
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Raining Cats and Dogs

Good-morning, it’s raining cats and dogs,folks! The rain came into our area yesterday and hasn’t left. In fact, the forecast is calling for torrential downpours till 9am.

This morning just before DH left for work and before the chickens were up… wait a minute, we don’t chickens! If we did, then they wouldn’t be up because it’s dark when DH leaves. Anywho, DS asks if he can catch a ride to the bus stop. The big goof hurt his knee a couple of weeks ago. Did he listen to his momma on HOW to take care of it? Nope, but that’s another post entirely. I won’t get into it that now.

DH announces, “There are reports of people stranded in deep water around town.”

I said, “In their cars or homes?”

“I don’t know. They didn’t say.”

Now, I’m fretting over DS being stuck in the rain while envisioning him needing a raft before the bus arrives or at the very least drenched to the skin. “Where’s the nearest covered bus stop, DS?”

“I dunno.”

“You dunno! You gotta pay attention to these things, dear.” I don’t pay that much attention to where the bus stops are period let along covered ones. My brain, left brain that is, begins to rationalize things.

As my boys were getting into the car and saying one last good-bye I exclaimed, “There may be one near the high school!”

Phew! Mental chaos subsides. Disaster diverted. What disaster? Why my DS being caught in waist-high water! Exaggerating? Who me, exaggerate? Ahem, I could be stretching things a bit, but this is right brain’s fault. There’s no end to my imagination sometimes.

Nuff going on about the weather. A couple of week’s ago, DH’s friend from work brought in a handsome sandwich built on focaccia (store-bought) bread. We made several attempts to find a national brand, but we could only locate grocery store baked focaccia. My OCD wouldn’t allow us to buy it. Instead, I volunteered to make it from scratch. Secretly, I’ve wanted to do this for a long time. But…when I’m on a diet, then I’m less likely to make special things unless I have a good excuse. Luckily, one materialized – DH’s happiness. I love doing things just for him!

I wanted a recipe that was not intimidating. Quickly, I turned to my old buddy, Google, to see what recipe hits I would come up with and in a short time this one popped up on my radar claiming to be the easiest bestest focaccia bread ever . This recipe is easy, peasy and delicious, too!

Right brain didn’t think to snap a photo of the final creation on Saturday because left brain was dominating the show. LB just wanted to get the recipe done and move on to other things. Thankfully someone else had the good presence of mind to capture their finished bread for the whole world to see. Mine turned out similar to the above picture. DH and DS loved the bread. It reminds me a bit like the bread Carrabba Italian restaurant serves except this has more spices and herbs.

This is gonna be one of those lazy days to do nothing. Well not exactly, but I’d sure like to do nothing. While I start on my second cup of coffee, I’m gonna take a few minutes this morning to enjoy with my friends. Follow me to Stacy Uncorked for more fun!

Have a nice cozy, dry Tuesday!Save


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4 thoughts on “Raining Cats and Dogs

  1. It’s funny you should mention rain because it JUST rained here not a little while ago-It was completely out of nowhere, too! Just started thundering and before I could ask myself, ‘was that really thunder?’ it started pouring o.O

    Your left brain and my right brain should get together and rationalize things and create something. LOL I have good mental days, but on my bad mental days, LB and RB clash something terrible!

    That bread looks (and sounds) pretty amazing! Good for you for creating it 🙂

  2. Did you see on WBIR that Cherokee Trail in Gatlinburg is closed for flooding. We sure have had the rain yesterday and this morning. Stay safe and hope the Mr. doesn’t need the dimensions for the Ark in order to get home today. I’m going to have to try the recipe. It looks delicious.

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