Arthritis Self-Help

People are living longer than ever before.  This is largely due to the advancements in medicine and our general health knowledge to care for ourselves properly through exercise, diet, and nutritional supplements.  However, despite our ability to offset some health issues, others can not always be averted.  I read various forms of this disease affects 40 million Americans.  There’s a good chance, if you’re reading this post, then you’re like me, you know someone affected by arthritis.

Degenerative arthritis or better known as osteoporosis is the most common form of arthritis.  This afflicts millions of people and sadly goes unnoticed for years. Unfortunately, with osteoporosis, there is little pain associated with the disease in the early stages and may inhabit a person’s body for years before a fractured bone or cracked vertebrae alerting your doctor there’s a problem.  Osteoporosis affects more women than men and can strike at any age.  This disease seems to stem from vitamin deficiencies: A, D, K, calcium, and magnesium.  According to my Internet finds, there are medications that can cause osteoporosis.  Be sure to consult your physician about this issue. WebMD reports certain medical conditions such as lactose intolerance, lupus, asthma, diabetes, and anorexia can lead to problems with osteoporosis.  Something I discovered which doesn’t relate to me, but I realize a good number of other people this may, but alcohol consumption may affect the development of osteoporosis.  Key elements to lower your risk factor with osteoporosis is a healthy diet, exercise, and plenty of sunshine. Remember the best time to be in the sunshine without worry of harmful UV is when the sun is less intense between the hours of 11 am – 3 pm.

The second most common form of this disease is rheumatoid arthritis.  Early warning signs include joint pain, stiffness, and fatigue, as well as low-grade fevers with accompanying weight loss which is the result of an autoimmune disorder that causes joint damage and eventually deformity.  Sometimes overlapping symptoms with such illnesses as lupus, this medical problem is more serious which can cause organ damage or overall all poor health.   Early diagnosis and treatment through medical care and healthy lifestyle changes is the most successful way to treating rheumatoid arthritis. These things can increase the chances of the disease going into remission, otherwise if not properly diagnosed soon enough, then degeneration of the disease will leave its victim immobile with a little hope of improvement.

Unlike osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis does not have prevention treatment.  Diet and exercise may help to slow some of the damage to joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis.   In general, medicine therapy is preferred for reducing inflammation linked to this condition and since there are various stages of this illness, then management of medicines vary from stage to stage.  Unfortunately, there is no known cure for this disease but catching symptoms early can provide relief and a way to handle problems throughout the patient’s life.

Educating oneself is the best approach to deal with osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis.  Controlling the elements in your life such as diet and exercise can be beneficial in giving some relief in symptoms that these diseases may cause its patients. Medication can be helpful, especially in severe cases. However, keep an open mind to alternative treatments and one dairy farmer’s discovery and look for solutions that may, in the end, cause fewer complications than pharmaceutical products.

For exercise tips, please read Got Arthritis? 5 Exercises That Relieve Pain.




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