
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Oh, Child Let It Go because it’s time to Start Over Again + BOTB results


Ooh Child The Five Stairsteps


Thank you for including me in your Monday, kittens & dawgs! ? My friend, XmasDolly who puts on the Monday’s Music Moves Me ? linky party is a bit short-handed and I volunteered to co-host as long for as long as she needs me.  You’re invited to hit the dance floor.  The theme this week is “your choice”.

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Let It Go Tim Mcgraw



Start Over Again Addison Road


How’s the new year treating you so far? What mewsic are you tuned into today? ?

One more thing, if you’re the creative type and looking for more memes to connect with then Impulsive Artistry hosts the Monday meme Feeling Inspired? where you can share your photography, crafts, mewsic, and more posts.

In last week’s June in January #BOTB showdown it really wasn’t much of a battle because one artist led the entire time.  I appreciate everyone who took the time to vote.  The outcome between Julie London and Dean Martin swung heavily in favor of Ms. London giving her a decisive victory! Apparently, the majority including myself were swayed by her vocal charm! 😉 This is Curious as a Cathy signing off with one more vintage recording by Julie.


Sway Julie London


I hope to see y’all back for a not-so Wordless Wednesday!

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23 thoughts on “Oh, Child Let It Go because it’s time to Start Over Again + BOTB results

  1. Looks like I picked the wrong horse. That’s okay, Julie’s version was fabulous. I just have a “thing” for Dino. 🙂 It’s been years since I heard Ooh Child. Thanks for the nostalgia kick!

    1. Debbie, I love Dino, too! His voice is so smooth. The old guys like Dino had a certain charm about them that pulled the ladies in which is so different from today’s mewsicians. I’d love to see this style make its way back again.

      1. Dean Martin was even better than Frank, IMO and his personality more likeable. There are lots of modern-day crooners, Cathy. Harry Connick Jr. pretty much resurrected that genre and now Michael Bublé is king of the heap. He’s fabulous! 🙂

        1. Debbie, I liked Martin better than Sinatra better, too. Harry and Michael are good modern day crooners. There have been a few other less known artists to pop up on talent shows that I liked but vanished. I’m glad we have Connick and Bublé to break that everyday sound. Thanks for reminding me and for providing this excellent vid!

  2. HiYa, CATHY ~
    I absolutely LOVE that song ‘Ooh Child’. The thing gets stuck in my head so easily though that now I’ll be singing and humming it for the rest of the night.

    Lots of BOTB blowouts recently. Mine was close, but most weren’t.

    I had wanted to get back to your BOTB installment to add another comment but it just didn’t happen. I had wanted to say that this bit about Dean Martin being a big drinker is really mostly a myth. That image was part of his persona (I do a similar thing — always joking about booze).

    Many celebrities have said that they never saw Dean-O without a drink in his hand. But the truth of the matter is that several people who knew him well (I think Sinatra may have been one of them) said that Dean-O drank but he really didn’t drink much. He’d stand around all night at a party with THE SAME drink in his hand. This gave everyone the impression he was a major boozer (a shtick he promoted). But really, at an all-night party, he might have only two drinks — sipping from them very slowly, but mostly using them as “props”.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Check out my new blog @
    (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…

    1. Stephen, I read somewhere years ago about Dino using his cocktail as a prop but I also think I recall reading that he might have been an alcoholic. I don’t know but when he sang on his TV show he did not sing like a drunk. Looking back on it, I believe a lot of was just a charade to fit the times and what people expected or wanted to see in Dino and others. He capitalized on it as a selling point. I always liked him. I appreciate you coming by for a visit and yes, I’ll check out your new blog right now. Have a good day, my friend!

    1. Ellen, Tim McGraw is a talented singer. Did you know he can act, too? He did a great job starring in the movie, The Blindside. I didn’t recognize him without his cowboy hat. lol

  3. Haven’t heard “O-oh Child” in years. That was big the summer before I started high school. I think I had a copy of it, in fact.

    Julie London…. mmmmmmm….

  4. Happy New Year to you Cathy!

    I am glad to dance with you again.

    I’ve always liked that song Sway. Would be a good dance.

    Have a blessed week my dear woman!

  5. Cathy, I love how you jumped all over the place today! Tim McGraw he’s just too sexy for his own good. Sure keeps Faith on her toes don’t it? bwahahaha Then this last one when women were women and they were sexy without too much trouble. Great choices my friend… you go girl… have a great… fantastic week. We’re having our Christmas on the 14th so I have to hussle all week… woo hoo

    1. What’s that? You’re having Christmas again so soon?! It’s hard to get everyone together these days. Have a good time with the family. Blogosphere can wait on ya! 😉

  6. Hi, Cathy!

    I enjoyed your mewsical theme of second chances and starting over again. I well remember that hit by The Five Stairsteps, but the other two songs were brand new to my ears. I enjoyed the big country sound of Tim McGraw and the positive affirmation offered by Addison Road, the Christian rock band out of Dallas. I might add another favorite along those lines, “It’s Never Too Late,” a 1969 hit single by Steppenwolf.

    The outcome of your BOTB came as no surprise. I like Julie London’s version better and I’m happy to learn that your ears matched mine. I also enjoyed her version of the oft recorded song “Sway.” In my collection I have a hit version of “Sway” by Bobby Rydell and I have also heard the cover by The Pussycat Dolls.

    Thanks for the entertainment, dear friend Cathy, and have a great week!

    1. Tom, thank you for popping over this morning to enjoy the new tunes and to learn how my last BoTB went down. It’s a chilly start this Monday but warmer conditions are on the way. Yea-haw! Have a good week, my friend!

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