Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday!
Before we hit the dance floor, allow me to give you a brief update on our gal, Marie. She’s been sick with a nasty virus since the end of May. Actually, it’s been longer than that. She thought she was over it and then it hit her again. The bugger that’s got her down right now is a highly contagious infection called C Diff. The symptoms sound horrible. Please keep her in prayer. Get well, darlin’! We love you!!
By the time some of you stop by June switched to July. Yeah, how did that happen, right? The year is half-way gone, folks! Summer is in full swing, Blogosphere is skimpy on visitors but that doesn’t stop the mewsic. It’s time to hit the dance floor with this week’s theme “your choice song picks” with my random new2me songs playlist.
I believe most of these random picks were introductions by you guys. Please let me know in comments if you featured one of these tunes.
- Hidehiko Matsumoto & Yoshio Kimura ~ Festival of Enka
- Social Distortion ~ ‘Winners and Losers’
- Jero ~ ‘Sea Snow’ (I used Google to translate song title, how accurate it is, I don’t know. Hey Amy is this right?)
- Garbage ~ ‘I Think I’m Paranoid’
- Ben Folds Five ~ ‘Brick’
This month we have a new inductee as honorary co-host. Let’s give a round of applauds to Driller! We’re so glad to have you on board, my friend. On behalf of the 4M crew – you’re invited to join the party!
This is a mewsic linky party, all other posts are subjected for removal or labeled – NO MUSIC!
It’s official! Beginning today, I am only going to be in Blogosphere on Mondays. I’m spending too much time online than I need or want to. It’s time to take a semi-break for a refresher. I hope to return to my normal three days a week after Labor Day weekend.

That being said, just a reminder I am not participating in BoTB the rest of the summer but you’re invited to hop over to Stephen’s place for a list of battles taking place today and ask that you ‘Don’t Give Up On Me‘. Mark your calendar for my return to Battle of the Bands on September 15th!
ATTENTION!!! Would you like to be the September honorary co-host? If so, shoot me an email or leave me a comment saying ‘YES! Sign me up for next month!’
Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon. Next week hit the 4M dance floor with songs about purrsonal or national independence. XX
, Cathy

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So sorry about Marie. The Summer slump is upon me too. Things slow down, I feel like I’m melting sometimes.
Thanks, Paul! I definitely melt when I get outdoors. I feel very much like a flower in the heat where I wilt away until I’m indoors with the AC running full blast. I don’t like the extremes at all.
Things definitely do seem to slow down during the summer months – maybe I’ll have a chance to catch up!
Poor Marie – definitely keeping her in my prayers!! Thanks for the intro to new to me tunes!
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Yep, life in Blogosphere is slow and it’s the purrfect time to take a break or to catch up. I know you’ve had a lot on your plate with the passing of your dad. I hope you’re doing well or as well as can be expected. You’re in my thoughts and prayers daily, my dear. Thank you for dropping by for a visit. Have a boogietastic week!
Oh no – C Diff is nasty – I hope Marie makes a speddy recovery. I am just listening to the sax track – it’s smoky and lovely
So sorry for Marie, Healing Pawkisses are on the way to feel better soon <3
…and we won’t give up on you, you just Enjoy your well deserved break. We skip this week’s music, because we had a very long posty this week and haven’t hopped around until now. Extra Pawkisses for a Happy Summer and May the fourth be with you

Your music was all new for us, CK. Some pawsome tunes though, very chill lounge music and we liked Jero’s number 9 most and Don’t give up on you was our favourite for this week
Enjoy your break Cathy
I’m going to miss you for the art date!!
Blogging always gets skimpy during the summer!
Yes, the blogging community does take a hit during the warmer months and I really can’t blame folks for wanting to be elsewhere instead of inside four walls all day but in all honesty that’s probably where I’ll be. lol I just time away from the computer. I plan to follow your weekly art prompts sharing at an easy-going pace. Thanks for stopping in for a dance, my friend.
Wishing Marie a speedy recovery! <3 C Difficile is a NASTY virus, for sure.
These tunes are all new to me. Thanks for the introduction! Nbrs. 2 and 3 were my favourites, but they’re all good. Wishing you a your family a Happy Independence Day and a fabulous July! (Can’t believe the year’s half over already!)
Thanks for the good wishes for Marie. I know it makes her feel wonderful knowing so many people care about her. I’m glad you found time to boogie with me and that my mewsic shares are introductions. Social Distortion ‘Winners and Losers’ is one of my favorites in this set, but Jero came off as a big surprise. It just goes to show you shouldn’t base your opinion on something or someone by sight only.
