Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! The last full week of the first month of this new year is coming to a close. How is that even possilbe? Wasn’t it yesterday we were singing “Auld Lang Syne”? It sure feels like it to me. Oh well…it’s time for some giggles to round out the week and I hope you enjoy this edition of Friday Sillies!
You think not, well think again. Here’s proof!
Which leads us to this…
Hey bub, here’s a clue…read the His/Her Diary entries above!
Finally….if you’re like me then stupid people really grate on my nerves and there seems to not be a shortage of idiots. The sad truth is it’s only going to get worse, my friends!

For all you photo enthusiasts and Skywatch Friday fans I’m linking this my not-so-WW post for this week’s contribution!
Today, I Celebrate The Small Things
I celebrate beautiful East Tennessee sunrises this week, mild temperatures, my morning coffee, good sense of direction with blog posts, and good health. It’s great being alive! Today is National Peanut Brittle Day, so I thought maybe I should make some to honor…

What do you think? lol
What are you celebrating?
Switching gears, I’m rounding things out with these Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by the lovely, Annie and Ellen!
- The flu shot sounds like a good idea but is it really worth the trouble? I mean, it’s a guessing game if the CDC gets the right strain anyhow. I have never gotten one knock on wood and hopefully, I will never get the flu!
2. I think everyone should take vitamin supplements daily.
3. I (almost) always wash my hands upon returning from an errand, because it’s important to minimize the spread of germs and the best way to do that is through good hygiene habits. It’s horrible to think…actually rather nasty to think about the unseen organisms on public surfaces. Yuck, gross!
4. I (almost) never catch a virus because I do make sure to wash my hands frequently but I’m also home most days away from the sick folks which is a great place to be this time of the year.
That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor with Spotlight Dancer, Joyce from Catch My Words in her theme suggestion “Happy 25th Birthday” in honor her daughter’s 25th birthday on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!

