I Want Wednesdays – Slow life down and weekly wants

It’s hump day again and with it comes, I Want Wednesdays Blog Hop question challenge. I hope you’ll decide to play along. It’s really cool getting to know each other reading little tidbits each week. Now, here’s this week’s questions and my answers!

1.  What part of your life do you want to slow down?  When my children were small, then this would have been an easy thing for me to respond to. I would have wanted those moments to slow down, but now that they are grown or nearly grown, then I’d have to say just life in general. The days slip into years almost like a blink of an eye. Just look, here it is October…almost mid-October at that. Before we know it, the holidays will zing in on us and then will be gone. Oh sigh, is this the magic of growing older or what? If so, then I want no part of it. =D

2.  What else do you want this week?  My biggie for this week is to get the last of book rewrites finished and approved, my book cover synopsis completed, write my bio for my publisher, and get a photo taken for my web page done before the end of the week. Plus, I’m looking forward to spending some quality one-on-one time with my husband.
Thanks for joining me!



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