Meet Me On Monday – Sushi to Christmas shopping

I’m joining Java at Never Growing Old for this week’s Meet Me on Monday Q&A:

1. Do you eat Sushi? Sushi, are you kidding? No way! Anything that can slip and slide around in my mouth is not a welcome treat unless it’s Jello.
2. What kind of bath soap do you use? My skin is very sensitive, so I must keep to Ivory.  I have no adverse reaction to using it and it’s really inexpensive, too.
3. How often do you talk to your Mom? I don’t talk with my mother often enough. Perhaps once or twice per/month.
4. What TV shows do you watch on a regular basis? Dancing with the Stars and The Apprentice are our favorite TV shows. I wish they’d put The Celebrity Apprentice back on. I like that one the best between the two.
5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet? You’re gonna hate me, but I shop Christmas year-round, so I’m nearly done with only one gift left to buy. 


Now, it’s your turn. You can respond in comments or create your own post and link up.  Have fun and happy Monday!

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