Meet Me On Monday – How many pillows to favorite seafood

It’s time for Meet Me On Monday Blog Hop hosted by our very lovely Java from Never Growing Old.  Take a moment to hop over to her site!
Today’s questions with my responses:

1. How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep with only one pillow and sometimes not that, as I like laying completely flat.  I’ve read pillows aren’t the best for your back because it changes your spine. However, I do prefer to use a firm pillow, as anything too soft causes me problems. 


2. Where will you eat on Thanksgiving? At my in-laws! My mother-in-law is a fabulous cook, but that’s beside the point.  We love gathering in the warmth of our family, as this is one of the rare times we can all join together to catch up one another’s lives. 

3. Would you rather go to a party or host a party? Actually, neither.  I’m not a party person. However, if it’s a private party for my immediate family – husband and children, then I’m delighted to play host.

4. How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own? Hmmm, at least half a dozen or maybe less. 

5. What is your favorite kind of seafood? I love seafood, but I have such problems eating it usually.  But, if I had to pick then it would be lobster…Maine lobster!

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