
19-03-2025 Vol 19

New site layout to summer song anthem music

Good-afternoon, kittens & dawgs! You probably noticed that I’m changing things up a bit on my site. About once a year, I feel like I need a change. The new layout may or may not stick, but I have to try something new because if I don’t it will drive me INSANE! Yeah, I know it’s hard to tell the difference if you don’t know me very well. But, I do get a little crazier than usual until I get these sorts of things out of my system. Can you relate?

I’m joining Les from Time Out For Mom for Tuesday Coffee Chat a day late and for the first time in a long, long time. This week’s prompt: Do you have a go to Summer Song, or do you find a new one each Season?

I don’t have one. I like music because I like it. It doesn’t matter what the season is, but oddly mid-summer one song tends to play over and over inside my head… Silly Love Song. It always makes me think of summers long ago. However, if I have to pick a said “Summer Song” then I think it’s gotta be this one just because it’s so fun!


I really, really, really like this song! OH, yeah… and YOU! 😉  That’s a wrap. I’m gonna link up with Stacy for Random Tuesday Thoughts on Wednesday. I know she won’t judge me for being late and besides who cares what day it is because any day of the week is a good time to get random, right? If you’re looking for my #WW post, then click here!  Have a fantastic day whatever day it may be!




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12 thoughts on “New site layout to summer song anthem music

  1. that is so catchy!!! I love it. Definitely going to have to end that to my summer playlist.
    and Tom Hanks!!! hello there — I wondered where he’d been lately.
    dialing the wrong number on those phones tho… the worst.

    1. You know, I don’t know what’s become of Tom Hanks. I checked IMDb and it looks like a lot of his recent work is as an executive producer. What does that really mean anyhow? I watched Larry Crowne (2011) recently and this appears to be his last starring movie. Oh yeah, using a rotary dial phone is soooo slow! My FIL still have one of these relics AND it works.

  2. Love the new design so far, Cathy! I’ve been thinking it’s time for a change over at my place soon, too. And I giggled when I saw Liz’s comment about rearranging the furniture – I used to do that (particularly in our last house when I needed to make room for the giant Christmas tree). Here in our new house we’re limited on where the furniture can be, so no rearranging for me. But that won’t stop me from changing out decor on a whim, like getting new pictures and wall hangings since the ones I had were from the 90’s and needed to be changed. 😉

    I LOVE that Carly Rae Jepsen song – love it! 🙂

    And yes, it’s never too late to link up with random! Thanks so much for joining in! 🙂

    Camping Fun on a Pontoon with One More Drinkin’ Song for Summertime and RTT Rebel Coffee Chat.

  3. I stated in your music post that I like your new theme, I am the same I constantly tweak here and there heheh! but this change looks quite major I hope it all went well? seems like it did.

    I do like Carly Rae Jepson first time seeing this vid though 🙂

    I hope you tweak the theme as you want it good luck 🙂

    1. Steve, it went fairly well. It’s still a work-in-progress, but for now I’m pretty happy with it. I’m running really late with all of my visits this week, but thanks for stopping by again.

  4. Do you have to rearrange the furniture in your house periodically, too? Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes a little change is good for the soul.

    1. Liz, years ago I did rearrange the furniture, but now it’s just too heavy to bother. lol Website layout rearranging is far easier and funnier! 😉

  5. Cathy – love the new site layout! What a great song! had me smiling all the way though. Yeah, nothing beats the old phones for hanging up! Ha!

    1. Dixie, glad you liked the song and new layout. I totally remember slamming retro handset down many times. lol I wonder how people do it today? Throw their cell phones on the ground? I should think not, but you just never know anymore.

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