
13-03-2025 Vol 19

A peek through a trellis

Earlier in the month I shared this church taken at Blowing Rock, North Carlina and to my back was this church. I loved how the trellis framed the church.

I messed the exposure up terribly. That’s the downside of not shooting with my big girl camera (Nikon D7000) for months on end. I didn’t compensate the light exposure properly and the digital sensors get wonky in the shade which makes for a washed out sky and the underside of the trellis too dark.  That’s where photo-editing programs like Pixelmator come in super handy turning an awful picture into a passable one.  I can lighten up the shadows, bump the saturation, but the rich blue sky is something that can’t be corrected to do that gorgeous day justice. 

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 


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A feathered friend comes calling! I should say came by to eat the berries from this tree in our backyard. I actually had time to grab my big girl camera to capture this handsome fella. I used Pixelmator Pro to crop and add a vintage filter to the image which seemed to suit it well.

A special announcement….as you know tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US and beginning tonight, DH and I will be officially on vacation again.  We’re doing another just like we did last month. Keeping things low key and fun to our local area but with the holiday season in full swing it’ll be fabulous.  That being said, you’ll find regular blog content scheduled on CAAC in my absence for the next two weeks,  I’ll return to Blogosphere Dec. 16th, so stay tuned and enjoy the fun!

That wraps things up. Tomorrow join me for the weekly art them ‘grays & browns’ with  Thursday Art Date with Rain. Thanks for joining me and may you have a blessed day!


X💋X💋, Cathy


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19 thoughts on “A peek through a trellis

  1. One of these days I need to learn a new photo editing software. I’m still using Picasa, which has been dead for years.

  2. Don’t worry about the camera settings. My mom uses her D750 daily and often forgets to set something. It’s a learning curve that never ends.

  3. That is a handsome fellow indeed, sometimes you just have to grab your best gear. I haven’t heard of that photo editing program, is it a monthly fee? I had it with Photoshop and the price and monthly charges and have been looking around for another good program. The Blowing Rock shot (how can a rock blow?) may have required a tripod or something. I’m not sure you could get that shot framed with good lighting, at least I don’t know how.

  4. Lovely shots.The bird is gorgeous. Would you know which one Cathy.

    So glad you are taking off on vacation.

    Have a supercalifragalisticexpiealadoshous one!! :))))

    A blessed thanksgiving to you and yours.

    Have fun!

  5. Enjoy your time off with hubby. I know you will.

    We feed all our birds too and they are fun to watch. I am terrible with a camera so I don’t even try.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Happy Thanksgiving. Big hug. ♥

  6. Cathy, your photos are excellent! We haven’t seen cardinals in our area for awhile. We have seen some cute tiny brown birds that come onto our balcony and peck around in our plants. I’m sure they are looking for food.

    I wish you and DH a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild and Almost Wordless Wednesday, dear friend! You are an artist behind the camera as well at the sketch pad, dear friend. You have an eye for framing and composing an interesting shot, and you are able to identify the flaws in a picture and know how to correct them using your arsenal of magic tools. Thanks for showing us these churches in Blowing Rock. i also enjoyed the cam capture of the male cardinal who was attracted to the berries in your backyard and how you used the vintage filter to enhance the image.

    I too have a new post tomorrow and, as usual, it runs five or six days. We will be traveling to a third location across the state to feast with family and my blogging activity will be limited. If I have time to visit your art post first thing before leaving I will. Otherwise I will need to check it out late in the evening when we arrive home or on Black Friday.

    I wish you and DH and your whole family a safe and happy Thanksgiving, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Oh, you flatterer! blush You’re way too generous the way you exhaust my abilities. I never feel quite worthy of such praise but I do appreciate your kind words. The encouragement keeps me fueled. I couldn’t believe the cardinal stayed perched long enough for me to grab my Nikon. The berries on that tree are nearly all gone. I noticed other birds like them, too. Thanks for letting me know that you have a post scheduled for tomorrow. I’ll try to get over to visit sometime over the weekend and please don’t worry if you can’t stop by. I know how pressed one is when making a trip for the holidays. DH reported last night that traffic has been really heavy, so be safe on the road and happy Thanksgiving to you, as well, my friend!

  8. Hi Cathy, good morning! Love the beautiful photos. I wish we had cardinals here, they are such pretty birds. Thanks for sharing. Have a great vacation. Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Valerie,

      No cardinals there? Is it too cold this time of the year or is it y’all don’t get them in Germany? You do live in Germany, right? Thanks for the warm greeting for a happy Thanksgiving, dearie. I appreciate your visits and getting to know you better. 🙂

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