
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Randomnation: Contest Chest – Celebrity Deaths – Follow Me-The Grey-4M Gala Giveaway

Last week, a fellow blogger I stumbled upon introduced Contest Chest offering a $400 cash giveaway prize to me.  The good news is, it’s active and you can enter, too. I don’t know anyone who can’t use an extra $500, do you? I even have the contest on my blog, click here!

Why is it when one celebrity dies another, another and then another slip away? First, Whitney Houston died. Next, Donna Summer passing last Thursday. I wrote a tribute to her called Remembering a Disco Star, And, then again on Sunday, I got a MSNBC text alert notification of Bee Gee singer Robin Gibb’s death. The below song introduced me to the world-renowned brother band act from the land down-under.

On the off-chance, have you heard I’m looking to increase my followers across the board – GFC, Google +, Twitter, Facebook? I’m definitely not opposed to having lots and lots of friends. The more the merrier, right? Actually, it’s kinda funny. I realized the numbers aren’t super important but it makes a big difference to get the right sponsors for my site. So, please help boost my numbers! 😉

That being said, you may have noticed I’m moving toward a PR friendly atmosphere on my blog. Don’t fret, though. This will be a place preserving blog content. I just love, love to participate in blog hops and write about whatever happens to be on my mind no matter how little it is.  I hope I can count on you to share some love by following me anywhere and everywhere. Ask your friends to do the same. I’ll love you even more for it!

I’m gonna make things über simple for ya. Not that you can’t figure this out for yourself or anything. I know you’re absolutely capable, simply I just wanna help is all.  After all, I’m the girl next door – your favorite pal to hang with, right?

 Networked Blog is the only one, I couldn’t find a quickie button to throw directly into my post for your convenience to click on. Sorry! 🙁 You’ll spot this in my right sidebar, though.

Speaking of RP friendly, I did my first paid review check out Sexilious Nights with Edenfantasys! I have two new product reviews and at least one giveaway planned in the coming days. So…keep an eye out for those to pop up!

SOLD 5-23-12!!

The snowy wilderness of Alaska…a plane crash…menacing, terrifying wolves stalking the survivors are perfect key ingredients for the making of an edge-of-your-seat thriller. The Grey DVD/Blu-ray release was on the 15th and can now be yours!

We bought the triple play version, just like what’s featured in the picture on the left from Amazon. We’re now ready to sell our copy.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Any takers?

At the time we ordered it, we paid $24.99. What will you get? Exactly what it came with – the DVD, Blu-ray, and digital streaming edition (promo code still active) for only $10 plus shipping/handling for this almost new copy.

This will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Just shoot an email to me requesting to buy it, along with your name, address, and a good email address where I can send a PayPal invoice for the transaction. It’s that easy! wink-wink


This bit of info may not apply to you, but it doesn’t mean it’s not too late to participate.


ATTENTION 4M Love Train Members!!!

Newsflash….in 10 weeks, Monday’s Music Moves Me will celebrate its 100th week of rock ‘n roll, musical friendship with all of our Love Train party-goers. To mark this milestone Head Conductor, Marie from XmasDolly is putting together a fabulous giveaway. This is what she’s offering thus far.


  1. (pending)$25 Gift Certificate Edenfantasys
  2. Plus Size Costume Center – $25 Gift Certificate
  3. A T-shirt from “It’s funny T-Shirt Time
  4. A copy of Designated Rider’s CD (Dave Moody’s band – Marie’s husband )


This giveaway will be for followers/participants of Monday’s Music Moves Me ONLY! To qualify: you must who have played along for at least 5-weeks before our 100th week anniversary. All others WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! Come join the fun and spread the news!

For more random Tuesday musings or simply some fun visiting a friend over a cup of coffee, then hop over to Stacy Uncorked!

Take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with your blog friends, as you enjoy some random reflections, considerations, or brooding. While you’re at it, join in on the fun – create your own post and link up! Have a terrific Tuesday!



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10 thoughts on “Randomnation: Contest Chest – Celebrity Deaths – Follow Me-The Grey-4M Gala Giveaway

  1. So sad about another great music legend passing. My fave song is “One”…I’ve been listening to it constantly.

    Oh my…Liam Neeson and talk of sex/fantasy!

    we should definitely add him to our stopped elevator! LOL

    got ya on the twit and google Plus. (having FB problems…but will get to that too.)

  2. I posted this long (and probably boring) comment and my computer went off line and it didn’t publish. UGH!

    Anyway, I said something about seeing the previews for that movie and they scared me. I LOVE Liam but the last movie that I watched with him still gives me nightmares. It was the one where he has a car wreck in a cab and his wife pretends she doesn’t know him but it was all kinds of twisted. Did you watch that one? Anyway, I only watch comedies or a romantic comedy but I love to laugh–not jump! lol

    Thanks for linking up! oxox

  3. Thanks for visiting from the hop! That’s so neat that you are an author! I’d love to know more about how you got published etc!

  4. I don’t really do contest… I never win. I don’t have the right kind of mojo for it. so I don’t enter. Why lessen the chances for others.

  5. My hubby rented The Grey last week, the sounds alone, I didn’t watch it, gave me the creeps!

    I have no clue what you’re talking about when you say things like GCF, Gooogle+ etc., I’m borderline computer illiterate! Good luck with whatever it is you’re doing 😉

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  6. Hi Cathy, I clicked like for your Facebook page “The Tale of ole green eyes”. Good luck with getting new followers!!

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