Normally, you would find Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sundays but I’m changing things up for the new year. I’m moving the 4M dance floor back to it’s original time slot but for those participating you can still join the linky early at the bottom.
I’m setting Sunday’s aside to share spiritually inspiring mewsic. I want today to be a time of reflection and relaxation. I thought about dismissing comments but I know some of y’all like to let me know that you stopped by. Trust me, you don’t have to do that and it won’t hurt my feelings in the least.
This month’s 4M honorary co-hostess suggested for our first Monday in the new month/year to be songs that focus on ‘new beginnings’. I’m going to pull a contemporary Christians music selection from the Odyssey article I shared with you on Thursday. After all ‘new beginnings’ are transformations we can all can relate to and as a child of God I know purrsonally the transformation of Jesus’ love for me.
Go ahead, link up below but remember one thing this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a NOT a post about mewsic or mewsicians. Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.
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Don’t forget to return tomorrow to boogie with me on the Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me dance floor!

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How grateful i am that His love never runs out on me, or any of us.
You and me both! God’s love never ceases.
Thank you, Cathy for your words. I feel like you truly got me. I too pulled a song of new beginnings in Jesus this week. I felt like doing the whole blog but decided to go broader in the sense too.
I am glad for the change back to Monday and I will be doing the same as of next week. Since people look for the posting on sunday night, I will do it this week but I will join you on Inspirational Sundays when I remember. lol
Carry on my friend.
When I think of new beginnings my mind always takes me to Jesus. It’s through Him we all can start again. His love is amazing! Feel free to visit and join in the fun anytime you want, dearie. There are no rules or limitations with Songsational Sunday. It’s more or less something to keep me focused more on God’s love and blessings. I never forget but the week days can get hectic causing me to drift away from the simple joys that only come from Jesus.
Interesting to hear this version–I’ve never heard a recording of this song but I know it well since our praise team sings it often. This version is nice, but actually I prefer the way our worship leader does it. We’ve got really a great worship team for being such a small church–three fantastic musicians including our keyboardist Tom Keene who has produced, arranged, and played on albums by many top performers. I wish they’d put up some of their music on YouTube so I could share it.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
‘One Thing Remains’ was new-to-me and I would like to listen to other covers of this beautiful song. That’s too bad the worship team at your church doesn’t have their mewsic on YT. Have you suggested that they do this? It would be a great ministry. Mewsic speaks to the heart when everything else fails. Incidentally, I Googled ‘Tome Keene’ just to see what I’d get when I discovered another mewsician with the same name, a pop artist from the 80s who died in 2017. Obviously that’s not the same guy but by chance is your Tom Keene the mewsic arranger of the song, ‘You Are My Hiding Place’? Have a blessed week, my friend!
Yes , there was a pop musician by the same name, but our Tom Keene has been around even longer. He is now about 75 years old. He did do “You Are My Hiding Place” on his instrumental album from @ 1990–an album that I’ve been told is the number one instrumental praise album of all time–as well as the 1980 version with the Maranatha Singers.
Hopefully our band will someday make some video versions of their songs though the leader–George Sabolick, the brother of Joe Sabolick who wrote the well-known song “Come Just as You Are”–is always playing somewhere it seems so he stays very busy. Maybe when the church gets their sound system updated they will start at least video taping the services including the music.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Thanks for letting me know. ‘You Are My Hiding Place’ is a beautiful arrangement. ‘Come Just as You Are’ sounds familiar, after listening to the Maranatha! Promise Band on YT I recognized the song. That’s so cool your church has this kind of talent.
Nice lyrics:)
Thank you for visiting, darling Kinga!
Change is good and so is that song. Here’s to inspirational Sunday!
Spiritual change is always good.
Hi, Cathy!
Just letting you know I stopped by. It will require a major adjustment for me to get used to 4-M Mondays on Mondays, but I shall try.
I appreciate the song of faith and inspiration you posted. It is important for all of us to remember that “you never walk alone”… so “walk on.”
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone
Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!
I’m sorry for the switch-up but I’ve wanted to move 4M back for a long time now and while I’ve temporarily put it up on Mondays I’d always go back to 4M on Sunday. I appreciate your spirit to try to make the adjustment and I’m sure once you get back into the groove then it’ll feel good to ya. The lyrics you shared are beautiful and words I couldn’t place, so I checked in with Google to discover this is a song by Gerry & The Peacemakers from 1963. It was a number one hit song, so I’m not sure why I don’t recall it. Usually these oldies that do well in the charts I’ve heard but not this one. Thanks for the introduction and visit, my friend. Have a blessed week!