
10-01-2025 Vol 19

Writing Contest from Amanda’s Blog – repost

This is a repost from Amanda’s Blog. I said I’d get back to writing today. Let it not be said…

Avoid Blogger Burnout: 5 Tips to Save Your Sanity (Problogger repost)

I read an interesting post on Problogger by Georgina Laidlaw that I want to share with you called, Avoid Blogger…

4 Ways to Use Social Proof to Leverage Your Blog

Newbie or established blogger, we all need help leveraging our site.  Coffee Shop Bloggers shares 4 Ways to Use Social…

By-gone Days

I find myself reflecting on the days when my children were small often, especially since our daughters moved out 2-years…

Reflecting on 9/11

Today marks the 9th anniversary of that tragic day on September 11, 2001. I recall vividly, that morning was so…


I cried often while reading the pages of Rebecca Lester Lightbourn’s  “A 9/11 Mother’s Journey of Grief” in her story…

The Tale of Ole Green Eyes Illustration Snippets

Leann Vineyard Cooper is doing an excellent job on my artwork. I thought it would be cool to share teeny…
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