
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Prancie’s Prayer by Ellen J. Pilch

Welcome back, Kittens & Dawgs!  A couple of days ago, I learned my friend, Ellen from 15andMeowing has an illustrated children’s story on the market.  She doesn’t know that I’m doing this nor did she ask that I pitch Prancie’s Prayer to you but here I am doing it!

After reading her good mews, I went to Amazon and bought the Kindle version. Ellen’s main character is a feline but then what did you think with a name like 15andMeowing as her blog name? 🙂  The storyline is wholesome and sweet.  It serves as a reminder to ask God for things in my life no matter how small or how big it might be because He can do the impossible.  While I looked at the pictures and read the words I couldn’t help to think about how in the bible that animals respect God’s placement in the universe.  God commands every living thing, every single element in this world to praise and glorify the Creator.  Who knows maybe animals talk to God just like we do.

I do not know that they do talk to God but nothing is impossible and with Ellen’s story I like to think that’s what Prancie did and hearing her prayers, God answered them by sending her to just the right place to call her new home.

Kids are going to like this story and it’s especially magical because it is set around Christmas making it an excellent book to give to youngsters on your shopping list this year.

  1. Do you think animals talk to God?
  2. Do you have a favorite verse referencing animals relationship with God?
  3. Bonus: Do you have a story you’d like to publish as an Indie author?

Please join me tomorrow in another cup of coffee and some giggles with Friday Fun Stuff!

X💋X💋, Cathy

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16 thoughts on “Prancie’s Prayer by Ellen J. Pilch

  1. I also purchased Prancie’s Prayer from Amazon. The story is adorable and the book is beautifully illustrated. So perfect for a child during Christmas. My vision is still blurry from my surgery so my comments will be short.

    1. Eugenia,

      Oh, snap you got Ellen’s cute little book, too! It’s adorable, isn’t it? How long has been now since you had your surgery? Have you gotten new glasses yet? Cataract surgery improved DH’s distance vision in his left eye but he’ll always need glasses. It’s not nearly as near-sighted in that eye anymore. Things will be better soon. 😉

      1. My surgery was last Wed. I had advanced cataracts and other issues with my eye so it’s taking a while to heal. My doc said the surgery was successful and it will be a few days before I can get new glasses. I’ve already noticed a difference and very pleased! I will always need glasses too but I don’t mind. I like wearing tinted glasses because they block out the light. 😎

        1. Eugenia,

          I’m glad to read you’re noticing improvements. I thought DH might experience light sensitivity but surprisingly he didn’t. I was amazed! It sounds like you’ll be all set before too long with better vision. 🙂

  2. I think animals will make it to heave long before many of us will. Yes indeed.

    What a nice post on Ellen’s new book.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Hugs. ❤

    1. Sandee,

      Thanks for popping by, dear friend. I have yet to find scripture that acknowledges there will be animals in heaven other than reference such as the lion will lay down with the lamb. Is this literal or figuratively speaking? God created animals for our enjoyment and I can’t help but think there is a place for these creatures will have a place in paradise. I guess one day, we’ll find us for ourselves.

  3. I love the idea of this, Cathy and Ellen. I’m just not one of those who thinks kids need to have confusing sides of life (and I use that term broadly) thrown at them just because it’s out there. God is never confusing.

    1. Jacqui,

      I agree God is never confusing but it’s nice to marvel at the possibility. Kids do think along these lines in their innocence and I’m not sure that’s necessarily a bad thing. Hopefully, as a child ages, he/she has a more concrete understanding of God as well as developing a rich faith base that with God all things are possible.

  4. Thank you so much for doing a post about Prancie’s Prayer. I was so happy to see the title of your post and pleasantly surprised 🙂 I do believe animals are in contact with God because they sure seem to know when we need them close by.I have many more books I want published so I am praying this one does well. Thank you for your help. XO

    1. Ellen,

      I think God hears our heart’s pleas and sends us whatever we need which same times might be the unconditional love of a pet. I believe the Creator takes care of the animals in the fields, the sky, and beneath sea for His purpose & glory. He further uses His creations to bring humans happiness at many levels. I do think God understands them, too. After all like I said, He created them. 🙂 I’m glad you liked the post and I hope it reaches others in Cyberville. Good luck in all your writing/publishing pursuits! You did a great job on this one. Mirror Publishing is a great company to work with!

  5. This is so sweet of you and I bet she will be surprised, happily so. I don’t know if the animals speak to God but they are all God’s creatures so, when an animal helps another which includes us, I believe that is their way. We have a lot to learn from the animals

    1. Birgit,

      Animals are blessings from God. Scientific studies show that owning pets will increase one’s longevity and helps the sick to feel better. I think animals are remarkable creatures. 🙂

  6. Hi, Cathy!

    It was nice of you to purchase, read and review Ellen’s book for children Prancie’s Prayer. With the Christmas gift buying season underway, this book would make a great present for the boy or girl reader in everyone’s life. I have often wondered if animals communicate with God. After all, they have ways of communicating with each other and with man. Man has not yet learned the full extent of all that animals are capable.

    Memories of childhood when I attended Sunday school, bible school in summer and weekly church services came flooding back as I listened to the chorus sing the Thomas Ken Doxology “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.” That in turn brought back a memory of the six men in our congregation who distributed and collected the offering plates during the church service. As those six stout men marched down the aisle from rear to front to gather the plates and pass them down the pews, their heavy footsteps in unison produced an audible sound and their weight made the floor vibrate. It reminded me of the thundering of horses’ hooves. I’ll never forget that experience.

    Thank you very much for the book review and spiritual mewsic, dear friend Cathy, and enjoy your Thursday!

    1. Tom,

      I’m glad this morning book review and mewsic choice brought back fond memories. I also remember singing the Doxology on Sunday mornings while the offering was being received. There is something totally special about being in the house of the Lord. It often brought much comfort to a once young girl. Not that it doesn’t know but there’s something more powerful in my memory about that time than now. Have a blessed day, my friend!

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