Football Time in East Tennessee

With fall comes the famed sport – football! At our house, we have made it a tradition to make cookies to snack on while watching the game. Since moving to Knoxville three decades ago, we have grown into big UT Vols fan and when we can, we watch them play. We also like professional football. It’s hard to say which teams are our favorites because we like so many.  We watch whatever we can when it’s aired on broadcast TV. Yep, yep it’s true; we do not have cable or satellite TV. This is just our personal preference. Actually, it’s more so my husband’s preference than mine. He doesn’t like that the image gets reformatted when it comes through on our end. Don’t ask me about such things, I’m just here to savor the cookies and game. You will find, that  I’m usually…. I AM the loudest one in the room cheering my team to victory. Be prepared to cover your ears.

This weekend, I made Peanut Butter Cookies. I haven’t baked a batch of these in a long time. I didn’t have a recipe, so, I used Google and found this one: Peanut Butter Cookies from Simply Recipes

It wasn’t long before the aroma floated through the house and a sweet coziness washed over me. Baking cookies is one of the small pleasures that makes me say, “Life is indeed good.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could feel like this always?

Motorola Razr cell camera photo capture

The basic recipe was simple to follow and produced some yummy cookies.  I did alter the recipe slightly. I sprinkled sugar on top of half of the cookies before baking. The two kinds were equally good and a big hit with my guys. Bake a batch today and enjoy!



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