Meet Me on Monday – Steak preference to scheduling trips

I’m linking with Java in her weekly hop Meet Me on Monday with my answers to these questions.


1. How do you order your steak?  As much as I like steak this is the last thing I want to order.  I prefer to get chicken.  Most restaurants are reluctant to prepare my steak as I want, which is well done.  I don’t like my beef to be pink at all.  I prefer grilling my steak at home where I know it’s done absolutely right.



2. Are you superstitious about anything?   Nah, I’m not superstitious about anything but when I was a kid I felt certain that Friday the 13th held impending misfortune for me.



3. Who is your best friend (not including your spouse)? Totally unfair, Java! Like, who am I going to put down here? My husband is my absolutely best friend. {scratch head} Okay if the truth is known, I have many good friends and most of them are pen pals or email pal but a lot of my friends are on Facebook–some new & many are classmates from bygone days. Nonetheless, I feel a real kindling with my old classmates, as if we haven’t missed a beat from our childhood. I can’t narrow it down to one.



4. When is the last time you wore a dress (for the guys…a suit)? In October.  My husband and I had a couple of weeks to goof off just the two of us. We had a lot of date nights where my husband spoiled me with a lot of dining out. That was my opportunity to dress up like a princess.  Yes, I feel like Cinderella when we are given these alone times to spin our heels and have a little fun while Mommy plays dress up.




5. Do you have any trips scheduled? If I had a trip scheduled, I don’t believe I’d broadcast it across the Internet for everyone to know.  Mind you, most people are casually here to read my blog but there are cyber thieves out there waiting for a chance to find out who’s NOT going to be home.  These cats are a 100 times smarter than  me and I don’t think I want to give them any more of an advantage than they already have. Paranoid? Maybe, but I’m not about to take that chance.



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