Meet Me On Monday – Cruises to Scouts

This week’s MMoM Questions and my responses:

1. Have you ever been on a cruise?  No, I have NEVER been on a cruise before and if I weren’t such a big yellow liver heart chicken then I’d love to sail across the ocean. It sounds so romantic! I’d especially love to take an Alaskan cruise.  That would be so breathless! However, unless I can morph into a mermaid, should another Titanic episode plays out, then I’m not going to go sailing anytime soon. This I can assure you. Am I a coward or what?

2. What is your favorite way to eat eggs?  Mmm, I love omelets. My favorite variety would be a western style omelet, but I often times do not have bacon or green peppers on hand. So, I usually throw in some onions, tomato dices, and cheddar cheese. Now that’s pretty tasty, too! 

3. What is your favorite reading material?  Undoubtedly magazines are my favorite reading choice. I, like Java, just don’t seem to have the time to devote to a novel unlike years past.  My mind is too easily distracted with anything very long, but magazine articles hold my attention. I feel like I’m getting that extra something out of printed literature that all the other adults find with their noses stuck in an interesting mystery or romantic epic. 

4. Name all the pets that you have ever had? A dog named Sugarfoot that I had when I was a little girl. I can’t remember the breed but I’m sure it was a mutt.  We had a chihuahua when I was a pre-teen named Prissy, I had a red-striped cat named Fred when I was 15 years old. My husband who was then my boyfriend came up with that name. After we got married, our first pet was a kitten who we named Gravy because she liked gravy.  Aren’t we creative? The last pet was a cat named Christopher.  Wait…my kids had a couple of kittens my daughter rescued from a dumpster: Biscuit and Butter.  

5. Were you ever a girl/boy scout? I was a girl scout back in the early 70s. That was a wonderful period for me.  Our scout leader was a wonderful lady who cared and tried to give us a variety of activities despite our limited resources in southern WV.

Copy these questions into your Monday post and share your answers with your followers. This is a great way to get to know one another. If you’re interested in joining participating, then visit Java’s blog.



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