I’m joining Les from Time Out For Mom for Tuesday Coffee Chat with this morning’s prompt: One thing I would like to accomplish in 2015 is…
I usually have a set of goals kinda sketched out in my mind that I want to shoot for in the new year, but this year…I haven’t even so much as done that. It’s not that I don’t have aspirations to work toward because I truly do. In fact something which nagged me the better part of last year, I decided this weekend to change in order to help with the one thing I want to accomplish in 2015.
The one thing I want to most to carry out this new year is to get back on track with daily posts. At some point, I fell by the wayside in keeping with up this task because I became overwhelmed with the blogging grind. Unfortunately, the perpetrator was of my own doing. Simply put, I was spreading myself too thin. Instead of enjoying what I was doing, I felt a lack of attachment to what I was putting together. I was just going through the motions. That’s not cool!
The whole reason for starting my blog in 2010 was to build momentum and recognition on the web as an author of literature for children, but along the way my priorities shifted or perhaps it was the realization that being a kiddie-lit writer isn’t my forte after all.
Maybe it’s not my calling to be an author of literature, but I do have a need to share with others and it’s my hope through my daily posts this year that I find a new purpose and direction with my blogging.
What’s the one thing you’d like to do in 2015?
That’s a wrap for this morning. I’m hopping over to Stacy’s for Random Tuesday Thoughts and you’re welcome to join me, if you want. Have a terrific Tuesday!
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I think you will do what you set your mind to, especially if you have the time.
I loved this post Cathy. Yes when blogging is no longer fun or seems like a job it is good to take a break. It is hard blogging and writing and connecting with people. Wishing you all the best for a happy and healthy 2015. Take care.
Get outta my head! LOL! Seriously, Cathy – you wrote exactly what I was thinking for wanting to get back into my previously fun groove of blogging, not this ‘phoning it in’ thing I’ve been doing for a while now.
It used to be so much fun and fulfilling, now it seems like so much work. And once something becomes work, it’s no longer fun. Let’s bring the fun back! We can do this! Here’s to 2015 being our year of reawakening of fun! 
Thanks for joining in on the random, too – you are awesome!!!
Wow, I’m glad that you think I’m awesome. But…I don’t feel so awesome sometimes. Here’s to feeling more awesome in 2015! Whoo-hoo! Thanks for the encouragement. You really know how to lift a gal’s spirits! Hugs!
I want to focus more on blogging too. I just dont feel the cofidence of creativeness.
I could really relate to this. I have struggled with blogging, memes/hops, and “me”. I have felt disconnected. I hope to get back to it!
I’m definitely all about improving my physical health this year. I think if I can do that, mostly everything else will fall into place
That’s the ONE thing, but one of my other goals was also to post more often. I’m trying to get comfortable with that, too. Good luck to you in 2015!
Yep, improving physical health is a priority in my life, as well. If I just find a middle ground then like you I know everything else will work out. Best of luck to us both this year to feeling better!
I am loving how we all feel the pull of getting back to what we first loved about Blogging. back to the roots as others have said. Blogging can be a very time consuming thing – especially with regards to Time. I want to read all the bloggers I love, I want them to read me: but where does that leave time for actual writing done by all of us? We have to be forgiving of each other and allow for the Creative Process to be fully realized. I certainly will never be offended because someone didn’t have time to read my blog, return a comment, or join my Chat: it’s all what you have time to do. I am happy to see everyone when they can drop by. I am happy to be part of their own journey.
I love that we all are inspiring one another to be the best we can!
It’s kinda refreshing to see so many of us who are thinking alike for the new year. I decided to leave my co-host spot on 4M, but I won’t stop dancing. I just want to find a way to incorporate music with my writing life. This will be a good first step for me. I hope you and I are able to find our way back to our more creative sides this year!
I don’t like to make “resolutions” anymore either. In fact, I find that if I make them set THINGS, I shy away from doing them. Which is weird, I KNOW. So this year, I have made it a point to just write down goals – daily, monthly, long-term – and then keep referring to that page. I am trying to be mindful each day of how to accomplish things… any thing, really. And I find that so far, six days in, I am doing a pretty good job!
I like your goal as well. I am using my blog to write my memoirs a little bit at a time. It also helps me because so many other bloggers are sharing their memories with me. Hopefully other bloggers will inspire you as well.
I like you goal, Cathy. Kind of back to the roots to find new focus. I wish you the best of luck with accomplishing it in this new year.