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16-03-2025 Vol 19

RaNdOm TuEsDaY tHoUgHs with Brown-Pusey House, Chats on the farmhouse porch, & Tuesday Coffee Chat

This is exactly how I feel this morning. Actually, I have been like this for the last several mornings. Ugh, I’m dealing with an inflamed GI tract which makes me achy all over and generally lethargic all day. Yesterday I ordered the herb marshmallow root (liquid). It’s supposed to have anti-inflammatory properties.  I’ll try anything at this point. Ok, within reason. I don’t want to go back to the doctor because more than likely he’ll want to do a colonoscopy and then put me on meds that I do not like. sigh Well, I’m not going to dwell on this. It’s time to get down and rAnDom!

Last week I shared a pictorial of our day trip to the Bluegrass state and today I wanted to finish things up in presenting a few more shots.

At the front of Abraham Lincoln’s birthplace, these formidable looking doors caught my eyes instantly. It was once the main entrance to the memorial. The worn doors are now locked permanently for non-use.  I think this is a handsome design, don’t you? What I found intriguing is the weight of each door a whopping 700 pounds! I dare say trying to remove them for repair would be a nightmare. Perhaps this the reason they are no longer being used. On the back side of the memorial, there is another set of doors which look very much like this.

In Elizabethtown, we visited the Brown-Pusey House. There are three original pieces of furniture still housed within the Brown-Pusey home.  My photographic eye had difficulty telling my subject was not in focus. For this, I apologize for the somewhat blurry images.





There is a small museum inside the Brown-Pusey House. The one resident guest of the house which fascinated us most was General Custer.  Once again, here is another not-so-picture-perfect photograph of two personal books belonging to the General.

Two-volume set of Trumbull’s History of Connecticut

Along with Custer’s personal effects such as these books, there is an original signed (by Mrs. Custer) photograph of General Custer and many Civil War artifacts on display.

The piece of stunning furniture below commanded my attention. It belonged to Dr. William Allen Pusey. The Pusey Room museum, in part, is a replica of his medical office containing furnishings, professional related memorabilia & literature, as well as cherished family mementos.  I loved the various dark and light shades! Isn’t this beautiful?



Patrice from Chats on the farmhouse porch wants to know….

1. How many loads of laundry do you do each week (about)? Still too many. At least a load each day – small to medium in size.

2. Where do your household pets sleep? If you have no pets, please skip to the next question. Will skip since this one doesn’t apply.

3. What is your favorite thing to listen to while you drive? I don’t drive. No really, I don’t drive. I can drive, but I don’t. We have one car so DH has it throughout the week and on the weekend when we run errands he is my personal chauffeur. Honestly, I prefer this. There are too many crazies out there on the road. Oh yeah, back to the question. I can listen to just about anything – talk radio to rock n’ roll.

4. Do you have to do a big clean-up when you have company or are you always ready for guests? No. I. Am. Not. Ever. Ready! Of course, we have no place for sleepover guests and I prefer to meet away from the house because there is too much chaos in our house. It’s too small and there is no place to hide things. This is why I have big dreams for a big house someday soon.

5. What’s your favorite breakfast food? Overall, I love eggs for breakfast fixed just about anyway. But, I do love cold cereal. The downside is I can’t have milk (has to be either almond milk or lactose-free milk) and sometimes whole grain cereals will hurt my digestive tract.


Rory from Tuesday Coffee Chat will be having a birthday very soon (the 13th) and she’s asking…

What are you getting me? I would show up on Rory’s doorstep with a Starbuck’s latte in hand for the birthday girl. We all know how much you love your morning coffee, especially from Starbuck’s. Where would you send me for a day away from the house? Then, I would tell her that Left Brain has agreed to make arrangements for the kids all day so I can take Rory to a day spa where she can be pampered like a royalty for the day. By the time, you’re done at the spa you’ll feel revitalized from your head to toe inside and out. 

I have one more random point I want to share. You know I recently got hooked on watching Once Upon A Time season 1 on Netflix. This didn’t cost us anything extra. However, once I had finished with it, I learned season 2 is not available on Netflix.

At you can watch the last 5 or 6 episodes, but anything older than that is not archived for viewing. Lucky for me,  I found a site where you can watch for free the older episodes as well as the most recent one at Couchturner. TV show listings are found in the right sidebar and from there you can select Once Upon A Time or any other program. It works good on the computer (the resolution isn’t the best, but passable) and great on my iPad. You can even do airplay if you want to stream it to your TV. It’s free and without commercials. Just wanted to pass this little tidbit to you!

Have a terrific Tuesday!


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