Interviewing Artist, Leann Vineyard Cooper

Leann is the illustrator for my children’s story, THE TALE OF OLE GREEN EYES. When I began my quest in seeking an artist, I thought it would be a piece of cake so-to-speak. It was anything, but that. I was doing all the inquiring of artists and for a number of reasons the connection I was looking for was not met. Then one day out-of-blue, Leann sent me an email asking about the illustration position I had posted on one of local artist forums. We chatted over the phone and then met at Borders for coffee and tea. Our stories as stay-at-home moms and artists were a near identical match. It was nothing sort of awe-struck how God intervened into our lives. He placed stumbling blocks in my path to give Leann time to find my post. The Lord wanted us to be joined in this venture. Pour yourself a cup of tea, while you spend time with Leann Vineyard Cooper—as a mother, wife, and artist.





[Cathy] Many of my followers don’t know you, so why not set the pace by introducing yourself to my readers?

[Leann] I’m a wife, momma to three, and an artist. I’ve spent the past 20 years pouring all my time into raising my kids. Last October, I entered a book cover contest for Rick Warren’s new book, “The Hope You Need”. I didn’t win the contest, but I’ve been creating ever since. My favorite thing to do is pencil portraits, and I have had several commissions in the past year. It is my hope to help causes with my art. It is my desire to create artwork that is positive. I would like for people to be reminded through my art, that even though life will be hard at times, there is still hope. And I just love sweet tea! =)

[Cathy] I consider myself doodle artists and I dare say many others do, too. At one point did you know that you wanted to pursue art as a career?

[Leann] Ever since I’ve been a little girl, I’ve only ever wanted to be two things when I grew up, a mom and an artist. I’m blessed that God has allowed me to be aware of His dreams for me from a very early age.

[Cathy] What advice would you wish someone had been given to you, that you would like to share with other budding artists?

[Leann] I wish someone would have told me that you never lose your talent. While I was raising my kids, some people told me that if I didn’t use it, that I would lose it. Somewhere along the way, I began believing them. So much so, that when the time came that I should have begun drawing again, I believed I couldn’t. It took a big (gentle) shove by God to prove to me that I could still draw. So don’t believe the nay-sayers! You will not lose your talent. When the time is right, it will all fall in place.

[Cathy] Tell us about some of the special highlights with your artwork this year, such as the Grainger County Tomato Festival.

[Leann] This month will be the one-year anniversary of my official return to being an artist. This past year has been amazing! The things that God has done for me during this time have been so awesome and humbling to be a part of. One morning, last October, I had prayed and asking God what He wanted me to do with this talent He has given me. I knew He wanted me back in it, but there are so many options, I really didn’t know where to start. A few hours later, my husband called and told me about a book cover contest that he found out about on Twitter. It was for a new book by Rick Warren. “What is the title?” I asked. “The Hope You Need”, my husband replied. “What? Are you kidding?” I felt like God was speaking right to me. This was the hope I needed to begin drawing again. I began drawing right away, and just a few hours later, the drawing was complete.

Then one of my friends suggested that I try setting up at festivals selling prints of my originals. I set up at The Lavender Festival in Oak Ridge, and The Grainger County Festival. I received first place in the “Tomato” category, and first and second place in the “Drawing” category at the Tomato Festival. Also, I was interviewed by the Knoxville News Sentinel while there. One of the best things about the festivals is the chance to share with others and to hear their stories as well. At each festival, someone has always been moved to tears as they hear the story behind a piece. I have been blown away at how God has used the artwork to touch others. One particular girl stopped at my table and was drawn to “The Hope I Needed”. After telling her the story behind it, she shared with me how her husband had recently left her quite suddenly. She was devastated, but she felt like God had her in His hands. We both ended up in tears. When I went home and was telling my husband about it, I had an overwhelming feeling of awe for God. How can He use my hands, pencil, and paper to make a drawing that would touch someone in such a sweet way? I really don’t feel worthy to be a part of something so awesome.

Then, I was chosen to illustrate a children’s book, “The Tale of Ole Green Eyes”. Illustrating a children’s book is one of my dreams as an artist, so I am thrilled at this opportunity.
I entered the art exhibition and competition at the Tennessee Valley Fair. They awarded me first in “Drawing/people” category and first in “Painting/ still life”.

I have been invited to have an exhibition at “Cities Cupcake Boutique” in November. This will be my first ever solo exhibition, and I am so grateful for the opportunity!

I opened a shop on Etsy, a website devoted to artists and crafters. And I met a lady at the Grainger County Tomato Festival, who has invited me to set up at a holiday gala in December.

[Cathy] I’ve noticed on your Facebook Page that you have done paintings for charities. Do any of these hold a personal connection with you?

[Leann] Yes, they do. The dragonfly painting was created for an auction to raise money for the National Wildlife Federation. The money raised is to be used to help wildlife affected by the Gulf oil spill. I wanted to be a part of the auction because I feel that God has called us to care for the earth and all living creatures. The butterfly painting was done to raise money for a Lupus Foundation. My interest in that is more personal. My cousin, Elliott, was diagnosed with Lupus just after graduating from high school. Also, Lupus is a disease the doctors think I may have.

[Cathy] At this time, do you have more plans for other charities or contests?

[Leann] Yes, I have had several ideas I would like to pursue. I have been diagnosed with Graves Disease, Sweets Syndrome, and suffer from neuropathy. I will be looking into ways to help raise money to benefit research in these areas.

I am presently working with the parents of “Sophie”, the baby in the drawing on my website. They have given me permission to sell prints, but I will be donating all profits to a charity of their choosing.

On a local level, I will be contacting “The Hope Research Center” and the “Amachi” program, to find ways that I can use my artwork to help raise money for them.

[Cathy] Do you have local spots for our readers in Knoxville to check out your artwork?

[Leann] At the present time, I don’t have artwork on display here in town. I will have the exhibit I mentioned earlier at “Cities Cupcake Boutique”, in November. It is my hope to find other places to display work in the coming year.

[Cathy] Where can we see your work online?

[Leann] You can find me on the web at:

Leann’s Art
Leann’s Art (Etsy Shop)
Leann’s Art (Facebook Page)
Leann’s Art (on Zazzle)

I would like to thank you for taking time, to visit with Leann and I hope you’ll decide to check her websites out. She’s truly a talented artist. You can continue to visit my blog to learn the preliminary news of my book’s launch date, which is only weeks away. God bless!



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