Avoid Blogger Burnout: 5 Tips to Save Your Sanity (Problogger repost)

I read an interesting post on Problogger by Georgina Laidlaw that I want to share with you called, Avoid Blogger Burnout: 5 Tips to Save Your Sanity.  I invite you to read the article but for I’m gonna list Ms. Laidlaw’s s tips and share my thoughts on each point.

Her 5 tips are:
1. Do what you love.
2. Take it one step at a time.
3. Plan, plan, plan.
4. Allow for downtime
5. Realize that everyone has bad days.

Reflecting on Georgina’s tips…
1.  Writing is what I love!  Blogging is something I’m learning to love.  It doesn’t come to me as the authors of the blog pages I’m following but hopefully, in time I will find my way.
2.  The overwhelming sense of all the to-dos with blogging and growing my web presence is heavy on my shoulders and I have to pull myself back to keep the ‘one step at a time’ principle in line.  I don’t want to stress out before I get started.
3.  My brain is trying to hard wire the ‘plan, plan, plan’ tip.  My strategy is slowly taking form, but my mind is running slow as a train.
4.  ‘Downtime’ an excellent idea, but as the old saying goes, “Easier said than done.”  I haven’t gotten to the point where I can walk away from my blog mentally.  I think it about how I should work it most of my waking hours.
5. Is it possible to realize most days aren’t bad?   Okay, I’m exaggerating.  The truth of the matter is tip #2 plays into how I perceive my days – good or bad.  As a whole, I know in the end there will be far more good days than not.

I’m on a learning curve.  I learn quicker and grow faster with your encouraging feedback.  Please, share your tips to a successful blogging life.  Happy blogging!

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