so it forced me to change it. While I was there I revoked nearly ever app with access to my Twitter account. I’d say one of them compromised my password.
I’m back at it, back at counting calories and keeping a journal. Wouldn’t life be so grand, if you didn’t have to worry about watching your waistline? What frustrates me is I drive myself to keep a 1200 calorie daily intake, but when I use an online calorie calculator it, it tells me I need to eat 1700 calories a day. What’s with that? I think, if I ate that much I’d gain weight. I’m plenty satisfied with my caloric intake. Does anyone know how to make heads or tells of the recommended calorie calculations? Am I approaching this all the wrong way?
Apple revealed some exciting improvements in their upcoming products yesterday. Now, I want one of the new MacBook Pros! I have to keep my priorities in line, though. I’ve decided before I get my new MacBook Pro, I have to get a Nikon digital SLR camera. stars in eyes look Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?
The early bird gets the worm, so where does this leave me? I guess, I’m left to eat dirt or I could just hop over to some of my favorite blog spots. I’m off to join Stacy for Random Tuesday Thoughts.
It’s never too late to enjoy a cup of coffee with your friends over some random conversations, right? While you’re at it, join in on the fun – create your own post and link up! Have a terrific Tuesday!
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DH gets the fancy Crackberry and I have the cheaper older non-intelligent phone. I can send text, and technically I can access the twit, FB, and my blog….but it is so slow and the screen is so small I hate using it. I just steal his when he’s not looking. haha
Calorie counting. I can’t be bothered for exactly this reason. Hubby says I am eating too little and my body is storing because it thinks I am starving it. The books say the 1700 – which if I try to reach I can barely get all that food down (well, unless there is cake involved, clearly). Why would I force myself to consume 1700 calories, if I don’t feel hungry enough to eat that much? When I snack, I eat veggies, fruit and a bit of protein: not chips, and cookies and pop – so I cannot get to 1700 calories eating carrots and bean sprouts! LOL Oye!
As for your twitter password – there is a nasty hack going around right now. If you receive any Direct Messages that say “someone is spreading nasty lies/rumours/things about you”, or “I can’t believe how funny you look in this pic” or something to that affect – and there will be a link: DO NOT OPEN. It’s a virus that will copy all your home/login places and steal the password. Nasty lil bugger. **If you have opened one of these by mistake – do not use your bookmarks to access the login….do internet search for the home page and login from there – then change your password. **
I’m like you regarding calories. There is no way I can eat 1700 calories every day of healthy non-junk foods and I’m always satisfied. I’ve gone below 1000 before and have been fine, too as far as not feeling hungry goes. But…from everything I’ve read your body tries to hold onto those few calories because it thinks I’m in starvation mode and it stores everything instead of burn it for energy. *sigh* I think I’m gonna do some more digging on this calorie thingy.
I have not gotten any of these messages in quite some time and even when I do get them I know it’s not legit. So, I’m really perplexed as to how my Twitter password was compromised. Oh well, I reset it. I just hope I don’t discover other site passowords have been subjected.
Princess Nagger keeps asking when she’ll get a phone, and I keep telling her it won’t happen until she’s either a teen or in middle school – whichever comes first.
It’s a bummer Verizon is making you wait 6 months before rolling the pay-as-you-go phone onto your family plan, especially since you’re good customers. Guess that’s their way of ‘punishing’ you for not dropping serious coin (to them) on a phone.
I suck at calorie counting. Which is why I’m still hanging onto the baby weight from 9 years ago. ACK!
I thought about switching over to Apple when I needed a new laptop (and yes, the new one makes me drool) but I don’t want to have to replace all the software I’ve bought over the years to Mac compatible. Though I have heard they do have software available that makes your PC software compatible with Mac – or that it’s a duo log-in (one side PC compatible, the other side all Mac all the time).
Funny Lists, Winemaking Fun, Tricky Eyeballs and Serious Brain Trouble
DH mentioned last night how he really wants to get the new MacBook Pro. Maybe, we’ll spring for it this fall. I have a CC I’m working on getting paid off and that’s when I want to consider doing some other things once our finances are freed up, like buy a camera or computer.
I don’t understand what the big deal is with the pay-as-you-go phone. Verizon sounds stupid.
As for the calorie counting, I think it depends on your weight and height. I don’t think eating 1200 calories is a bad idea for anyone but 1700 is still under the daily allowance. If anything, use both numbers and eat somewhere in the middle! =) Problem solved!
I LOOOOVE my apple laptop. I can’t imagine having anything else. But I also want a SLR camera too.
Thanks for linking up!
How frustrating!
My nine year old has asked when he gets a phone–we firmly told him when he can pay for it. Sucks that you couldn’t roll him over right away though.
We didn’t give our kids a cell until they were in their teens. It’s a big responsibility. Just remind your kiddo there is a time and a season for all good things. You make get some eye rolling with that, though. lol