Cry From The Pentagon by Rebecca Lester Lightbourn

Rebecca Lester Lightbourn writes in her first chapter: With the daylight gone and the darkness here, everyone talking about the rescue mission. Suddenly, I felt a heavy feeling that I hadn’t experienced before. I felt an emptiness that only a mother can feel. I said, ” Samantha is gone.”

I believe everyone felt their hearts crumble that fatal day of  9/11. My mind was in fog, as I watched the events unfold before my eyes on broadcast TV.  How could this happen in America?  This was too unreal for me.  The day was so beautiful with rich blue sunny skies and this horrible contrast which yielded figuratively speaking a dark, frightening cloudy skies over our Nations Capital, NYC, and in a lonely field in Pennsylvania.  I was a nervous wreck. My husband worked 2-hours away and there were rumors of other attacks possible.  Little did I know trapped inside the Pentagon was my 3rd cousin who I only knew by name, Samantha Lightbourn.  I couldn’t believe in the aftermath how this horrible tragedy touched my life, too. The world is truly a small place!

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