Yesterday, I went to my new GYN for the last time to get my latest round HRT. This new GYN didn’t think to tell me when I started seeing him in May that he was thinking about retiring. So, I lost my first GYN after 30+ years to get a new one that only lasted less than 5-months. My next GYN will be younger, much younger with no worries of retirement for many years. I wonder if all the COVID madness is what sparked these doctors to leave their medical practice?
DH has a dental appointment this afternoon. Actually, we both do. A few weeks ago when DH went in for his annual cleaning/checkup as well get his crown glued back on, the hygienist discovered a small soft spot on one of his rear upper molars in a hard to reach valley. My problem started off like past ones irritation around my with the furthest back on both my upper right molar (crown) and bottom molars (bridge). After doing my usual routine of using hydrogen peroxide in the Airflosser and/or both alternating between Peroxal mouth rinse or salt water my gums felt a little better but after a day or two of not doing that I noticed when I’d bite down it felt sore on the upper molar. There’s no way to tell what’s going on under a tooth that’s been covered as far as I know, so I’m prepared mentally for the dentist to remove the crown at least on the upper. Financially speaking it’s something I have lump. If it comes to this then we’ll get some reimbursement with through our dental insurance. *sigh* Anyhow, we’re getting a handle on these things now instead of letting the condition turn into a nightmare later on.
Now that autumn is here, I was looking forward to getting some peanut butter kisses. Not as in the little Hershey’s chocolate kisses but the old fashion molasses and peanut butter taffy kisses. Do you know what I’m talking about?

It’s aggravating when pieces of my childhood vanish! Hmmm, maybe I need to rethink buying candy altogether with our current dental issues. Nah, forget that!
Okay, let’s enjoy some giggles this morning with a selection of pandemic humor.

I’m looking for ways to incorporate get-to-know-me better moments in my daily content. One way to do this is to take part in question memes. Today, I’m joining Tuesday4. The topic of discussion is Marriage.
1. How did you meet your husband/wife? For those of you who are long-time readers of CAAC then you know that DH and I have always known each living in a rural community of southern WV but we began dating while in high school. He asked me to go bowling and the rest is history as they say.
2. How did you know he/she was “the one”? The day after our first date, DH called me. We talked on the telephone for hours. It was in that conversation that I knew that he was the one I’d marry and I was right.
3. How did he propose? It was Christmas Eve 1978. He came to my house to pick me up so I could spend the evening with his family who always celebrated Christmas first at his paternal grandparents’ home across the road from his house then afterwards we’d go to his parents. We exchanged presents in private. My childhood home was anything put private with the exception of my parent’s bedroom which we borrowed for a few minutes. I gave him my gift, which is the wood carving that I need it art class, and then he gave me mine. While I was opening it, he got on one knee asking for my hand in marriage.
4. Do you have any favorite stories from your marriage or about your husband/wife? After the birth of our son in 1994, I lost my engagement ring. That broke my heart but after several years DH surprised me with a second one. You can read about here if you’d like.
It’s time to grab a cup of coffee and follow along with me as I head off to visit Sandee for some Happy Tuesdays giggles at Comedy-Plus, then I’ll check out Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked, and finishing things up by checking out this week’s word prompt found at Eugi’s Causerie for the wannabe poet buried inside. That’s a wrap for now but come back tomorrow for my last post of the month with Wild Wednesdays where just about anything goes!
, Cathy
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Oh that sucks that you have to find another doctor and that your teeth are giving you issues. I know I have to go in Dec for a root canal…blecchhhh. I love learning about your love story, thanks for sharing
Hey Birgit,
On the dental front for now things are ok. Who’s to say what tomorrow will bring when you’re talking about old crowns? I’m actually considering getting that one replaced because of it’s age and it has some damage, as well I think the tooth has the old silver filling which isn’t good for you. I am going to check with into this to see and try to get the process going now.
Nice to learn more about you. I think it is great you were high school sweethearts and still together. I hope my niece and her hubby are as blessed. They were together since she was a sophomore in high school and he was a junior. They are 32, 33 now and have been married 7 years. XO
Not all high school sweethearts make the distance. We have good friends who married the same year as we did but wound up in divorce after many years and children later. I would’ve never thought these people would break up, too. I hope your niece and her husband remember that it’s 100% on each person’s part. Marriage isn’t a 50-50 or anything combination relationship. You’re either all in or it won’t work. Thanks for visiting, dearie!
I love his proposal! Loved your answers. Have a nice week.
Thanks, Lori! I’m happy you came by to check out my responses to Tuesday 4 questions.
wonderful answers. I enjoyed reading them so much. Thanks for joining in.
Thanks for paying me a visit yesterday. I am heading over to see you in a few minutes.
It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that a lot of doctors get out of the business while Covid-19 (or at least the media-induced craziness) rages on.
I remember the peanut butter kisses….
I think doctors who are retirement age will find it’s the perfect time considering the mess this pandemic has caused. Why fool with the headaches if you don’t need to? I can’t really blame them but the medical community is lossing some seasoned health care professionals. Younger doctors need the experience of the older generation for a time yet.
There was a huge glut of doctors in the mid to late ’70’s, when I was in college. Seemed like everyone was pre-med (which of course they weren’t). They’re all hitting 65 in the next several years, and I don’t think they would particularly care to work much past then…
Yep- going to the dentist is NOT my favorite thing, but NOT going is outta the question. Cheers!