Oh, I know I’m with you on the year now half gone, where did it go? I was so hoping by now that we would’ve found a new house but the process continues to be a slow one. I remain hopeful. Maybe, just maybe we’ll still find something we love before the year changes. Have a lovely summer, my friend.
OH MY GOSH, I can’t read anymore you got me in tears. I didn’t know so many people cared. Cathy you ARE my bestest friend ever. Love you girl and I shall try real hard to come back next Monday as long as I can sit up for a while and go back to it later in the day. I’m very weak. Never been like this ever! UGHHHHHHH Have a safe 4th…. HUGS
Everyone LOVES you! Don’t push yourself, take it real easy until your strength returns. This will take time and you’ll get spurts of energy but don’t be fooled. It’s an easy thing to overdo yourself at times like that. I hope you’re feeling tip top shape soon, darlin’! I hope you guys have a good 4th of July!! xx
Sending prayers for Marie from Idaho. <3
I absolutely LOVE the Social Distortion song. One of the members David Hildago went on to form Los Lobos. Some good songs today. Happy July. BTW, I shared Garbage on my Roky Erickson post. I’m glad you liked them.
Cathy & Keisha,
Ahh, so it was probably you who introduced Garbage to me. I couldn’t remember for the life of me who did. I’m so glad you cleared this mystery up for me. Happy 4th, my friend!
Great songs and praying for Marie. I pray for all of my music/blog friends.
I have to admit, since I am retired I can turn any week into six Saturday’s & a Sunday. The first music offering was delightful. I love instrumentals and you just don’t hear them on the radio anymore. Jero was quite a surprise. At any second I was expecting a rap to break out. Obviously all of these songs were new-to me. Have a blessed week.
It’s okay to have a week of Saturdays and Sundays. lol That’s the way retirement should be. Thanks for being this month’s honorary co-host!
We are with the kitten…give us more weekend. Getting up this morning was rough since it is a pouring rainstorm, it is even more difficult!
No rain here but it’s July and that means pop up showers are a norm. Thanks for dropping by!
Poor Marie. C-diff is an awful thing, my father had it when he was in the hospital. She is in my prayers. I hope you have a nice 4th! XO
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts for Marie. I’m surprised to read how many people know of someone who’s suffered from this problem. Thanks for dropping by, my dear!
Happy Music Monday, Happy Independence Day, and i wouldn’t mind a bit more weekend myself!
I think everyone can handle a little more weekend. I’m so glad this will be a short work week for DH. He’s off for the 4th and this happens to be his Friday off week so it gives us an extra long weekend together.
Thanks for the update on Marie – have been SO concerned about her!
Have redirected my party links to your site in her absence.
Have an amazing holiday week – feeling patriotic, music lovers?
You’re welcome. I’m worried about Marie, too. I trust God has her in His hands making sure the doctors give her proper instructions and medical care to treat herself at home. Thanks for letting me know that you added my site as the redirect. I’m happy to help my good friend out and hope soon she’ll feel well enough to boogie again. Being sick is no fun! Have a blessed week, my friend!
Purrayers for your friend Marie.
Thanks for the purrayers for our Marie. I hope you’re following my comments coz I wanted to point out that your Gravatar does not have your blog URL for me to find my way back to you. Have furtastic summer!
Thanks for the update on Marie. I miss her and I hope she gets well soon.
I love that yawning kitty. So precious.
I love that video. I’ve not heard that before.
Good for you for stepping back from blogging for a bit. Enjoy your summer.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥
I’m happy to give a report on Marie. I know you and others are concerned about our dear friend. I hope she’s feeling better today. Have a funtastic summer and thanks for adding me to your linky party!
Good selection of songs. That first one is a full album, by the way; I have it in my “watch later” queue on YouTube, because I really liked it.
Yeah, I forgot that I added the full album version. Originally, I was planning to make that my one selection but then I decided to add the others and forgot to fix it. lol Oh well…it makes for some great background mewsic. Thanks for stopping by to boogie with the 4M crew!
Hi John. I just wanted to let you know that my comments aren’t coming through on your blog. I don’t know if you’re monitoring them or WP blacklisted me. I’m not ignoring you.
I have two comments, one on this week’s MMMM and one on last week’s MMMM. None of yours have been heaved into the spam bucket, but I’ll check again.
