Happy Wednesday

Since being a SAHM, I never thought about Wednesdays as that proverbial hill known as “Hump Day”.  Somewhere along the way, it lost its luster for me. I remember Monday mornings from my past.  I got up with the rest of the working class and begin the daily grind by punching a time clock (not literary) but all I wanted was one more day of the weekend. By the time Wednesday came around, I felt a sense of relief wash over me knowing there were only two more work days left in the week. From that point forward, things became more tolerable because I knew the weekend would be coming.

As a SAHM, I don’t share those exact emotions. It’s not that I’m not looking forward to the weekend with the same gusto, I just don’t dread being at work as a stay at home mom. Being at home 24/7 allows me the leisure to do my chores than the working mother gets.  I am able to savor my tasks and can push aside or rearrange my to-do list at my choosing. I am the boss of my domestic domain.

Do I ever see myself returning to a ‘9 to 5’ job? No, I don’t miss Corporate America and never have.  I have no plans to going back, as long as I’m blessed with a wonderfully devoted and supportive husband.  He enjoys having me run the home front and I like it, too.

The weekend is coming and it’ll be good when it gets here.  This Happy Wednesday is for you!

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