I wanted to put off going to the dentist but DH talked me into going and he’s really right. It’s better to have it checked out then to ignore it and it get worse.
I enjoyed your story of your marriage.
Thanks for visiting, Cathy! Allow me to point out that your Gravatar profile does not have your blog URL linked to it which makes it difficult for others to find you. Thankfully, I knew to go back to Tuesday 4’s linky party to find your link. Now, if you don’t want to add your blog URL to Gravatar then you may want to include a direct link in comments when you visit folks. This is a great way to get new visitors to stop by your place.
Heeheehee! Those are some funnies. Hope you are having a blessed and beautiful Tuesday!
Our Tuesday went well considering we both had dental appointments. The good part is we both got out in less than an hour total, so that wasn’t bad. I wish all appointments went that quickly.
I’m glad you’re getting the dental thing out of the way, those things seem to snowball if ignored.
Dental work can snowball. We saw that happen with DH. A decade ago, he had problems with one of his crowns that kept coming loose. He’d glue it back on for it to come off again. We didn’t have insurance at the time. He lost his job but then got another fairly quickly and his new employer offered dental. That’s when he got that problem fixed but it was more extensive than just re-gluing the crown in place. He needed a root canal which may or may not work but there were other things needed one of which was an implant. In the last ten years he’s had 4-5 implants done. These were teeth that had root canals done and those are prong to failing – cracked root. The only thing you can do is get the tooth extracted. Thankfully, my problem doesn’t seem to be a big one for now but the crowned tooth in question is the only root canal tooth in my mouth. I expect it to evenly give way. I’ll get an eye out on it.
I went to my ophthalmologist yesterday and will have cataract surgery on the 21st of this month. Looks like all of us have something going on. I hated changing GYN doctors. My current one is female. Yikes on the teeth. Something going on and yes getting it fixed now is better than waiting for something really awful to happen on a Friday night. Always happens when the offices are closed.
Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥
Hopefully, I’m years away from needing cataract surgery. Every time I see my ophthalmologist he reminds that I have small ones which must be normal for my age. I think my maternal grandmother was in her 80s when she had the surgery. Daddy had cataract surgery last year, I believe. He’s in his early 80s. I had a female GYN years ago and I didn’t care for her too much. I find that men are actually more gentle and listen to me more closely than women. I want to find a new GYN who isn’t in danger of retiring any time soon and one who does the HRT I’m currently used to. My dental appointment turned out fine. The dentist couldn’t see anything wrong but after we got home we began thinking about the possibility of replacing that crown since it’s fused to metal and that’s probably causing my irritation. Who knows what else it might be doing? Also, I suspect the tooth has the old silver filling which may possible a health risk. I don’t having mercury fillings. This was a huge problem for DH’s middle brother. Luckily for him, he got it all removed, detoxed his body, and the MS symptoms that problem was causing eventually cleared up. Very scary, huh? Thanks for dropping by, darlin’!
Very scary indeed.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Tickle Me Tuesday, dear friend!
FUN FUN FUN – trips to the GYN doctor and the dentist. I’m sorry you need to break away from your routine to handle those necessities, dear friend, and I hope everything checks out AOK at the dentist’s office. Shady’s Tickle Me Tuesday contribution: “You know the drill.”
As you probably know, I lived close to Hershey, PA, toured the chocolate factory and as a boy ate plenty of their Hershey “Buds,” as they were called in my area. I never even heard the word “Kisses” used for the product until I was college age. I don’t think I ever tasted those molasses and peanut butter taffy kisses.
Those pandemic memes are all clever. Thanks for posting them! (Jack Nicholson had an axe to grind in The Shining)
Again, I hope all goes well when you and DH go to the dentist today. I’ll be thinking of you. (Hope he doesn’t tell you to give up candy!)
Have a good day, dear friend Cathy, I’ll be back tamale for Wild, Wooly and Almost Wordless Wednesday!
I’m happy to report my dental appointment went well. There’s no visible sign other than irritation around my crowns. That’s an on-going problem. I mention that I’m using the airflosser with hydrogen peroxide to keep down bacteria but it’s not clearing up like I want, so he gave me a Colgate toothpaste that’s prescription strength containing potassium nitrate which is the magic bullet for trouble spots such as mine. We’ll see. I’m pretty sure I have a metal sensitivity and this is the reason why I have problems with this. I need to delve into researching if this might cause other undesirable health issues not related to the mouth. Incidentally I concealed my love for candy from the dentist so he didn’t know to give orders for me to lay off the confections, so I’m safe for now.
I do remember you lived near Hershey, PA. Hershey Kisses have always been that a kiss. I don’t know if they ever had another name or not but did you know the Hershey Kiss has been around since 1907? The company manufacture about 70 million kisses a year according to Wikipedia. I like Hershey Kisses okay but I prefer their solid chocolate Nuggets or Hershey Bars to the small kisses. The chocolate seems to taste different but I won’t turn down chocolate. That’s too bad that you haven’t tried Necco PB taffy kisses. They were really good.
You’re full of punning expression, “You know the drill.” and “Jack Nicholson had an axe to grind in The Shinning”. lol You’re so cleverly witty at the right time!
Thanks for visiting, my friend. I’ll see you soon!
PS: We started watching Designated Survivor getting the first two seasons watched but haven’t started the third one yet. It sounds like the show got canceled, is that right? We do like the show but not nearly as much as we liked “24”. Thanks for the suggestion.