
27-03-2025 Vol 19

Ordinary People

Saturday 9 is proudly sponsored by Crazy Sam

ORDINARY PEOPLE (2005) ~ John Legend

1) In this song, John Legend sings that both he and his girl have “room to grow.” What about you? In what areas would you like to improve? My art skills.  I reconnected with my hidden artist side in 2017.  Nearly each day since I’ve challenged myself to push myself and while I’ve seen growth, I know there’s still room for improvement.

2) He sings that when he hangs up in anger, she calls him back. Are you quicker to anger, or quicker to forgive?  I’m definitely quicker to forgive.

3) “Ordinary People” was John Legend’s first big hit. He originally wrote it for The Black Eyed Peas, but — happily for him — recorded it himself. Have you ever purchased a gift for someone else but then decided to keep it yourself?  Right now nothing comes to mind.  Generally, I buy others things that I already like or have with the hope the person I’m gifting the item will enjoy it as much as I do.

4) Ordinary People is also the title of an acclaimed novel by Judith Guest and an Oscar-winning film. Are you familiar with either the movie or the book? I have not read the book or seen the movie but I know the name.

5) John is married to Chrissy Teigen, who gained fame as a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. When is the last time you dove in? Were you in a pool, lake, river or sea? The closest I’ve come is getting into a hot tub several years ago. 

6) John unexpectedly proposed to Chrissy on vacation, but he was afraid airport security would ruin the surprise when they went through his carry on very thoroughly. He worried she would see the ring box and he’d have to drop down to one knee right there at the airport! Tell us about one of your flights: your first, your most recent or your most memorable.  I have never been on an airplane.

7) John is currently a coach on The Voice. The other coaches are Nick Jonas, Kelly Clarkson and Blake Shelton. Of those four singers, which is your favorite? Blake Shelton

8) In 2005, when this song was popular, Johnny Carson died. After he retired from The Tonight Show in 1993, he traveled extensively and discovered he especially enjoyed photographic safaris in Africa. If time and money were no object, where would you go on vacation?  I’d love to travel across America, maybe even see parts of Canada.  I’m not sure about going anywhere that requires plane or boat passage.  I prefer to travel by car.

9) Random question — In your typical day, what’s the longest you usually go without saying a word to another person: all day, a few hours, an hour, or five minutes? A few hours or longer.

I’m MIA in Blogosphere on the weekends generally but I decided on the spur of the moment yesterday afternoon to answer these questions and share with you just for fun.  You’re welcome to leave a comment but it’s not necessary.  Have a sensational Saturday!  Don’t forget to boogie with me on Monday’s Music Moves Me with whatever songs move you for your choice song picks week.  X💋X💋, Cathy

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4 thoughts on “Ordinary People

    1. Mimi,

      Traveling by car does take longer but it’s worth it to me. Someday, I might change my mind and then perhaps traveling by air won’t be such a big deal to me. 🙂

  1. Those were good answers. Late night pretty much died after Johnny Carson did. I hope you have a fabulous weekend.

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