Be a friend and not just another blog hopper

The past several days have been totally consumed with visiting blogs. The blogging community is huge. I just never knew how big it was until I began blog hopping.  I love all the variety of Mommy blogs on the net. I feel like I’m visiting a friend as I read what is happening in another family’s life. For a SAHM or WAHM, then it is kind of nice to visit for a few minutes before moving on to my next friend’s house or in this case blog.

In participating in the blog hops, I am in turn getting support from other bloggers. This encouragement gives me a similar sense that pen palling gave me years ago – like-minded people coming together for a common cause.  With blogging,  you have world-wide platform to rant about life, or to educate your readers, or to inspire others with heart-felt stories. Interestingly, enough some bloggers develop a cash of loyal new friends who continually follow their blog.  The wave appears to be phenomenal with some bloggers. It’s almost infectious when you note 500, 700, 900, … followers listed on their site.  These are simply every day people like you and me.

Today, while you’re surfing the blogs, really connect with the author and his/her followers.  If you feel a kindred spirit, then follow the blogger and leave a pleasant comment of how much you  enjoyed their site or posts.  Be interactive,  not passively dropping your link in the comment box.  I know it’s overwhelming to build your blog and I can relate to your anxieties.  However, I know the longer you or I keep at it, the more people are exposed to our blogs and like good friends over the years your new followers will tally up steadily.

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