Hello, Kittens & dawgs! This week dragged a bit since DH worked the day following Christmas. He doesn’t have any pay leave yet being an hourly employee but that’s ok. We’re happy he has a job. I can just say, TGIF! Whoo-hoo, let’s kick off the fun with a few cute Penguin Giggles!
I spotted this adorable video on Facebook. If this doesn’t make you smile then you’re in serious need of help.
I’m confident that adorable video put a wide grin on your face, so let’s keep the momentum going with some fun Penguin image captions and jokes.

Religious Zookeeper
The devout zookeeper lost his favorite Bible while he was mending fences out at the zoo. Three weeks later, a penguin walked up to him carrying the Bible in its beak. The zookeeper couldn’t believe his eyes. He took the precious book out of the penguin’s beak, raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, “It’s a miracle!” “Not really,” said the penguin. “Your name is written inside the cover. *Joke: source

I would love to have a baby penguin because they are so darn cute. The downside is, it would grow up and its adorableness would go away. Maybe, I’ll just buy a Penguin stuffed toy.

I’m taking a bit of blog break until the first of the new year and won’t be participating in the Friendly Fill-Ins meme hosted by Annie and Ellen. You’re certainly welcome to join in the fun and this is how it works: every Thursday four fun and easy blank statements are posted for us to borrow, complete, and share on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing. I’ll be back for the fun the first Friday in January. May 2017 hold good health, much happiness, and may the Lord grant you all your needs. God bless you, dear friends!
Today’s SWF photo contribution is one more last look at Christmas 2016 from The Island in Pigeon Forge of The Wheel. The holiday is over but the spirit of the season lives on forever, especially in the digital world.

Please note I’m making a tiny change, I’m breaking my Friday post act starting next week. Look for my Skywatch Friday and Celebrate The Small Things contributions to roll out together on Thursdays.

I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate The Small Things. Here’s my list of celebrations!
I’m celebrating… that DD#2 and her husband loved the vintage style Christmas stockings I made them (this is the hush-hush DIY project I mentioned a time or two recently). Last year close to Christmas DD#2 asked if I would make them but I wasn’t able to do it because I couldn’t find all the materials. I’m delighted things came together and that they love the stockings. I am happy! I didn’t forget to take a few snapshots of the finished product to share with my peeps.

I hope to share in the future what’s needed to do this project but meanwhile feel free to ask questions in comments and I’m happy to assist!
What are you celebrating?
See what others are celebrating this week below and if you want to join the linky, then visit Lexa!
Let’s begin celebrating with Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!

That’s a wrap for now, but if you like music then I invite you to come back for Saturday Songsuasion. Until next time, have a fototastic weekend!
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I have seen that video and I love it…so cute! I love all these penguin captions…funny! The stockings are very well done and glad they like them.
Birgit, it’s an adorable vid! It just makes me smile every time I watch it.
You are very creative Cathy! Those stockings are adorable!
And the penguins are fun! I love the ‘waddling away angrily’ one most
Happy New Year to you!
Colette, yeah a penguin definitely can’t pull off walking away mad. They just look too cute to be anything other than happy. Happy New Year to you, too!
Cute penguins, I like the cat one
The stockings are beautiful – great job. Happy New Year!
Ellen, I have to include a kitty cartoon if I can and that one was cute. Thanks for the kind words about the stockings.
Love the penguins! Have a Happy New Year and see you on Thursdays.
Seriously, this is the funniest post of 2016…
Wishing you a joyous and prosperous New Year upcoming… Myke
Hi, Cathy!
Mrs. S and I are on the road again all this week, but I found a window of time and thought I’d drop by to see you. I’m glad I did. The penguin memes and jokes made me chuckle. I can’t imagine staying depressed or angry in the presence of those delightful creatures. It amazes me that penguins always wear tuxedos. Don’t they ever observe casual Fridays?
That giant purple Ferris wheel set against the nighttime sky at The Island in Pigeon Forge is a sight to behold. It fills me with the Christmas spirit all over again. Thanks for the inspiration!
You did a sensational job on those Christmas stockings, Cathy! I’m gonna show Mrs. Shady because she spends most of her free time knitting and crocheting items of apparel, blankets, place mats, etc., and will appreciate your handiwork.
I’m very happy to know that 2016 is ending on a high note for you and your family. Speaking of high notes, I will be back home tomorrow and hope to get over here to enjoy your Saturday Songsuasion – the pick of the kitty litter – the purrfect mewsic to close out the year. (When the ball drops in Times Square, are cats tempted to pounce on it and bat it around?
Happy Friday, dear friend Cathy!
Tom, Penguins are cute little critters. My son-in-law really likes them and every time I see one I think of him. I’m glad you liked the stockings I made for my kiddies. That’s the first time I’ve done any sewing since DS was an infant and I made his stocking to add to our family’s collection. I’d like to make DS and his future spouse a pair someday. Of course, this may take some time. He sure goes through the girlfriends. I’d also like to do it for DD#1 whenever she finds the right guy. Hopefully, when the time comes to make more I won’t have a hard time finding the vintage-style material. The industry might crack out retro designs again. I don’t know if cats are tempted to pounce on the Time Square ball when it drops or not but this CAThy is usually too sleepy to do much pouncing by midnight. lol Be safe and I’ll see ya tomorrow, my friend!
Thanks for the pen-grins! I love them! Happy New Year! HUGS.
LOL, good funny Annie – pen-grins! That’s a great addition to this series of giggles. Hugs & love to you for a happy & blessed New Year, my friend!