
20-03-2025 Vol 19

Avoid Blogger Burnout: 5 Tips to Save Your Sanity (Problogger repost)

I read an interesting post on Problogger by Georgina Laidlaw that I want to share with you called, Avoid Blogger Burnout: 5 Tips to Save Your Sanity.  I invite you to read the article but for I’m gonna list Ms. Laidlaw’s s tips and share my thoughts on each point.

Her 5 tips are:
1. Do what you love.
2. Take it one step at a time.
3. Plan, plan, plan.
4. Allow for downtime
5. Realize that everyone has bad days.

Reflecting on Georgina’s tips…
1.  Writing is what I love!  Blogging is something I’m learning to love.  It doesn’t come to me as the authors of the blog pages I’m following but hopefully, in time I will find my way.
2.  The overwhelming sense of all the to-dos with blogging and growing my web presence is heavy on my shoulders and I have to pull myself back to keep the ‘one step at a time’ principle in line.  I don’t want to stress out before I get started.
3.  My brain is trying to hard wire the ‘plan, plan, plan’ tip.  My strategy is slowly taking form, but my mind is running slow as a train.
4.  ‘Downtime’ an excellent idea, but as the old saying goes, “Easier said than done.”  I haven’t gotten to the point where I can walk away from my blog mentally.  I think it about how I should work it most of my waking hours.
5. Is it possible to realize most days aren’t bad?   Okay, I’m exaggerating.  The truth of the matter is tip #2 plays into how I perceive my days – good or bad.  As a whole, I know in the end there will be far more good days than not.

I’m on a learning curve.  I learn quicker and grow faster with your encouraging feedback.  Please, share your tips to a successful blogging life.  Happy blogging!

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2 thoughts on “Avoid Blogger Burnout: 5 Tips to Save Your Sanity (Problogger repost)

  1. Amanda…you’re so kind. I appreciate your pointers on the 5 tips to avoid blogging burnout. I definitely will heed some of your advice. We can all grow together in our venture to blog stardom. Enjoy your time away from the blogging community.

  2. Ah, Cathy, you have a great blog. Building a network takes time, sadly. I know I had high hopes I would get all of my friends to follow me. Instead, I got two 🙁 But, I have met lots of new friends!

    1) Think of blogging as writing. That is all it is.
    2) The web presence will grow overtime. Spend time networking at Blog Frog. I’d suggest the SITS community. Then, FORGET growing the blog. It sounds horrible, but once I stopped worrying about a following and started writing my blog for me, I found followers! Oh, and IGNORE your blog stats. The stats will come, someday. Plus, if anyone reads your blog in a reader it won’t show up in your stats.
    3) Planning is good. I don’t plan, but planning is good. You’ve seen how little planning I put in to my blog. I’m sure it shows. But, hey, I am writing for me as much as anyone else.
    4) Yeah, downtime is hard. I’m taking two weeks off (because my husband said so) and I’ve tried to find guest bloggers and fill in posts that are pre-scheduled to go out. It’s like writing. You have to step away from time to time or you’ll burn yourself out.
    5) You’ve had way more good days than bad days. Someday, you’ll be shocked to wake up and find people you don’t know writing comments.

    I love your blog. It’s coming along just fine, Cathy. Don’t worry about it. You’re doing fine.

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