Odd René Andersen and BOTB Results

I delayed publishing this morning’s post to tally last week’s BOTB votes to report the results. I’ll share that in a moment but right now, let me say, Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!

This week’s theme is whatever music moves you! Previously on freebie week, I shared the winner from my April 1st BOTB in the spotlight on the dance floor.  Today, I wanted to perk your ears with another contender in that battle, Odd René Andersen and his album Soul City!







To access the party, add your music post below, and visit others on the dance floor. Let the party begin! 

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.

Okay now for the battle results from my Beatles Greatest Hits series featuring I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND Al Green vs Lakeside.  


I made a goof in my BOTB post on the results date. Hopefully no one will miss the news of the outcome. Before I tell you how everything went, let me tell you I liked Lakesides harmonizing vocals and bluesy gospel-like flavor and gave them my vote.  Now moving on, it probably isn’t going to be surprised to read that Lakeside hammered Al Green badly in this battle.  Luckily, it wasn’t a shutout.  Here’s how the votes fell.

Al Green – John “Thanks!”

Lakeside – Brian, Debbie Sandee, Mary, Birgit, Ellen, Mimi, Stephen, Ed, Diedre, Alana, Lee, Me

There you have it, Lakeside won!  I appreciate everyone who took part in the voting process. My next battle is set for the first of August. One more time, let’s listen to Lakeside singing, “I Want To Hold Your Hand”!

When I find the time I like to borrow the Friendly Fill-ins.  Here’s how I responded to this week’s blank statements.
1. My favorite beverage to drink when it is hot out is ice cold orange juice overall, especially after doing yard work but there are times when a creamy frozen milkshake will do.
2. My favorite summer activity is relaxing somewhere it’s cool. However, when I was a kid I would’ve said swimming and perhaps if we had a pool it would still be a favorite.
3. I’m grateful that I have the freedom to do a lot of things in America that other citizens in other countries may only dream about.
4. If I don’t write things down, I’ll forget what I need to do.


I love comments but while I’m on a blogging break I encourage you if you can to click the “like” button or leave an emoji in comments instead.  That’s all I need to know that you stopped by.  Have a boogietastic week!



Brushstrokes paint setting Gloss2 – adjustment vibrance increased)

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9 thoughts on “Odd René Andersen and BOTB Results”

  1. CAThy ~

    Hokey-Smoke & Hoot Gibson! You got dangerously close to a shutout. (Methinx you owe John “The Shutout Killer” a favor.)

    Funny, I’m not used to being on the ‘Winning’ side (not that it bothers me in the least, doggone it! 😉 But this time I was on the WAY WINNING SIDE!

    Keep the A-list Attitude, my friend, and I’ll be back faster’n you can say “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”.

    ~ STMcDogG

  2. Terrific battle, Cathy! My battle leaned like an old shed, but I’m always glad when no one gets left out 😉
    Sweet Tea for me, but I’ll always drink a Strawberry milkshake 😉

  3. Odd Anderson did a pretty good job with those covers! 🙂 Glad you avoided the dreaded shutout! My battle was pretty lopsided too, but so it goes…

    It sure would be nice to have a pool. Dream on, dream on…

    So true that many people in the world have a much worse quality of life. We are fortunate, indeed!

    I think many of us are at the stage where we need to write things down! I once forgot a doctor’s appointment, and they charged me for the no-show.

    Happy Summer, Cathy! ☀️

  4. Orange Juice is always the perfect drink. That song is so very cool. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  5. Nice drawing. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. A frozen milkshake would be nice right now. 🙂 XO

  6. A landslide this week.

    I love your fill-ins. I can so relate to all of them.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  7. Loved listening to all the music here. Glad the majority won but also glad it wasn’t a shut out.
    My favourite drink no matter the season, is Orange juice mixed with soda water. It gives a nice fizz and I find it thirst quenching.
    My favourite pastime..in the summer..hmm…being able to sit outside, read and be in my secret garden. Mind you, I find it too hot to do this. Same as you, when I was a kid, I loved being in the pool.
    We have things too good that many people forget that what we have should never be thought of as an entitlement but a gift. We can say what we want…unless we would live in Florida ( sorry:)) we have the right to vote, women can vote and not be forced to wear anything we don’t agree with and be killed because we disagree. I’m so thankful not to be in a place where I don’t have rights.
    I am with you, I need post it notes to remember.

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