I’m not responsible for any of these fine songs but I think I remember at least a couple of them being introductions from other members of Music Moves Me. My favorite was Garbage, followed by Jero. I used to work (he’s retired now) with someone who picked up C diff after knee replacement surgery and I am sending extra prayers Marie’s way. I echo Mary; it can be quite serious.
Prayers to Marie from all of us too. I never did get the video to play.
Many thanks for the prayers for our Marie.
I’m not sure why the video didn’t play. You’re in the US, right? You can hover over the video link and to the right you’ll see what looks like menu if you click on that you’ll see the name of my playlist and if you click on it in another tab then it’ll up my YT playlist for you to try. Hopefully, it’ll work for ya there. Thanks for stopping in for a boogie anyhow. Have a purrfect week!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday, dear friend!
I am delighted to feast my ears on your 4M playlist. It is a mixed bag beginning with the smooth, haunting jazz sound of Japanese musicians Hidehiko Matsumoto & Yoshio Kimura. Desperate to find information (it drives me batty when I cannot find any), I finally learned that Hidehiko Matsumoto was a Japanese jazz tenor saxophonist nicknamed “Sleepy” Matsumoto. He was born in the mid-1920s and died in 2000. Yoshio Kimura was a Japanese jazz and enka guitarist and composer, born in 1934 and died in 1996. According to an article published in 2012 by John Spacey, Enka is a style of Japanese music similar to American pop ballads of the 1940s and 50s. Enka was very popular from the 1960s to the 80s. Common enka themes include nostalgia for the past, love, and loss, the good old days, loneliness, hardships and perseverance. According to Wiki, your third featured artist, Jero, is Jerome Charles White, Jr., “an American-born enka singer of African-American and Japanese descent who is the first black enka singer in Japanese music history.” I am enjoying this new-to-me mewsic style! Like Mary above, I also dug Garbage, the alternative rock band from Madison, Wisconsin, fronted by Scottish singer Shirley Manson, doing their 1998 single and mewsic video “I Think I’m Paranoid.” I could go on and on about Garbage but that’s enough “trash talk.”
This was an eclectic mix of tunes and I thoroughly enjoyed listening.
I will miss your band battles and other features this summer, and look forward to whatever you have to offer whenever you do run a post. Have a safe and happy summer of 2019, dearie.
Sending prayers for Marie to get well soon!
Have a wonderful week ahead, dear friend Cathy!
Thanks for joining me yesterday on the dance floor and prayers for Marie. She surely needs them for a speedy, full recovery. Bless her heart!
I appreciate you sharing with me these interesting tidbits on this week’s featured artists. I read a little on Enka but that was a few weeks back and either I don’t recall these things that you shared or I just didn’t come across the same info. Whichever the reason, I’m glad to now know it.
I appreciate your support and understanding of my reasons to take a blog break. I have yet to figure out how I will work in additional content, especially my artwork. That’s something I will be doing frequently while away from my normal routine.
I’m boogieing on over to visit you next, so I’ll see you at your place soon, dear friend!
Good morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Evening! (just covering all of my bases here)
I figured that I while I am here to grab the linky code for my post, I should go ahead and leave a comment
Sorry to hear that Marie is not doing well. That C-Diff is not fun at all from what I hear, and it can be quite serious. I hope that she’s under good care of her physicians, and that she is able to return to us soon.
I enjoyed your playlist. My favorite being Garbage. I saw them in concert way back in 1999. They opened for Alanis Morissette. I’m keen for hosting in September. I’ll shoot you an email with my suggested themes.
I’ve got a busy day on the docket for Monday – I’ve got my #4M post, where I am honoring my sister and then my #BOTB post, and then of course Literary Gold has a few posts spotlighting books. I hope that you’ll stop by and cast your vote and have a trip down memory lane with me on Monday.
Jingle Jangle Jungle
Literary Gold
I was going to say you’re an early bird but I’m pretty sure you’re just a night owl. Am I right? Our poor darlin’ Marie has it rough right now. This thing is hitting her hard. I can’t even imagine. I’m sure she appreciates knowing that you’re thinking of her and I’ll keep everyone in the loop as soon as I learn more.
Did you introduce me to Garbage? I’m trying to figure out who shared this band on their blog in recent months and I’m sure it was someone on the 4M dance floor. That’s cool you got to see them in concert. Whew, your day sure sounds busy. I will swing by your place to check out your BoTB and boogie to your 4M tunes. Have a great day, my friend!