Calling All Hands

This week was busy with my new dishwasher still sitting in our dining room. Why? We’re converting a portable unit to hook directly to our water supply near a washer. We have an older home and doesn’t have the user-friendly conveniences of homes today. So we have to make things fit. This doesn’t come without much planning, sweating, and hard-work.  Unfortunately  my darling husband does much of this and I’m just the leg-man so-to-speak in the operation–internet research and purchase, countless phone calls to find supplies needed for installation, gathering tools for installation, temporarily moving things around in the home, and a lot more, but I’m sure you get the picture. What we initially wanted to do to install the unit didn’t work as hoped because the manufacture made what could be a simply thing into a difficult one. They do this to force you to buy pricey conversion kits or other accessories directly from them. I’m so thankful my husband is a hands-on kind of guy and can figure these things out.  Perhaps by this evening, I’ll have my dishwasher going. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer!

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