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It seems like the motorcycle guy could have avoided a lot of problems by just telling his girl his motorcycle wouldn’t start. By that same notion though, it is unlikely that that kind of guy would even have a diary. Guys and girls are wired differently, that is what makes life interesting.
You know, I think you’re right…this guy is the kind of person to not keep a diary. lol Men and women are wired differently for sure!
I love that Grumpy Cat and agree with her.
I am celebrating us surviving another round of hospitals and nursing home! It is wonderful to finally be back home after 6 weeks of way too much people-ing. You should have seen the stitches in his foot. They were done with a thick gauge thread. They made me think of Frankenstein. haha
I agree with you about being home and away from people and the germs this time of year. I want to hurl every time I’m in a public bathroom and people do not wash their hands before they leave the bathroom. They don’t even have their kids wash their hands. This is especially gross in a food service establishment. It makes me want to just leave. Even washing with cold water is better than no washing at all. How can they stomach eating with potty hands? EWWW
Have a blessed week, Cathy!
I’m glad y’all are home. WOW, six weeks! Is that how long David was in the nursing home? I’m not sure if I read exactly what the nature of David’s foot/leg problem, is the diabetes-related? I’ll continue to keep him in prayer. I know it’s been a stressful time for y’all. In regard to hand washing the simple truth is people generally do not care and yet they wonder, “Why am I sick all the time?” Even if they never got sick, it’s just nasty. But again, they do not care! It’s a sad, sad, world!
Yes, it is a sad, sad, gross world.
Thankfully, David was not in the nursing home for 6 weeks. He was there a little better than a week. He was in a regular hospital for just under a week, then and L-TAC hospital for right at 4 weeks.
His foot problems are a complication of diabetes. He has chronic foot ulcers and a condition called Charcot foot that causes deformities. David’s feet cannot stand the pressure put on them when he walks, and so things rub around in them and open ulcers.
Thank you for the prayers. They are much appreciated! You and your hubby are in my prayers, too.
Thanks for letting me know the cause of David foot problem.
You’re welcome, Cathy. I can’t wait for the day that diabetes is completely eradicated.
That would be wonderful. I heard some people having success to turning the table around on the disease through diet. I don’t know how accurate that is or if everyone can do this or it just throws diabetes into remission. I have no idea. My parents have Type II Diabetes which alarms me and I try hard at making sure my weight stays down. It’s really scary.
Hi Cathy,
Type II Diabetes can be dealt with through a proper diet and it can be cured. Type I, at least at this stage of the game for David, is not curable. It can be better managed with a proper diet, but it is with him for life. Had his family known in advance of his coma, and had the followed the Cousens protocol, then he may never have developed diabetes.
I hope that you will be able to avoid any diabetes and that your parents are getting the help that they need, first and foremost, a healthy diet. As I understand it, my mother now has diabetes (I assume Type II) and my daddy also had it when he passed away. I found that our through his death certificate.
You’re in my prayers. Yes, it is very scary. {{{Hugs}}}
I totally chuckled at His/Her Diary. I don’t get the flu shot either. I’ve had the flu once or twice in my life. My husband got the flu shot several years ago and became very ill right after.
I heard many get the flu within a few weeks of the shot. So, I’m not sure what that means when they miss the strain. Does this mean they get it twice? Yikes! All I can say is keep away sick people and if you don’t I’m surely going to run the other way.
I agree. Wash your hands! But, I have autoimmune illnesses. If I catch something, it tends to run amok because my system will over-react and attack itself. Thanks for the great funnies. You are sunshine! HUGS!
Germs = Disaster waiting to happen! I learned my cousin’s young son has the flu. Poor dear! I worry about kids catching it and equally concerned about those with health problems like my cousin’s mom. She was very ill last fall and I thought we were going to lose her. She has lupus, which you may know has many complications. I think she’s doing better but I learned she’ll probably need to be on oxygen the rest of her life.
Stay well!
What an adorable kitty drawing! The funnies made me giggle, thank you.
Thank you. I sketched the kitty last year in the A to Z Challenge, then turned it into a button for my Friday Sillies contributions. I’m glad that you like it.
I am most definitely a procaffinator – I have to have my coffee before anything else. Great answers to the fill ins and I agree it’s a bit scary thinking about all the awful germs that we may touch when we’re out and about.
Have a really lovely week.
The amount of germs floating around is scary and think about how often you bring your hands to your face? It pays to keep while running errands to refrain from this behavior. I know it’s not an easy habit to break but we have to have this first line of defense to protect ourselves from the various forms of grund being passed around. It’s time for another cup of coffee! Have a good week.
Thank you for the fun post!!
Got a smile while reading your post today. The diary is the best because it rings so true.
Women tend to over analyze the going-ons of a man’s mind. The fact is they often aren’t on the same page as you anyhow. lol
these cracked me up, laughing
The “Diary” thing made me laugh (Hubby has a motorcycle) – Enjoyed your cat photos and fill-ins too.
I had to laugh at the diary entries, too. The thing is if I want to know what’s going on inside of DH’s head then I ask, instead of second-guessing. It usually turns out his thought process is along the same line – far from what I’m thinking about.
That diary is hilarious! Ahh are we that investigative?
I didn’t know they had a National Spouse Day!
Is the Happy Birthday for this one? I hope I didn’t miss it!
Yeah, I think women tend to over analyze things. I think it’s just in our nature to worry about stuff like this more. No, you didn’t miss the Happy Birthday theme. I just put this up to spur some interest.
Well I definitely don’t wanna get stupid on my paw either haha!
Have a great weekend Cathy
I’m with you!
I definitely can’t function without my first cup of coffee. Love the diary, too funny and so true. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I think you are wish to always wash your hands and I am sure that helps you avoid most illnesses. I am exposed to a 2 yr old several days a week so I got the flu shot. Have a great weekend! XO
If mine won’t talk, i ask him about his gear. It’s usually that.
Happy Friday!
I never want to get stupid on my paw either.
I linked this post to Feline Friday.
Have a purrfect day and weekend, Cathy. ♥
Thanks for adding me to the Feline Friday linky!
We gotta keep our paws free of stupid and if you think you have it on yours then wash immediately!
You probably don’t get the flu because you are a pretty content person, good attitude, which means your immune system is in excellent order!
I reckon I am! Although, my autoimmune system isn’t the best I think my content nature makes up for the difference.
So true about the diary! Didn’t know about National Spouses Day. Thanks for the funnies.
I didn’t know about National Spouses Day until it showed up in my inbox.
Laughing over Her Diary Entries above… that is familiar at our house and I love “Behind every angry woman” quote. Enjoyed your Fill-ins… I do a lot of hand washing, too. I also am careful to not touch my face with hands that haven’t been washed yet. Heard that tip from a friend that is a nurse. Nice to meet you!
Years ago, we started coughing into our shoulder to keep from having to use our hands to catch a sneeze and then like wildfire that caught on which amazed me. What floors me is seeing people clean off a shopping cart handles and then recontainment it with dirty hands. Where’s the sense in that? I pull the shopping cart the front and while it still has plenty of germs, it’s probably is better for ya in that regard. I still act like the one hand destinated to get dirty is deadly and refuse to bring it close to my face until I can clean it off after I return to the car. People might think I’m off my rocker but I’m comfortable in my weird zone.